Meanwhile, at the south end...
The main item of note is the first Skyway pylon from the station building. Pre WEDWay and SM it was inside the Raceway. After 1975 it was on the edge of the raceway, on the walkway.
Of course, you can also see how the pavement width between the Skyway and the Raceway got an awful lot wider, also note the realigned raceway track south of the overpass. The curvey kink changed to a straight bit of track. Also note how the Raceways first corner turns sharper to go under the bridge in 1979 - look at the shrunken grass island above and to the left of the bridge in the above photo.
And, you can also look at photos like this and chuckle at the minimal space between the Skyway waterfall and the Raceway:
compared to this:
The main item of note is the first Skyway pylon from the station building. Pre WEDWay and SM it was inside the Raceway. After 1975 it was on the edge of the raceway, on the walkway.
Of course, you can also see how the pavement width between the Skyway and the Raceway got an awful lot wider, also note the realigned raceway track south of the overpass. The curvey kink changed to a straight bit of track. Also note how the Raceways first corner turns sharper to go under the bridge in 1979 - look at the shrunken grass island above and to the left of the bridge in the above photo.
And, you can also look at photos like this and chuckle at the minimal space between the Skyway waterfall and the Raceway:
compared to this: