Attractions that should NEVER leave WDW....Ever!


New Member
Neer Touch

1. Spaceship Earth

2. Fantasmic ( updates are good)

3. American Adventure

4. Haunted Mansion ( Update)

5. Carosel of Progress ( only update last scene)


Well-Known Member
We all grew up with lots of attractions at WDW. For some reason, certain "special" ones are more near and dear to our hearts than others.

What three attractions do you feel should NEVER be fully replaced at WDW? (If they were, WDW would just not feel the same for you,.... even if they replaced it with something else really cool)

Given that criteria, WDW would not feel the same to me without:
1. Space Mountain
2. MuppetVision 3D
3. Kilimanjaro Safaris


Well-Known Member
Re: Neer Touch

Originally posted by wdwkid17
5. Carosel of Progress ( only update last scene)

O.K. I am not trying to start a flame war or anything but like every other post is about keeping but updating only a lil of CoP. How many of you know that this is a big change from the show when it started at WDW? It is also IMHO diffrent then the one that opened in the 64' worlds fair? So the show most of you are saying not to touch is the newest version. While I understand taht the show has stayed very much the same in story line (Progress) the overall show has changed more then just slightly. Heck even the main tune has been changed, if something like this happened at PoC or HM everyone would flip for years. Just something to think about.

My 2 cents,


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Neer Touch

Originally posted by Jerm
if something like this happened at PoC or HM everyone would flip for years. Just something to think about.
COP is one of those attractions is one of those that MUST update every now and then.


New Member
1. It's A Small World
2. Carousel of Progress
3. Fantasmic!

The only one that I am concerned will close in the near future is CoP. I think IASW will always be there. Fantasmic! will be there for a long time. I also think that IllumiNations will last a long time.


New Member
I mentioned this in another forum....

I'm getting really sick of people generalizing about teens not appreciating the magic of what WDW is really all about. I'm 17 years old and frankly I still believe in Horizons and World of Motion and Figment and Dreamflight and the way Tomorrowland used to be.

Just keep in mind that some of us whippersnappers get it, too. As long as WDW stays the cleanest, the best themed, and the most memorable, it will always be #1 for me.

Remember the Magic.

Originally posted by Michael72688
this is probably why none of the disney parks were rated #1 and Islands of Adventure was, it is a better park and you all know it!
Rated #1 by whom? Not by the general public - the Magic Kingdom gets FAR more visitors. Rated by people voting in a survey? Well, if that's the case, you need to look carefully at the biases of the survey. I saw a survey on a roller coaster site that had IOA first, but that's heavily biased by who voted in the survey! (Personally, I think IOA has some great thrill rides, but the overall experience isn't even close to most Disney rides, with the exception of Spiderman and the Bluto raft ride)

Originally Posted by DisneyFanatics
The fact that today's youth (at least some of them) do not appreciate the older rides shows how spoiled, lazy, and entertainment driven today's world is.... We all think the government or somebody owes us something

Whoa, slow down here! If people don't enjoy the old rides, so be it. It doesn't make them spoiled or lazy! It only means they have different tastes.

You may enjoy just walking around the Magic Kingdom. Others may enjoy the older rides of WDW. And others may enjoy huge roller coasters. (I enjoy all three!) A difference in taste here doesn't make someone lazy or spoiled. It doesn't mean people don't appreciate what they have compared to the early 20th century! It just means they like different things, that's all.

I find it very insulting to infer insights on a person's character from what sort of attractions they like!

(What exactly does the government have to do with this conversation?) :)


Originally posted by Michael72688
I'm young, and I'm sorry but rides like "its a small world" really dont tickle my fancy. Now dont get me wrong I love disney, but the really need to update their attractions and have rollercoasters, and rides that are more to todays standards, this is probably why none of the disney parks were rated #1 and Islands of Adventure was, it is a better park and you all know it!

Now I like the roller coasters at IOA, but it is not a better park IMO. While IOA does a pretty good job, it does not have the all around offerings available in WDW. (I have a lot of examples from my last trip where we went to both WDW and IOA). While people like you and I like rollercoasters, not everyone does. Disney is starting to put in more thrill rides (RnRC, TOT), but I certainly hope that they keep the balance that they have now. There are rides for everyone there and that is why I would say WDW is better... from a big picture perspective. If you want to go into specialties, in particualr a roller coaster park, then IOA would likely be rated higher.

By the way, I also think that "today's standards" depends on who you talk to.


Active Member
Originally posted by 10021982
Lets face it, allot of people ( especially teens) feel this way. Many folks on this board are Disney "purists" so we can't understand why this is happening. ( Remember, we are all Disney history buffs here.)

However, it's still a popular thought and we need to figure out how to deal with this as these rides get older.

Think about it, the older these rides get, the louder the calls will be to tear them down. Many folks don't appreciate the origins of these things.

I hope I'm wrong.

