Are kids behaving worse now at WDW then in the past?

Just my 2 cents. There are two options here

1. Yes, kids are indeed getting worse and I'm noticing it


2. It's a sign I'm getting old (23 in a few weeks) and it's just the first step to me sitting around saying "MEHHHHHHHHHH kids these days! When I was their age we showed some RESPECT!"

I think it's a little bit of both!

Feeling the cold clammy hands of old age on his shoulder,


New Member
PolarJim said:
It's a sign I'm getting old (23 in a few weeks) and it's just the first step to me sitting around saying "MEHHHHHHHHHH kids these days! When I was their age we showed some RESPECT!"

I don't think that at all. Even when I was younger I had most of the same attitudes I have now about respect. Why? Because from age 0-18 every chance my parents got they taught me respect. They made me say "Yes Mame" or "No Sir". They expected I say "Thank you" and "Please". They taught me to share. They taught me to be nice to everyone.

Here is a story I've printed in my Blog on myspace I'd like to share with everyone that illustrates this very point.

The other day, someone at a store in our town read that a methamphetamine lab had been found in an old farmhouse in the adjoining county and he asked me a rhetorical question, ''Why didn't we have a drug problem when you and I were growing up?'' I replied: I had a drug problem when I was young: I was drug to church on Sunday morning. I was drug to church for weddings and funerals. I was drug to family reunions and community socials no matter the weather. I was drug by my ears when I was disrespectful to adults. I was also drug to the woodshed when I disobeyed my parents, told a lie, brought home a bad report card, did not speak with respect, spoke ill of the teacher or the preacher, or if I didn't put forth my best effort in everything that was asked of me. I was drug to the kitchen sink to have my mouth washed out with soap if I uttered a profane four-letter word. I was drug out to pull weeds in mom's garden and flowerbeds and cockleburs out of dad's fields. I was drug to the homes of family, friends, and neighbors to help out some poor soul who had no one to mow the yard, repair the clothesline, or chop some firewood; and, if my mother had ever known that I took a single dime as a tip! for this kindness, she would have drug me back to the woodshed.

Those drugs are still in my veins; and they affect my behavior in everything I do, say, and think. They are stronger than cocaine, crack, or heroin; and, if today's children had this kind of drug problem, America would be a better place.
speck76 said:
From what I see more often than not, the kids are just acting like kids, and the parents want them to act like "little adults".

In addition, I see kids act out because the parents are ignoring them....for instance, I was recently in a lounge at a resort hotel....the parents were drinking and having a rather long conversation, meanwhile, the kid was forced to sit an be quiet during this entire time. The kids eventually got bored and started messing around, which cause the parents to scold him. do not know how toe entertain themselves in a productive way
2...parents ignore their kids too much

I think it falls back to the self nature of so many American is all about them, not about the kids, not about the family.....
I think you have a point. The other side of it is sometimes the parents let them act a little too much like kids, forgetting that they have a responsibility to them and their behavior. An example would be one that I see almost every day: kids sitting, hanging and swinging on the railings put in the bus queues for people to lean on, and to organize the line. I asked a bus driver and he told me at least once a week a child falls off of the railing and gets badly hurt. A responsible parent should realize that a three foot high, two inch thick, round, metal bar over solid concrete is not the safest thing for a small child to sit or play on. To quote the Timon and Pumbaa's Wild About Safety series: "Stay on your feet, it's not a seat."
Sorry guys, I was just trying to add a little humor here. I definately agree parents let kids get away with a lot. I was punished when I screwed up and was taken to church every week ( still am). I think kids should be punished and at least learn the fundamentals that relgion, of any kind, teaches.

Then again, I can't really talk I suppose, I don't have kids....and hopefully not too soon lol.

Also, I have tended to notice that people are saying hitting a child is abuse. Now I'm not condoning a uppercut to the jaw, but I see nothing wrong with a spankin' or the occasional paddle:) Maybe we're getting too sensitive "oh I could never hit my child".....sometimes I just think it's needed to really make you remember not to do it again:) Add to the fact that kids are naturally springy they'll recover quickly:) I got hit once in a while and I turned out alright...I think? :)
masterv said:
I don't think that at all. Even when I was younger I had most of the same attitudes I have now about respect. Why? Because from age 0-18 every chance my parents got they taught me respect. They made me say "Yes Mame" or "No Sir". They expected I say "Thank you" and "Please". They taught me to share. They taught me to be nice to everyone.

Here is a story I've printed in my Blog on myspace I'd like to share with everyone that illustrates this very point.

