If it seems like I'm repeating myself, I apologize, but I have to say some things...
I had just watched a video of Fresh Baked, which stated it could be a long time before cases ever go down. On December 16, the number of cases in California was over 60,000(!), which was a record. The video wistfully recalled how there were 1,000 cases a day in March. Since December 16, cases had begun to go back down; on December 22, there were only 35,000 cases, a 40% reduction, which is less dramatic, but still a high number. The video concluded that between the drop in cases and the availability of vaccines gradually introduced, we may soon be over the hump.
Unfortunately, then I read a few snatches of an interview on "State of the Nation" from Dr. Fauci, who said that the worst is likely yet to come from the virus, as there is likely another surge later this winter, thanks to people traveling for Christmas, that will pour on ever more surges on top of those already there. That indicates that the peak of the hump is still a long way off. What's more, that also indicates the 60,000 cases on December 16 will be insignificant compared to later on.
As it is, Fauci said that 75% of the population is needed for herd immunity, that ordinary civilians will not be able to get the vaccine before April at the absolute earliest (and even then, there's no guarantee), that we will not likely be able to vaccinate everyone before late summer or early fall, and that we will not return to normalcy before 2022.
To tie this back to Disneyland, and again, I know it seems like I'm repeating myself here, but I'm not certain that any theme parks, much less Disneyland, will ever have a chance to reopen before we do have herd immunity, however long that takes. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure that cases will still be dramatically high even when civilians do get the vaccine. I also have the feeling that we can only have things open when things are "normal" (meaning nothing ever out of the ordinary happens). I would like to be mistaken, though. If not, as I also said, people had better REALLY get used to life without Disneyland.