Are you D23?


Think for yourselfer
I am D23, I joined on day 1 and could not be happier. The magazine is great, the little extras they throw in are great. I like the certificate, I like the card, I like everything about it. $80 is just not a big deal to me, it seems reasonable for what we are getting. I will be renewing for sure.

For those that have not joined and think D23 is just access to an online mall, have you read through the magazines? Have you gotten your hands on any of the extras they are throwing in? Seems to me the complaints about D23 don't hold much water. Its not terribly expensive, and you do get a lot.


Premium Member
I have thought about joining, but after looking at 2 of the magazines I wasn't that impressed. Personally I liked Celebrations magazine better, and it was cheaper. So I put the "cost savings" in my Disney fund.


Well-Known Member
I thought it was too pricey to join, especially when you can get all the good dish on Disney free online.

But the D23 expo does look awsome though (I can't wait to hear the announcements and see some previews).

If I lived in California and was close to the events I would have considered it though.

Edisto Pluto

New Member
Me and my wife are D23 members and we have enjoyed it so far. We don't feel we are better then anyone else or feel part of a elite club. We joined cause we love Disney and we enjoy the magazines. We knew before hand that we couldn't go to the expo but joined anyways. It is the charter year and we can say we were apart of that. You never know what they can have planned later. No regrets on our end from it.
Wow,while I don't have the passion of some of the posters we joined basically for the magazine. The other perks are just "frosting" for us. As with the poster above we just enjoy Disney and this is just another opportunity for us to have Disney in our home. The magazine is high quality and I find myself picking it up weekly.


Well-Known Member
I am a recent convert. I originally thought it wasn't worth it (I was vocal about that), but I changed me mind. After I looked at the magazine and heard about the extras and the events, I decided that I liked the direction it was going in and thought it was "worth it" to me. It's a personal choice, but I am so far very satisfied that I joined. :shrug:

/elitest :king: :p :lookaroun

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
To tie up any loose ends....not to instigate anything...:wave:

I think the reason you get such reaction to your "being vocal about it" is that you are vociferous in your dislike to the point of obsessiveness. You can't seem to allow that others like it. You attempt to demean any positives presented and trumpet your disdain. Disney is unlikely to change anything D23 related based on what would be perceived as rantings.

What they did quickly change were the over-the-top shipping charges initially applied to Canadian D23 members, but that was likely a result of some logical, reasoned complaints rather than my own rantings here on the subject at the time.
Honestly...That's my writing style. I am in NO WAY ATTACKING for being agressive here. I am stating my point. With emphasis.:lookaroun:lol:

One could say that people are obsessive in defending it. I am fine with people liking it, and I have previously statedit in this thread. It's your money, go for it. I just think it's a waste, and that it's supporting a part of Disney's ideology I would like to see go away.

Just know that I have no grudge, or no hard feelings towards D23, or it's members. You like it, that's fine by me. My friend Mr. Explorer here, well what he or anyone else says about D23 is their own opinions. Personally? It makes me grumpy, but pretty much everything else does. If any of these D23 Threads feel like we're "attacking" you, I assure you that's not true, as I would actually post in them more if that was the case.
Exactly, thank you, and perfectly said. :D:wave:

You two never miss an opportunity to comment on a D23 thread, do you?

While everyone is entitled to their point of view and all opinions are respected, the two of you owe it to your audience to disclose your bias on this topic, being that you are co-founders of an anti-D23 movement.

It is one thing to "be" D64, but it is another thing to have created D64.

Whatever . . . live and let live.

No, I do not!:lol: It is an issue I am passionate about!:wave:

That is true, about being, and being the creator...but, as I have said before...D64 is just a name to the opinion. While it might be anti-D23, it is only so because the D23 of NOW is not fitting in my eyes. One would hope that D64 would be considered not against the concept of a Disney Club, but for it's betterment.

If I was against it, I would want it to fail. I do not. I want it to get better! And it is. I am positively elated that this Expo is happening and that D23 is becoming a agent of news and media. I like that.

I think that once you say you dislike something, people think you are absolute in that fact.:lookaroun...I beg you all read these posts, and reevaluate.:wave:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
One of the main points we have against it, you don't have to be a 23 member to go to the expo anyway and even 23 members have to buy a ticket.
The event itself does look amazing though.:D:lookaroun

I would not mind attending at all...:wave: In fact, I do think that it is the best thing they have done with the concept so far. My only gripe for it is that it's too far away and is essentially Disneyland.


Well-Known Member
Just my opinion, but I don't see real benefits of membership. Throw in an exclusive lounge at the parks, or some other tangible benefit (I'm not even sure what that would be), then maybe. A magazine and access to an online store don't do it for me.

