Are kids behaving worse now at WDW then in the past?


Well-Known Member
shoppingnut said:
OMG, how dare you assume that just because someone does not have kids they don't know how to handle them or what might be inappropriate in their opinion or how they would handle their child or children they have been with in a similar situation. Just because you have children doesn't make you an authority on them either. Dr. Spok even knew he was not all knowing. An eight year old in a stroller IN MY OPINION is ridiculous, but if you choose to do this, so be it, but don't expect to convince me it is okay. It is this inactivity by kids that has and is making kids in the US some of the most overweight kids in the world.

Bravo!! :sohappy:


New Member
shoppingnut said:
OMG, how dare you assume that just because someone does not have kids they don't know how to handle them or what might be inappropriate in their opinion or how they would handle their child or children they have been with in a similar situation. Just because you have children doesn't make you an authority on them either. Dr. Spok even knew he was not all knowing. An eight year old in a stroller IN MY OPINION is ridiculous, but if you choose to do this, so be it, but don't expect to convince me it is okay. It is this inactivity by kids that has and is making kids in the US some of the most overweight kids in the world.

Behaviour is a big problem with kids today and it is the parents who are at fault because they don't want to deal with it. Suffice it to say, a child should not have to stand at attention every minute of the day or time he/she is in WDW, but there are certain times that manners are required and parents must teach it to their children, otherwise the child will not just come by this on their own. For example, standing in line and not hitting into the person in front or behind you, and if you do to excuse yourself. I can tell you that I have no problem addressing the child myself, because of inaction on the parent's part after a few times, to tell them to please stop hitting into me. I always find it quite funny the look of shock on the child's face when someone they don't know addresses them and they stop. It is usually at this time that the parent will chime in and say honey you shouldn't be hitting into people and need to be careful. I do not allow my niece or nephew to be in other peoples space when we are out and I explain why they need to be careful of it. I also do not let them run amok when they are visiting us at our home, I point out that this is not their home, don't care what they do at their home, but we have rules here like no standing on furniture, being careful of the cats.

Hmm, some good points. I wouldn't presume to call someone a bad parent, b/c I'm not in their shoes, although I would offer my own opinions of what I think they could do differently. I think the same respect should be given to those without children. I don't have them, that doesn't mean I know nothing about them because I watch my little cousins a lot and absent getting too much sugar :lol: I think they get good care with me :)


New Member
I'm hoping to take my 2 year old and 5 year old to WDW later this year. While we would definitely get a stroller for the 2 year old anyway, I'm pretty sure that the two kids will be sharing the stroller for portions of our trip.

A couple of points in favor of the stroller:
1. A vacation at WDW is a very walking-intensive experience, and much moreso now than back in the day. A Disney vacation (at least for me) used to involve 3 or 4 days in 1 or 2 parks. Now it seems there's a lot of folks stretching it out to 5-10 days and four theme parks (not including water parks and other theme parks in the area). Over a 5-10 day period that's a lot of walking for even the hardiest 5 year old.

2. Tired children are cranky children. If you want well-behaved children, you want more strollers. A well-rested child is going to be more successful handling the incredibly over-stimulating experience that is WDW.

3. Yes, strollers take up more real estate and crowd the walkways more than an upright, walking 5 year-old. However, a family walking very slowly so that their poor 5 year-old can keep up will also slow down everyone around them. Putting Jr. in the stroller means you can keep moving and hopefully avoid slowing down the people around you.


New Member
stankly182 said:
Yes, we were at WDW the second week of May, and the kids we encountered were demons to say the least. At Animal Kingdom, they had the palm tree come out before park opening and this little girl kept trying to pull the tree down. She would "push it around" and hang on to it, making it difficult for the tree to move around. The parents were NO WHERE in sight to tell this little girl to stop. I had strollers shoved into my heels more than 10 times, by older children pushing smaller children around in the strollers. This time was also bad for kids touching and pulling on our backback while in line for rides, kids shoving past us and their parents while in line, and too many other occurances to list. I think the problem is the parents mostly IMO. If your kid is disturbing others/property they should be stopped. :lookaroun

well said! :D


New Member
My 2 cents on strollers:

I seem to remember that the 1st time we went to WDW (I was about 7 and my brother was about 3), neither of us were in strollers. In fact BOTH of us were DRAGGING my parents to each thing. They ran out of energy before us because we were so excited. You couldn't have kept my brother in a stroller. We have a pic of him spinning one of the characters around in a circle just running. The lack of energy thing could have to do with the obesity/laziness problem that our society has in general nowadays.


