Attractions that should NEVER leave WDW....Ever!

Originally posted by 10021982

The classic "dark rides"?....Well, they just don't make them like they used to.

NOBODY does anymore.......

CT :(
Boy is that the truth! For example, I was SO disappointed with the "Cat in the Hat" ride at IoA. Yes, it spins fast (way to cut out some of their prime demographic for the ride). But it just doesn't have that immersive feel like the best Disney dark rides (Peter Pan, PotC, etc.)

When you're on the best dark rides, you don't feel like you're in a ride building - you're transported away, so to speak. I sure didn't get that feeling on "Cat in the Hat"


Active Member
Cat and the Hat is fun, but they should keep everything in there running. Some parts of the show arn't even used.
Originally posted by blm07
Cat and the Hat is fun, but they should keep everything in there running. Some parts of the show arn't even used.
Really? (It's been two years since I rode it, so I don't remember).

Wow - contrast that to Disney, where if one Pirate isn't functioning, they won't open PotC.

Just goes to show, Disney does dark rides best. My brother, who is a member of ACE (American Coasters Enthusiasts), has ridden 200+ coasters, and prefers thrill rides. He got off Cat in the Hat and proclaimed "Disney is the king of dark rides - it's not even close!"

Hmm... I may use that quote as my signature...


New Member
Originally posted by Michael72688
I'm young, and I'm sorry but rides like "its a small world" really dont tickle my fancy. Now dont get me wrong I love disney, but the really need to update their attractions and have rollercoasters, and rides that are more to todays standards, this is probably why none of the disney parks were rated #1 and Islands of Adventure was, it is a better park and you all know it!

i would agree, IOA is my favorite park! Maybe it is because I am a teen, but yes I like thrill rides better. (spiderman is the best ride ever IMO)

back to the topic, i would say test track, splash mountain, or rnrc but I don't think Disney would replace them because they are big rides. So instead I would say Haunted Mansion. (but i don't really think they would get rid of that)
Originally posted by cymbaldiva
I've never been on Cat in the Hat - I really loved MIB though!

In my opinion, there are really only two attractions at Universal that are as immersive and "Disney-esque" as Disney attractions - MIB and Spiderman. (Note that I find other rides at Universal to be a lot of fun, such as Hulk, just not "immersive" or worth travelling across half the country to ride.)

Incidentally, if you do go to Universal, you MUST use the singles line for MIB. I rode three times in a row with no wait,when the normal wait was 45 minutes! And, best of all, two of the three times, I was competing AGAINST the person I was with (in cars going against each other). That made it more fun than being on the same team...


The ride is pretty cool, but the que is spectacular... "The Universe... and you..."Then seeing MIB headquarters... amazing. I like the ride, but the que is what makes that whole experience for me.


Active Member
Originally posted by jrashadb
The ride is pretty cool, but the que is spectacular... "The Universe... and you..."Then seeing MIB headquarters... amazing. I like the ride, but the que is what makes that whole experience for me.

Oh the que rules! Unfortunately I never have really spent enough time in line to really appreciate it...the only downside of the singles line I suppose :)

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by 10021982
Yeah, I would not complain if Disney replaced the animatronics in Pirates, Carosel and Haunted with the latest models. ( Like the witch in Great Movie Ride.)

A little more fluid movment to these things would make them modern and more entertaining while still maintaining the ..."tradition" (for lack of a better word) that these rides have.

Y'now, the reason why I started this thread was to find out what attractions people felt were "essential" to the parks. Their not necessarily important because they are our "favorites"....They are imoportant because they difine what the core of Disney realy is/was. Wait,...that does sound corny doesn't it?

Let me say it this way. All these parks have a history to them. I hope that at least portions of it are NEVER destroyed. Not even 50 years from now.

I would only complain moderatly if they tore down Test Track or Space Mountain or Dinosaur or Rockin Roller Coaster....Good thrill rides are a dime a dozen and EVERYBODY makes good ones.

The classic "dark rides"?....Well, they just don't make them like they used to.

NOBODY does anymore.......

CT :(

Good points! As Mr. Disney said, "I love the nostalgic world...I hope we never lose sight of some of the things of the past."


New Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
However, Disney isn't about coasters...a lot of Disney fans unearth the reality behind what is there. The Magic...the promise of tomorrow...the vision...the family...that is their goal.
I completely agree. Although I enjoy some roller coasters, I think the fact that WDW doesn't have just thrill rides (i.e. Six Flags) is what makes it stand above and beyond.

That's also probably why some people don't like WDW as much as us in here. Not necessarily because Disney's thrill rides are bad, just because some people are looking for only roller coasters (etc.) They are not looking for that "magic."

Now back to what rides should never close, I would go with:
1.) CoP
2.) Great Movie Ride (a few changes might be OK but have the general theme the same)
3.) Spaceship Earth

There are lots of rides I don't want to close but I picked the ones I think might change.

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