CT : - )

well I am a teenager! I love all the old rides! Thats what makes Disney DISNEY to me! Any park can build a roller coaster but only Disney can build a ride that can please all generations! And getting back to the topic

1. TTA (I love this ride so much LOVE the views and relaxed pace)
2. Haunted Mansion (I would drag my parents on all the time, I did it over the summer too LOL)
3 POTC-its just a great ride...

other rides that I just love

1. COP-Its Walts ride
2. RnR-since I am a coaster freak too this is just great (not the best)
3. Monorail
4. Tower of Terror


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm glad to see that yourger park goers enjoy the older stuff too.

When I was 17, Horrizons, World Of Motion, and Joruney Into Imagination an Spaceship Earth were my favorites.

I realize that we are only "generally" speaking. But, Disney has done extensive surveys on guest demographics. Statistically, Kids love Disney(1-12 years), Adults love Disney, (25 and up)....but teens trying ditch anything that makes them feel like a child, say that Disney is "uncool" and is "just for kids" so they don't like it.

Only after they become adults and begin to think about having kids of their own do they come back to Disney.

Obviously this 13 to 24 year old range doesn't represent everyone. It only reflects a "high percentage". These numbers are not perfect, they are about as good as I remember but I know this is pretty close.
CT : - )


Active Member
Re: Re: Re: Neer Touch

Originally posted by MicBat
COP is one of those attractions is one of those that MUST update every now and then.

While I do agree with you (really! :)) Horizons was the sequel to CoP and we all know what happened to that....:cry:

Makes me a bit afraid for the future of CoP



Well-Known Member
While I feel there are some attraction titles that should never leave, I am all for updating them whenever possible. I feel that haunted Mansion, IASW, Pirates, etc. are all great, but need to be updated with new stuff. And this can be from adding a few things here and there to completely redoing everything, from the track to the AAs, etc. Ideas like a haunted mansion tour and a journey through deep space are all wonderful ideas that will probably never get old. The physical aspects and the actual way the sories are pulled off should continue to be updated.

Thats my 2 cents!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yeah, I would not complain if Disney replaced the animatronics in Pirates, Carosel and Haunted with the latest models. ( Like the witch in Great Movie Ride.)

A little more fluid movment to these things would make them modern and more entertaining while still maintaining the ..."tradition" (for lack of a better word) that these rides have.

Y'now, the reason why I started this thread was to find out what attractions people felt were "essential" to the parks. Their not necessarily important because they are our "favorites"....They are imoportant because they difine what the core of Disney realy is/was. Wait,...that does sound corny doesn't it?

Let me say it this way. All these parks have a history to them. I hope that at least portions of it are NEVER destroyed. Not even 50 years from now.

I would only complain moderatly if they tore down Test Track or Space Mountain or Dinosaur or Rockin Roller Coaster....Good thrill rides are a dime a dozen and EVERYBODY makes good ones.

The classic "dark rides"?....Well, they just don't make them like they used to.

NOBODY does anymore.......

CT :(


Active Member
Aw man -

I really don't think that Space Mountain should be included in the dispensable group...that coaster is definately a classic!


Well-Known Member
well, there's definately more than i'll just post as many as i can think of...

1. Carousel of Progress (though i heard straight from a castmember last week that they are wanting to take it out...i certainly hope he had his facts mixed up!)
2. the American Adventure
3. Hall of Presidents (yeah, believe it or not, i think it should stay, even though i only see it when a new President is added...hey, what can i say? it's an original, it's a classic, it's should stay)
4. spaceship earth
5. space mountain
6. pirates of the caribbean
7. jungle cruise
8. the enchanted tiki room
9. the great movie ride
10. star tours (the way it is now)
11. TTA
12. test track

as someone put before, the ones i WOULD have put before they took them out/changed them are
1. dream flight
2. horizons
3. journey (with figment AND dreamfinder)


Active Member
Hmm there is too many rides that I could put that I say shouldn't go, but lets see

Maybe Horizons was the sequel to the COP, now that was a series that Disney did right!
I look at rides like this: they are a work of art that only some people can love and appreciate. WoM converted to Test Track was a huge success to the world, but not for the people who loved the ride. JII convert to the new ride was a failure to the world and the fans. Horizons converted to MS is probably gonna be a success becuase its a thrill ride (although I will miss it :cry: )

I don't know if its such a good idea to destroy a ride. Maybe if they built it in another area then that would be fine. If they made RnRC over the Great Movie Ride I would think that is a stupid idea.

I know they need to update stuff (that is fine as long as it doesn't completely change the ride). A cast member I was talking to once said its hard to replace the old animatronics because they are like antiques.


New Member
i would say if i must pick 3

WEDway People Mover (forget the new name)- don't know why just a quick ride to rest on with no line ever

Splash Mountain- just a classic

Maelstrom- Love and will always love this ride "no touchie, no touch":D

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