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Original Poster
Ariellen said:
What difference does it make what the age of another Guest's child in a stroller is? It's pretty clear that everyone has different ideas about how old is too old for a stroller. The people on these boards all just seem to want to receive some common courtesy from the other Guests when they visit WDW and understand that it's important to BE courteous of the other Guests, too. Wouldn't we all rather be walking through the park around the considerate stroller-using parent of an 8 year old than the parent who's trying to use his or her 3-year-old's stroller to push other people out of the way?

There's never going to be 100% perfect behavior from every single WDW Guest, but I still think the number of considerate Guests who just want to have a good time is far greater than the number of rude Guests. :)

Thanks....thats all we want is some courtessy thats all. I try my best to be courteous to everyone around me and all I ask is the same in return. And I agree that the good guests outnumber the bad...but the bad seem to be getting worse and they are multipying.


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Original Poster
jozzmenia said:
I don't think it's anything to get angry over. People have their opinions and they're entitled to them. If u think it's ok to put a 12 year old in a stroller, go ahead and do it, if I think 2 year old should be out of the stroller, then I won't put my 2 year old in one. I don't think either of us should be blasted for that opinion.

Cheers budy!!:sohappy: I only say that 20 somethings shouldnt have kids, because I am a 20something and I dont think most kids my age are mature enough.


New Member
mmartelli said:
Cheers budy!!:sohappy: I only say that 20 somethings shouldnt have kids, because I am a 20something and I dont think most kids my age are mature enough.

i see your point. i'm not going to say there's an age group that shouldnt have kids though. i think that there are 20 year olds who are GOOD parents just like there are 50 year olds who are BAD parents. but i know that there are a lot of irresponsible people in my age group. i'm 26 and a new attorney and i still think i'm not ready for kids because I'm too spoiled, and absent minded at times. so i wait to have them. i think the good thing is, fortunately a lot of immature people tend to mature rather quickly when they have kids. conversely, it's unfortunate that everyone'e not able to do that. i dont think that age is a good indicator though b/c as i said, u can be a good or a bad parent at any age.


Well-Known Member
jozzmenia said:
i see your point. i'm not going to say there's an age group that shouldnt have kids though. i think that there are 20 year olds who are GOOD parents just like there are 50 year olds who are BAD parents. but i know that there are a lot of irresponsible people in my age group. i'm 26 and a new attorney and i still think i'm not ready for kids because I'm too spoiled, and absent minded at times. so i wait to have them. i think the good thing is, fortunately a lot of immature people tend to mature rather quickly when they have kids. conversely, it's unfortunate that everyone'e not able to do that. i dont think that age is a good indicator though b/c as i said, u can be a good or a bad parent at any age.
Very good point. Most of the time it's not the age that you have children, it's the maturity level you are at when you have kids. Some 20 somethings are at the maturity level of an 18 year old, so they probably shouldn't have kids yet, however, other 20 somethings are at the maturity level of 30 and are wonderful parents.

So I think it's wrong to think that 20 somethings shouldn't have kids, just the ones who are irresponsible, no matter what age probably should wait until they are mature enough to handle the responsibility that having a child creates.


New Member
I think both adults and kids behave badly everywhere. There are a lot of people out there who only care for number one. People have stopped being polite. Gone are the days of saying "Thank you" and "Please" or "Yes Mame" and "No sir". People don't hold the door open for you anymore. They don't give up their seat to a pregnant women or older person. People are just rude, crude, and selfish.

I've also seen a lot of bias toward children. People make rude and judgemental comments like, "I wish they wouldn't bring kids here" as if anyone with a family should leave their kids at home. Don't like kids? Get used to kids being around because they are everywhere. Sure they can be loud and obnoxious but they are still kids. And they need REAL parents who aren't afraid to disipline them in the right way. I'm not talking about this time out crud, I'm talking about spankings and taking away priveliges. Word of advice: You are not your child's friend. This isn't a popularity contest. Sure they'll probably say they hate you once in awhile but guess what, you are still the parent. They need rules and guidance.

