At Disney, Mission: Space spurs most complaints


Well-Known Member
GothMickey said:
The job entails coming on here and posting my feelings and opinions.. Which, unless I am wrong, is what these threads and sites are all about

Repsectfully, all I see is contradictions....please explain:

GothMickey said:
No, it is a good thing... Cause then I know I am doing my job.... Hey, gotta throw some comedy into these threads somehow right Wannabe?....

For what it's worth, I urge you to take a look at forum rules, especially:

wdwmagic said:
Trolls - Anyone deliberately antagonizing other forum users by posting 'flame bait' type messages are not welcome. You will be banned if you persist in this behavior.

Spam - Any user who continually submits posts that have no meaningful content, in attempt of increasing post count, or some other "self promotion", is subject to removal/deletion.

More rules....



Well-Known Member
GothMickey said:
I wonder how many people in that wait time came off it dizzy and puking...

I guess it depends on the number of guests who ate at the Mexico pavilion before riding. :hammer:

Anyway, in all seriousness, these kind of replies are really wearing thin except for those who are hardcore dissenters of M:S. With this continued negative fervor, dissenters might be mistaken for hoping that more bad news will come from M:S so they can proclaim, "See, I told you so!"


Active Member
Shaman said:
Repsectfully, all I see is contradictions....please explain:

For what it's worth, I urge you to take a look at forum rules, especially:

More rules....


You quoted me and posted this why?? I cannot determine what you are trying to say here... I think I stated I my job was to come on here and post my opinions and feelings, just like everyone else does... Where is that baiting and aggravating??? I'm far from a troll.... And this truly isn't spam...

Don't you think that if Steve thought my posts were antagonizing, he would have banned me already or at least warned me??? I do believe so since he has done this in the past. He knows when someone is a troll.. He knows when someone is on here for the person of causing a fight.. I am not.. I am taking part in a discussion in which we disagree... :)


Well-Known Member
GothMickey said:
Neither is taking it to Disney, so I ask, why does it have to be an agenda??? If it wasan agenda, wouldn't I be out there protesting HP and Disney? I thought when people have an agenda, they open their own sites, they send out promotional material.. they take the fight to the streets and to the media.. I have not done anything like this.. I have come on here and posted my opinions, just like all you.. So, if I am on an agenda to close M:S, you all are on an agenda to keep it open... Either way, Disney makes the final decision.. They aren't going to come here and say HMM GOTHMICKEY DOESN'T LIKE M:S SO SHUT IT DOWN.. and they sure as heck won;t say TIMMAY OR TAC LOVES M:S SO KEEP IT OPEN TO MAKE THEM HAPPY... Nooo sir.. So, where is this a stinking agenda???

You do not have to take to the streets or have a web site to have an agenda...:veryconfu. Everyone has an agenda, I am not sure why you see it as a bad thing.

I in fact do have an agenda regarding mission space: I think it would be silly to close it down for the reasons being argued. I don't want it to stay open just because "I Love It" (It is a fact I do like the ride). I would have no problem with the ride being closed if it actually did "kill" somebody or actually did the things people are saying it is resposible for.


Active Member
I just do not understand why you and others think I have an agenda to close the ride down... I don't... I have said it before, I don't care if the ride stays open or closes... I won't be sad to see it go, but I won't be sad to see it stay open.. I say go ride it if you like it... And stay away if you don't. The only agenda I have is to come here and take part in healthy discussions... Which, I believe we are doing.... Even though, now, honestly, this has gotten old.... Wouldn't you agree?


Well-Known Member
GothMickey said:
You quoted me and posted this why?? I cannot determine what you are trying to say here... I think I stated I my job was to come on here and post my opinions and feelings, just like everyone else does... Where is that baiting and aggravating??? I'm far from a troll.... And this truly isn't spam...

If you find my post useless ignore it, it won't bother me. :)

GothMickey said:
Don't you think that if Steve thought my posts were antagonizing, he would have banned me already or at least warned me??? I do believe so since he has done this in the past. He knows when someone is a troll.. He knows when someone is on here for the person of causing a fight.. I am not.. I am taking part in a discussion in which we disagree... :)

Steve, is very patient. Personally, I think you're doing more than taking part in a discussion...Please realize that I really do respect your opinion on M:S...and that's far from the issue here....but that's just my opinion.



Active Member
Shaman said:
If you find my post useless ignore it, it won't bother me. :)

Steve, is very patient. Personally, I think you're doing more than taking part in a discussion...Please realize that I really do respect your opinion on M:S...and that's far from the issue here....but that's just my opinion.

Well, that is your opinion, and you are entitled to it... I just don't see why my posts, to you, are considered more than taking part in a discussion, when I post the same things others posts: my feelings, numbers, and opinions.. :)

And again, if Steve thought otherwise about my posts, I would trust him enough to give me a warning... He is the mod, so if he felt I am/was out of line, he'd let me know.. Like he has with others (Merlin, Thrawn come to mind).. He gave them more than enough warnings that their posts were too abusive or argumentative.. They didn't back off.. They didn't listen... They are gone... If he felt my posts were the same, he would have warned me and I would have just stopped posting on these M:S threads just not to get banned..

