Are you D23?


Oh Meyla Weyla
I'd be placated it it offered something unique and worthwhile.:shrug::lol:

Until then, the right to my opinion, and my basis in it, stands.

:lol::lol: for Hal...

I think a paying Fanclub is a great thing. The Magic Kindgom Club and the other smaller venues they did early on were nice.

In fact, what they are doing now, even with D23, is a good thing. I love the fact that they are using it as a mass communication tool, I love the fact that the expo will blaze a new path (at least for us!) on what they hope to do in the coming years.

It's improved since it's stumbling debut. The only gripe, is the attitude that comes with it, and the fact that it is, tangibly, paying to go shopping.

C'mon, Jackie...:D:D You know me... I only seek improvement. ;)

Well, good then. This means you have NO gripe at all. Being that there is a magazine, discounted admission to the D23 EXPO, various other events that have already taken place. Events still to come in the future....

I find that the only *attitude* is the one on this forum :shrug:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Well, good then. This means you have NO gripe at all. Being that there is a magazine, discounted admission to the D23 EXPO, various other events that have already taken place. Events still to come in the future....

I find that the only *attitude* is the one on this forum :shrug:

Well....No...I said I did have a gripe with that. There is the Magazine, yes, but in my opinion, it's not worth the cost of the membership, 75$. The events that come with it, the expo, YES. They are worth it.

...but what of members not able to attend? Why is this still being marketed toward them? Also, why is this being pushed as something aimed for ALL Disney fans, when it seems accessible only to locals, or those that have it in there power to make themselves available? That's the key distinction, and problem, I think. The marketing. While the marketing for D23 is superb (the viral campaign, the countdown, the promos on the TDS, even the ART!:D) I think it's trying to appeal to too many people. Maybe, seeing that the benefits can only be reaped by those who are "park-goers" or "locals", it should be applied as such.

....That might also explain the negativity against it, even on my part, I admit. How am I to participate? I'm not. In that light, it seems ridiculous for me to spend money on it.- A subjective opinion.

I can only speak for this forum!:lol::shrug: I frequent a few others, where the feeling is mutual on D23/64 in BOTH respects, but my home is here.:eek:

Does that answer your question, Kate, or did I fly off on a tangent?:D:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
If your close to the events/tours that they've been doing and that there free pending the available space I thinks it worth it.


New Member
Having read through this thread, I'm almost afraid to reply. I purchased a D23 membership for my husband mid-last month because ...
  • He enjoys the magazines. (He picked up the 1st edition free at a DVC member event at Disneyland and we bought the second edition during a later visit.)
  • We are very much looking forward to the Expo and wanted to get both the discount and the early entrance.
That is pretty much it for us. I don't plan on buying trinkets and dustables. We'll hope for invites to cool events in the future??
There seems to be much buzz about D23. Perhaps this might be a good place to discuss the pros and cons of membership.

As for me - my wife bought a membership for me, she's incredible and I'm so blessed to have her as my wife!!!

However, as far as I can tell, it seems to be a marketing ploy to garner more money from Disney fanatics like us. Am I missing something?

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Having read through this thread, I'm almost afraid to reply. I purchased a D23 membership for my husband mid-last month because ...
  • He enjoys the magazines. (He picked up the 1st edition free at a DVC member event at Disneyland and we bought the second edition during a later visit.)
  • We are very much looking forward to the Expo and wanted to get both the discount and the early entrance.
That is pretty much it for us. I don't plan on buying trinkets and dustables. We'll hope for invites to cool events in the future??

Don't be!:wave: A forum is all about discussion and courteous debate....All view points are welcome.:)

If your reasons are good enough for you, then, they are good enough for you.

Welcome aboard, BTW!


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
FANTASTICALLY said!:sohappy::sohappy:

The bolded hits home, the most. Almost makes D23 seem like a placebo for those that "want" to fit in, because they, for whatever reason, don't feel like they do based on experiences, or what have you.:shrug:

And that takes care of my social psychology for the night...:lookaroun
So why do you pay to be a member here at WDWMagic? Because you want to fit in? :shrug: The reality is, you choose to support a website you see value in.

I have little if any chance of attending a D23 event, but I still see a benefit to it. I've received a frame-able print, a "First Day Charter Member" pin, a paper fan and a commemorative patch at no additional cost thus far. In addition to the issues of the magazine I paid for.

I certainly think I've proved myself a Disney fan, so that's not it... Maybe I just like the magazine and enjoy the occasional freebie they throw my way.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
So why do you pay to be a member here at WDWMagic? Because you want to fit in? :shrug: The reality is, you choose to support a website you see value in.