Strollers: Tinkerlor, telling someone "they don't have kids so they couldn't possibly understand" is a pretty lame comment to make. I don't have kids either but I bet I'm 100% more qualified to work with kids than most people. Especially since I work with kids 5 days a week and have training to work with kids. I also have 2 neices, Megan 6 and Rachel 2, that the wife and I have watched on numerous occasions. And YES 8 years old is way too old for any child to be put in a stroller. Let them walk. I'm sure they could use the exercise. If they cry about walking take them to the bathroom and show them that walking may be in their best interest if they know whats good for them. ;)

Cell phones in the park: Actually I AM that important that sometimes I have to have my cell phone with me. For instance, this past vacation I needed to be reached for any questions because of a certain situation at work. Besides cell phones are how me and the wife keep in contact with one another. I don't use them on rides. I don't use them during shows. But I've had to make/receive a call while at the park.

Hmmmmmmm.. did I leave anything out. :D


Active Member
masterv said:
I think both adults and kids behave badly everywhere. There are a lot of people out there who only care for number one. People have stopped being polite. Gone are the days of saying "Thank you" and "Please" or "Yes Mame" and "No sir". People don't hold the door open for you anymore. They don't give up their seat to a pregnant women or older person. People are just rude, crude, and selfish.

I've also seen a lot of bias toward children. People make rude and judgemental comments like, "I wish they wouldn't bring kids here" as if anyone with a family should leave their kids at home. Don't like kids? Get used to kids being around because they are everywhere. Sure they can be loud and obnoxious but they are still kids. And they need REAL parents who aren't afraid to disipline them in the right way. I'm not talking about this time out crud, I'm talking about spankings and taking away priveliges. Word of advice: You are not your child's friend. This isn't a popularity contest. Sure they'll probably say they hate you once in awhile but guess what, you are still the parent. They need rules and guidance.

Strollers: Tinkerlor, telling someone "they don't have kids so they couldn't possibly understand" is a pretty lame comment to make. I don't have kids either but I bet I'm 100% more qualified to work with kids than most people. Especially since I work with kids 5 days a week and have training to work with kids. I also have 2 neices, Megan 6 and Rachel 2, that the wife and I have watched on numerous occasions. And YES 8 years old is way too old for any child to be put in a stroller. Let them walk. I'm sure they could use the exercise. If they cry about walking take them to the bathroom and show them that walking may be in their best interest if they know whats good for them. ;)

Cell phones in the park: Actually I AM that important that sometimes I have to have my cell phone with me. For instance, this past vacation I needed to be reached for any questions because of a certain situation at work. Besides cell phones are how me and the wife keep in contact with one another. I don't use them on rides. I don't use them during shows. But I've had to make/receive a call while at the park.

Hmmmmmmm.. did I leave anything out. :D

Well said :sohappy:


New Member
mmartelli said:
Cheers budy!!:sohappy: I only say that 20 somethings shouldnt have kids, because I am a 20something and I dont think most kids my age are mature enough.

The issue with your comments are that you make broad generalizations. There are people in their 20's that are mature enough to become parents as well as there are people in their 40's who are not. You generalize all kids under 6 as kids with bad behaviors. You can not make such broad generalizations. Not all kids under 6 are horrible and not all 20 somethings are terrible parents.

It takes a certain level of maturity to understand that you can not take an entire generation and make a one size fits all comment. As you mature, not age, you will come to realize this. There are kids under 6 who do have manners, can stand in line and stay quiet. Mine is one of those kids. I wouldn't take him if he couldn't handle it. I find it hard to believe that the only kids you witness misbehaving were under 6. I tend to see more outrageous behavior from tweenies and teenagers than I do preschoolers.

Disney is a family vacation spot. The kids are going to be there, of all ages. I do not let the bad behaviors of the teenagers and tweenies get me this upset. I understand that there will be some kids misbehaving as well as adults who misbehave. Do the adults who scream and curse get you this upset? Or do you just focus your energy on the little ones because it is easier to blame the parents for their behavior?

