Well-Known Member
Only one thing to say to that Jenny:
:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
Originally posted by Figment1986
ya, but maby it stinks due to Florida english teachers are uaually eavil teachers not giving 504 students what they need. I have a wrist problem and she barely acomedated after the principal got invbolved. She gave Topns of work on old novels and only spent 3 weeks on gramor and a month on spalling huge words. The others were reading large noncence books other than Ceaser and The Pearl.
Originally posted by mightyduck
I'm blaming my parents. Those jerks held me accountable for EVERYTHING--if I got in trouble, they wanted to know what I did to deserve it--they never cared about what someone else did. If I got bad grades, they wouldn't even LISTEN to what else the teacher could have done--there they were, pointing out all the things I could have done instead. And now look what happens--I'm a responsible, employed, successful adult. I can't believe my parents ruined me this way. To think I could be unemployed and on the dole if it weren't for them and their stupid home training.
Originally posted by Tramp
One does not learn thru osmosis simply by showing up for class and taking up space.
Originally posted by Tramp
One does not learn simply by showing up for class and taking up space.
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
(Not even astronauts?)
Originally posted by PhotoDave219
*Warning, Rant Comming*
I'm not surprised by the attitudes of todays youth and their parents. In this age of instanious information and instant gratiofication, everybody wants everything now and believes that they can have their cake and eat it too. Everything wants to be special, everyone thinks theyre a victim and no one takes responsibility for their actions. Instead, kids are schlepped down in front of the television at an early age for the great gods of Barney, Jerry springer and MTV to raise.
Parents are too busy in this society with furthering their own careers and living vicatiously theorugh their kids little league sports then to actually pay attention to those kids and actually give them some values to help understand and become productive members of society.
The idea of actually reading and gaining an education - something that a large percentage of the planet cannot get - has gone the wayside of video games, the internet, television and oreos. Long gone are the days of creativity, playing cowboys and indians and actually experiencing the real world. Instead, kids are plugged in and buying all the evils of the world that are being marketed to them by corporations who are seeking their disposable income, irregardless of any social ills that may come allong the way.
The only people that actually can prevent this cascading domino tehory of ignorance is the parents. Parents need to raise their kids right and teach them, listen to them and just pay attention to your kids. Should a 12 year old be watching "The Matrix" or playing GTA3? Hell No. But parents let it happen. Parents are the key to instilling some sense of right and wrong in a child. While its easy to blame video games and television, who's the person who let them watch TV or play those games in the first place. Its a lot easier to try and deflect the blame rather than trying to actually raise a child.
If society continues down this path, the end of teh world will come, and we'll buy it, because it's been marketd to us and sold to us, and we'll buy it wothout question. Becasue we never learned any better.
*End Rant*
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
(Ok...*puts nose plugs on* I'm ready...throw me in Darrel's pants) :wave:
Originally posted by mightyduck
Okay, wait... You WANT to be in Darrel's pants?
I'm so confused...
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Nooo...but I know I'm gonna end up there anyways :lol: Might as well be prepared :wave:
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
I agree
(Ok...*puts nose plugs on* I'm ready...throw me in Darrel's pants) :wave:
Originally posted by tenchu
A few of the comments on this thread would be tantamount to me saying 'everyone over the age of 30 have receding hairlines and incontinence problems.'
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