All that said, I don't begrudge anyone else's decision to join. It's your money to spend as you see fit. I'm a DVC member and certainly a lot of people don't see that as a great use of money, but it was worth it to me, and that's what matters. Live and let live. :)


Well-Known Member
You two never miss an opportunity to comment on a D23 thread, do you? :ROFLOL:

While everyone is entitled to their point of view and all opinions are respected, the two of you owe it to your audience to disclose your bias on this topic, being that you are co-founders of an anti-D23 movement.

It is one thing to "be" D64, but it is another thing to have created D64.

Whatever . . . live and let live.

D64 isn't anti-D23. It's Anti-Anti-D64. I didn't create D64 to bash D23, even though many members do...I created D64 to be the "Official Community of you-don't-need-to-know".

Like your League of Robots, Fight Clubs, Inglorious Basterds, Etc.

D64 to me isn't about making a statement, it's about being a movement. It's quiet...But it's there. And it's awesome.

And also personally, I prefer to keep D64 outta' of these threads but members are naturally feisty and always bring it up.

(Especially YOU Evan!:fork: :lol::hammer:)

If you need happy words, D23 Convention being open to buy tickets is nice.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
D64 isn't anti-D23. It's Anti-Anti-D64. I didn't create D64 to bash D23, even though many members do...I created D64 to be the "Official Community of you-don't-need-to-know".

Like your League of Robots, Fight Clubs, Inglorious Basterds, Etc.

D64 to me isn't about making a statement, it's about being a movement. It's quiet...But it's there. And it's awesome.

And also personally, I prefer to keep D64 outta' of these threads but members are naturally feisty and always bring it up.

(Especially YOU Evan!:fork: :lol::hammer:)

If you need happy words, D23 Convention being open to buy tickets is nice.
You did say I could run with the Mission Statement....:lookaroun:lol::p

And movement it is!:D A movement for a better D23- and a better Disney Club.


New Member
These kind of threads always have to involve some kind of D64 involvement. :brick:



Well-Known Member
May I ask why an opinion that is different from yours is bad in a discussion?:wave:

Not being pertinent, or rash, or vociferous, just looking for honesty.

Because what exactly does this thread have to do with your little 'I'm too young to spend $6.25 a month' club? Nothing. Create an official 'D64 thread and you two can talk back and forth all you want there.
Just because someone wants to talk about D23 doesn't mean you need to tell everyone how great D64 is. You can give your reasons why you don't think D23 is good, sure, but that doesn't mean you have to bring up D64.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Because what exactly does this thread have to do with your little 'I'm too young to spend $6.25 a month' club? Nothing. Create an official 'D64 thread and you two can talk back and forth all you want there.
Just because someone wants to talk about D23 doesn't mean you need to tell everyone how great D64 is. You can give your reasons why you don't think D23 is good, sure, but that doesn't mean you have to bring up D64.
That's really a low blow.:wave: I have my choice in the matter, it's my money, and I do not see the value.

D64 is the the name of an opinion. Why is that such a bad thing? The name of your opinion is D23.:shrug:
This thread is not going to end well.

All in the eye of the beholder! It's going great!:)


Well-Known Member
These kind of threads always have to involve some kind of D64 involvement. :brick:

I said nothing about D64. Evan talked about it, but he always talks too much.
:hammer: :lol:

Because what exactly does this thread have to do with your little 'I'm too young to spend $6.25 a month' club? Nothing. Create an official 'D64 thread and you two can talk back and forth all you want there.
Just because someone wants to talk about D23 doesn't mean you need to tell everyone how great D64 is. You can give your reasons why you don't think D23 is good, sure, but that doesn't mean you have to bring up D64.

A D23 Thread:

First Post: Is D23 worth it?

ME: I don't think so.

EVAN: I'm D64


Me: What? Huh? If you were under attack, I'd be cursing more!

*Evan Talks Alot*

*People Insult D64*

*I Laugh at them while they try to keep the demons away in the dark of sleep*

*I try and remember I've only posted like twice in the thread, but everyone says D64 is the Devil*

It's funny, just because of the fact I said:

ME said:
"I'm not D23...I'm D64. It's mathematically Superior."

We'd end up being chastised as these evil, evil, people...Next stop, the Presidency!

:lookaroun :lol:

Seriously though, there is some insanity goin' on around here.

Monty, Evan, Katie, Jackie, Victoria: You all have a spot on my insanity escape pod for those with admirable intentions. I hope we survive the WDW Magic TrollingZombie holocaust.

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