I have little if any chance of attending a D23 event, but I still see a benefit to it. I've received a frame-able print, a "First Day Charter Member" pin, a paper fan and a commemorative patch at no additional cost thus far. In addition to the issues of the magazine I paid for.

I certainly think I've proved myself a Disney fan, so that's not it... Maybe I just like the magazine and enjoy the occasional freebie they throw my way.

I did not pay for this membership. It was a gift. Wether or not I decide to renew with it, is yet to be seen.

And yes, I would be supporting a website I adore, and that I see value in.

Applying that to D23, now...What value is in it for me, when I am not able to go take advantage of a Expo, or any other event? The Magazine is of no use to me, I get my news and opinions from the internet and this website. If I had the money to pay to go shopping on the D23 Mall, I would be using it to get to the parks!:lol:

Like I said, before, if trinkets is what you want, than by all means, let it be for you, then. I have no use for them, this obviously is not my type of club. Same with the magazine.

I DO WISH it were for me, though, seeing that it is marketed for me, as I mentioned.

And in short...What is wrong with not liking something and being vocal about it? :lol::wave: Isn't this the basis for discussion and betterment of Disney? they listen here, they change things.


Well-Known Member
And I think that's it's not worth it. Seriously. $80+ dollars a day is incredibly extreme. Heck, I'm having to work to get a JOB WORKING at Disney just to GET IN, because Admission is now so prohibitive, even for someone who's spent their entire life as a Passholder. Pricing on both D23 and the parks are outrageous if you ask me.

Stop buying single day passes.
I'm sorry, but if a subscription that amounts to $6.25 a month is 'outrageous', you are doing something wrong in life.

Also, if you compare the benefits of D23 to other similar fanclubs, you are getting much more per dollar for D23 than you do for many of them.

For instance:
Yankees Universe:
- $20 (half a year, will be $40 next year)
- a web site
- 10% off at clubhouse stores
- 'quick' admission at Gate 2 at the Stadium

So basically a bunch of nothing for $20.

Red Sox Nation:
Yes, they have a $300 package. And yes, it sells out very, very quickly.

So while $75 a year isn't exactly $20 a year, you're right, it is FAR from the worst valued club. Just take a look around at all the various ones, and most of them give you basically nothing. Just the 4 issues of Twenty-Three are more than most give you.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
And in short...What is wrong with not liking something and being vocal about it? :lol::wave: Isn't this the basis for discussion and betterment of Disney? they listen here, they change things.
I think the reason you get such reaction to your "being vocal about it" is that you are vociferous in your dislike to the point of obsessiveness. You can't seem to allow that others like it. You attempt to demean any positives presented and trumpet your disdain. Disney is unlikely to change anything D23 related based on what would be perceived as rantings.

What they did quickly change were the over-the-top shipping charges initially applied to Canadian D23 members, but that was likely a result of some logical, reasoned complaints rather than my own rantings here on the subject at the time. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
What they did quickly change were the over-the-top shipping charges initially applied to Canadian D23 members, but that was likely a result of some logical, reasoned complaints rather than my own rantings here on the subject at the time. :animwink:

Well, that and the original cost was just a mistake in the programming on the site :)


Active Member
not worth it

Since all the events are in California and in Orlando its only worth it if you live in the areas of the parks.

80 or so for a lithograph and pins is not worth it.


Not old, just vintage.
Wow. I just don't even know where to begin with this thread. Am I D23? Yes. I happily bought my membership on day 1. Do I feel 'elite' or like I am better than everyone else? Absolutely not. Frankly, most days I forget I even have a membership. I am generally reminded when my magazine arrives or there is some sort of announcement. I knew from the start that I would be unable to attend the D23 Expo because of the timing. Believe me, if I could be there, no amount of distance would keep me from attending.

From the moment D23 was announced (unofficially and officially) I never understood all the complaining from some forum members here. Fine. We get it. You think D23 is stupid/expensive/snobby/whateveryouwannacallit. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, can those of us who do find value in being D23 please enjoy our memberships in peace?


Well-Known Member
Stop buying single day passes.
I'm sorry, but if a subscription that amounts to $6.25 a month is 'outrageous', you are doing something wrong in life.

Also, if you compare the benefits of D23 to other similar fanclubs, you are getting much more per dollar for D23 than you do for many of them.

For instance:
Yankees Universe:
- $20 (half a year, will be $40 next year)
- a web site
- 10% off at clubhouse stores
- 'quick' admission at Gate 2 at the Stadium

So basically a bunch of nothing for $20.