But thank you for worrying about me :)


Liker of Things
Premium Member
spoodles said:
I have a great idea for a poll. You take all the posters who represent the poles in this debate, and ask them if they buy lottery tickets.

No I don't buy lottery tickets. But, by way of full disclosure, I do surf the web for free trips to the World and enter all the crazy contests I can.

Anyhow, for the sake of discussion. Let's suppose billions of people have ridden Mission Space and 1 in 5 million have some unknown existing condition aggravated that results in death. Now we have a statistical sampling. Would it be worth shutting down the ride if this were the case? Its all about risk aversion and societal perception. There is some danger associated with driving my infant to the store, but I really don't think about it on a daily basis. However, the media coverage of the M:S deaths would be great (unlike my car trips which most of the major networks don't care about), and the bad PR would eventually pressure Disney to do something. Should they? I really don't know. You could argue, I have to drive to the store from time to time to get things for my house and family and M:S is a disposable form of entertainment. What about the trip I'm contemplating to Best Buy this afternoon just for fun? I'll have to take the kids with me. Should I cancel this trip because there is some small, but finite chance we will die?

Back to the real scenario we are all talking about. I think the future of M:S will depend on its safety record over the next few years and the number of complaints the fine folks at Disney receive. I, for one, am a fan of this ride and hope that it stays for a good long time.


Well-Known Member
ASJHLJ said:
Back to the real scenario we are all talking about. I think the future of M:S will depend on its safety record over the next few years and the number of complaints the fine folks at Disney receive. I, for one, am a fan of this ride and hope that it stays for a good long time.

Not to mention the media...who seems to have a field day with M:S problems....:lol:

I really hope the ride stays...I'm look forward to trips to other Jupiter or Neptune....:D


Active Member
Shaman said:
Not to mention the media...who seems to have a field day with M:S problems....:lol:

I really hope the ride stays...I'm look forward to trips to other Jupiter or Neptune....:D

I'm just wondering why?? And please do not say the media has an agenda of trying to get M:S closed, unless you were saying it as a joke LoL...


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
GothMickey said:
I'm just wondering why?? And please do not say the media has an agenda of trying to get M:S closed, unless you were saying it as a joke LoL...

IMO the media has no specific agenda to close M:S. More than anything, the media sensationalizes anything negative about Disney because the general public reacts more to stories about death at Disney than death pretty much anywhere else. Because Disney is "The Happiest Place on Earth", a death there is more shocking and upsetting than 30 deaths in any given inner city.

There is a level of sensationalism in anything the media does because as the saying goes "it sells papers". It's a sad reflection on the tastes of the broader public, but a reality in the media business.


Well-Known Member
MontyMon said:
IMO the media has no specific agenda to close M:S. More than anything, the media sensationalizes anything negative about Disney because the general public reacts more to stories about death at Disney than death pretty much anywhere else. Because Disney is "The Happiest Place on Earth", a death there is more shocking and upsetting than 30 deaths in any given inner city.

There is a level of sensationalism in anything the media does because as the saying goes "it sells papers". It's a sad reflection on the tastes of the broader public, but a reality in the media business.

Exactly. Great post! :sohappy:


Active Member
MontyMon said:
IMO the media has no specific agenda to close M:S. More than anything, the media sensationalizes anything negative about Disney because the general public reacts more to stories about death at Disney than death pretty much anywhere else. Because Disney is "The Happiest Place on Earth", a death there is more shocking and upsetting than 30 deaths in any given inner city.

There is a level of sensationalism in anything the media does because as the saying goes "it sells papers". It's a sad reflection on the tastes of the broader public, but a reality in the media business.

yes, totally agree with sensationlizing of the media.. But, with that said... Deaths and injuries occur every day in every park.. But only M:S gets weeks worth of coverage.. Everything else is a blurb on the nightly news and forgotten... Like last year... A death in Typhoon Lagoon.. in the paper 1 day... Death due to Dinosaur. in the paper one day... Death on M:S.. 2 weeks... It is just weird...


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Shaman said:
Exactly. Great post! :sohappy:

Why, thank you!

I try... :eek:

The media has run longer with the M:S story for the simple reason that M:S is new technology that people don't understand and therefore are afraid of. But the bottom line is they milk what they can out of every story that piques the interest of the public. In fact, once the cause of death in both M:S-related stories was published, the stories faded away for the most part [except apparently here].

Think Bill and Monica or the Challenger explosion, both ran a lot longer than their newsworthiness would warrant, because the public was genuinely interested. But, Columbia didn't get anywhere near the long coverage or multiple showings of footage, despite being just as horrific, the second time a whole shuttle crew was lost the story didn't have as much staying power [it did stay quite a while, but not as long or intense as the first].


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
GothMickey said:
I'm just wondering why?? And please do not say the media has an agenda of trying to get M:S closed, unless you were saying it as a joke LoL...

The media will blow anything possible out of proportion if it means more sales and revenue.

They will never title a article "11.8 million people ride Mission Space and do not report incedents"

They will (and did) title an article "At Disney, Mission: Space spurs most complaints".....which after buying and reading the article, you see that 1 out of every 1 million riders reported an incedent.

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