The stroller issue, once again, is for the parent of the child to decide, not anyone else. I would never base my decision on what other people think, especially ones who are not parents and do not know my child. If I use a stroller, its my choice. If it ruins your vacation because I do so, I feel sorry for you. It isn't that big a deal. I understand there are some who are rude with it and it is frustrating. However, there are some without them who are just as rude and just as much to blame. Let's just get over it and move on!!!


Well-Known Member
3fordisney said:
. Let's just get over it and move on!!!

He cant let it go.. Has to have the last he is increasing his post count....It will go on and on until no one responds back to him..He says he enjoys discussions and He is here to vent..thats fine..We all have different opinions.. his just has to be right or he will not give up.
I think we should all just say..Ok you are right... Kids are horrible and should not go to WDW and all strollers and wheelchairs should be banned..and then..he will move on.....To another thread on another topic to argue with everyone....
Here's a thought: Perhaps the main reason these kids are misbehaving and knocking into people is because they are TIRED!!!

If your child is whining, cranky, and out of control, you should give serious thought to leaving the park for a nap or for the day.
I have never understood the concept of having children in the park at opening, on lines and rides all day long, resting or napping in strollers because they are exhausted but the rest of the family can't bear the thought of missing anything, and being out of the room until 10 or 11 at night. You wouldn't put your kid through that kind of endurance test at home, why do it at WDW? Give them a break. They are only children and need rest.


New Member
Not sure if kids really are any worse these days than they used to be, but I have my very own "bad kid" story from work today I figured I'd share with you guys.

For anyone familiar with the Pangani Forest Exploration trail in Animal Kingdom... I was walking from the wheelchair Safaris Dock that is a little ways into the trail (next to the Okapi exhibit), and towards the entrance of the trail. On the side of the path there is a termite mound sliced down the middle, so you can see what the inside of one looks like. Well just as I happend to be walking towards it, I notice this 7-9 year old boy FORCIBLY kicking the termite mound again and again, obviously trying to destroy it.

Walking towards him I said exactly what was going through my head: "WHAT are you doing!?!?"

...Needless to say he stopped immediately and had that "ohhhhh man I've been caught!" look on his face and ran off to his mother, who asked the same question I had---though I think she was just playing dumb infront of me, I'm fairly certain she was perfectly aware of what her son had been doing.

Had I not been under a time constraint, I would have had more to say to this family... and looking back at it I wish I would have because something tells me the next time this kid is not being watched by a CM, he'll find something new to try and destroy.


Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
jozzmenia said:
I don't think it's anything to get angry over. People have their opinions and they're entitled to them. If u think it's ok to put a 12 year old in a stroller, go ahead and do it, if I think 2 year old should be out of the stroller, then I won't put my 2 year old in one. I don't think either of us should be blasted for that opinion.

I stand firm on everything I wrote.


New Member
maelstrom said:
I hate that!! I'm shorter than you, and it's like I'm invisible. People stand directly in front of me. Now I just go off onto the side because then I can actually see. I went to a Buckethead concert a few months ago and I was right up by the stage, but by the time he started playing, so many tall people had weaseled their way in front of me, I couldn't see a thing. I actually just started crying because I was so upset with everything.

Try being in a wheelchair.....I'm really, really short.....:cry:


Active Member
I think parents are trying too hard to be there kids' buddy these days instead of their parents. Everything you read now says to not do this or do that because it will someone affect your kids adverselywhen they are older.
Well, my parents disciplined me when I was young and now I have the utmost respect for them for doing so. Don't get me wrong - it's not easy being a parent - it's very difficult at times. I guess it's just the ebb and flow of psychology over the ages and what is deemed as 'acceptable' by society.

Well said


New Member
MMARTELLI - you don't have kids - enough said!!!

I have 5 kids, age range from 4 to 18.

I have to agree with MMARTELLI, an 8 year old should not be in a stroller.

In fact my 4 year old has pretty much outgrown strollers.

I've seen bigger kids in strollers, 6 and above and it is a puzzling sight. I think to myself "those parents need to quit babying thier growing children".

I'm sorry if that's offensive, but I suspect that's what most people would think at the sight.

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