Red Sox Nation:
Yes, they have a $300 package. And yes, it sells out very, very quickly.

So while $75 a year isn't exactly $20 a year, you're right, it is FAR from the worst valued club. Just take a look around at all the various ones, and most of them give you basically nothing. Just the 4 issues of Twenty-Three are more than most give you.

If it makes you sleep better, I think all of those clubs are absolutely stupid.

You're right, $6.25 a month for a Magazine is just fine.

$6.25 a month to be proclaimed a "True Disney Fan". That's what I don't like.

Oh if you would have read my post, you would have noticed that there was a transition to talk of ANNUAL PASSES.

And for your information, I do lots of wrong things.

"It's what makes us special."
-Captain Mal, Firefly

Wow. I just don't even know where to begin with this thread. Am I D23? Yes. I happily bought my membership on day 1. Do I feel 'elite' or like I am better than everyone else? Absolutely not. Frankly, most days I forget I even have a membership. I am generally reminded when my magazine arrives or there is some sort of announcement. I knew from the start that I would be unable to attend the D23 Expo because of the timing. Believe me, if I could be there, no amount of distance would keep me from attending.

From the moment D23 was announced (unofficially and officially) I never understood all the complaining from some forum members here. Fine. We get it. You think D23 is stupid/expensive/snobby/whateveryouwannacallit. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, can those of us who do find value in being D23 please enjoy our memberships in peace?

Just know that I have no grudge, or no hard feelings towards D23, or it's members. You like it, that's fine by me. My friend Mr. Explorer here, well what he or anyone else says about D23 is their own opinions. Personally? It makes me grumpy, but pretty much everything else does. If any of these D23 Threads feel like we're "attacking" you, I assure you that's not true, as I would actually post in them more if that was the case.



Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Wow. I just don't even know where to begin with this thread. Am I D23? Yes. I happily bought my membership on day 1. Do I feel 'elite' or like I am better than everyone else? Absolutely not. Frankly, most days I forget I even have a membership. I am generally reminded when my magazine arrives or there is some sort of announcement. I knew from the start that I would be unable to attend the D23 Expo because of the timing. Believe me, if I could be there, no amount of distance would keep me from attending.

From the moment D23 was announced (unofficially and officially) I never understood all the complaining from some forum members here. Fine. We get it. You think D23 is stupid/expensive/snobby/whateveryouwannacallit. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, can those of us who do find value in being D23 please enjoy our memberships in peace?
Well stated!

$6.25 a month to be proclaimed a "True Disney Fan". That's what I don't like.
That is where you lose me Travis... I've never seen anywhere but in these forums from you and Evan where there is any "True Disney Fan" proclamation associated with D23 membership. Disney refers to D23 as "The Official Community for Disney Fans". There is no elitism in their marketing or in the use of the term "official", they are Disney, if they create a community for their fans, it's the official one. WDWMagic is an "unofficial" community for Disney fans because it's owned by Steve.

Any stigma related to non-membership is inferred by you, not Disney.

Future Guy

Active Member
While I personally don't feel that it's worth the money, if someone else feels differently and they've got the money to spend, it's their business.


Active Member
Me and my wife are D23 members and we have enjoyed it so far. We don't feel we are better then anyone else or feel part of a elite club. We joined cause we love Disney and we enjoy the magazines. We knew before hand that we couldn't go to the expo but joined anyways. It is the charter year and we can say we were apart of that. You never know what they can have planned later. No regrets on our end from it.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
It looks nice on the outside, but it's exclusionary nature don't sit right with me.

No, I am D64.:wave:

My good friend, Servo, has the right idea. I think it is nothing spectacular, as it seems you are paying for shopping privileges on a online mall and a "Magazine" that offers no real news. It does look nice, though.:)

You two never miss an opportunity to comment on a D23 thread, do you? :ROFLOL:

While everyone is entitled to their point of view and all opinions are respected, the two of you owe it to your audience to disclose your bias on this topic, being that you are co-founders of an anti-D23 movement.

It is one thing to "be" D64, but it is another thing to have created D64.

Whatever . . . live and let live.

I joined D23 shortly after it was announced. I enjoy the magazines, the web pages, the extras that come along in the mail from time to time and I also like knowing there are D23 events that I can elect to participate in at no admission cost - movie premieres, events in the parks, etc.

While I find the Magic Kingdom club offered greater benefits (another pay for membership organization, long ago disbanded), D23 is a nice substitute.

I will probably renew when my year is up.

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