The other day, someone at a store in our town read that a methamphetamine lab had been found in an old farmhouse in the adjoining county and he asked me a rhetorical question, ''Why didn't we have a drug problem when you and I were growing up?'' I replied: I had a drug problem when I was young: I was drug to church on Sunday morning. I was drug to church for weddings and funerals. I was drug to family reunions and community socials no matter the weather. I was drug by my ears when I was disrespectful to adults. I was also drug to the woodshed when I disobeyed my parents, told a lie, brought home a bad report card, did not speak with respect, spoke ill of the teacher or the preacher, or if I didn't put forth my best effort in everything that was asked of me. I was drug to the kitchen sink to have my mouth washed out with soap if I uttered a profane four-letter word. I was drug out to pull weeds in mom's garden and flowerbeds and cockleburs out of dad's fields. I was drug to the homes of family, friends, and neighbors to help out some poor soul who had no one to mow the yard, repair the clothesline, or chop some firewood; and, if my mother had ever known that I took a single dime as a tip! for this kindness, she would have drug me back to the woodshed.

Those drugs are still in my veins; and they affect my behavior in everything I do, say, and think. They are stronger than cocaine, crack, or heroin; and, if today's children had this kind of drug problem, America would be a better place.
That was so beautiful it almost brought a tear to my eye...

I said almost!

Anyhoo, your post is a testament to the values often lacking in today's society. I applaud your courage to say in such a colorful way something that needed to be said. :sohappy:
Ok - this is all I have to say on this subject - my kids are good kids, they mind what I say, they love the Disney Magic, I don't know everything about kids, but I do know my kids and everything about them! If I or anyone chooses to put their kid in a stroller - so be it. Who cares what people think. I am there for the MAGICAL experience and so are my kids and I am not going to let anyone ruin that for me or them! Each time I have been at Disney me and my family have been considerate of each other and everyone around us - that's all we can ask of anyone.

Have a magical day!!!!!!
Congratulations...I only wish your family could be the rule rather than the exception.


Well-Known Member
No Sen, I didn't respond defensively because my kids have behavioral problems. I am defensive because I am sick of people criticizing parents for putting their kids in strollers!!!! I am not my kids buddy I am my kids parent. My kids don't act up in stores, rides, shows, parades. My kids stay right next to me and behave VERY WELL!!!!!!! For getting to the parks early and staying late 5 days my kids did VERY VERY WELL and I saw plenty of kids that acted the same like mine and you know what I didn't see a lot of kids behaving badly or acting up - I saw more adults doing that!!!!!
Tink...I think I should say to you what I said to moriah...

me from earlier in this thread said:
Yes, but Tink, there is just one difference.

You watch after your kids and at least try to make them behave which is the mark of a good mother.

I think a lot of the grievence is with parents who don't watch their children and who allow them to do whatever they want and think that's ok, when in reality it's not.

No one is talking about people who take care of their kids the way they are supposed to be taken care of. What people are really upset with are those who couldn't care less about what their kids are doing. Yes, there are many kids who are wonderful and who are well behaved, yours are included in that category.

But nowadays, it seems like there are more and more kids who are unruly and who aren't told no because their parents either don't care or they want to be their friend as speck pointed out earlier.

It isn't you who is being talked about. It is the parents who just don't care.

(and my opinion on the stroller thing is that while I do think it is a little poposerous to have an 8 year old in a stroller, it really isn't that big of deal. I just think it's a little too old to be in a stroller, although, I can understand the argument that the parks are bigger now and there is more room to traverse, so these kids can get tired out easier-no matter what age. God knows the parks can wear my out as well.)


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that there are an awful lot of people who are concerned about who is in a stroller and how can you tell how old a kid is just by looking? My youngest is 6 now, there are 3 yr olds bigger than her, should those toddlers not be allowed to use a stroller then just because they look older? At 3 they are not mature enough to know what to do if they get separated from an adult..and it happens. People at MK right after the fireworks push their way to the exit without a care or concern for those around them. I am not about to judge anyone elses do you know they don't have other underlying issues that may not be physically visible? CP, babies born on drugs who are with foster parents or adopted can have severe issues, do those kids not deserve a day at MK? I am just thankful for healthy, well adjusted kids who are polite and kind. Live and let live. Its WDW its supposed to be fun.....right?


Well-Known Member
There's an old saying that "The squeaky wheel gets the grease".
Unfortunately, most of us only notice the loud, unruly children and thus draw the conclusion that kids are more ill mannered these days than in the past.

My wife and I make a habit now...if we sit next to or wait in line next to kids that are well behaved, we compliment the parents for having such polite kids.
I don't know about most people, but after being in a park all day during a hot summer, it really makes the bus ride back to the resort a LOT more comfortable if the kids on the bus are well-behaved.
I feel it's a reflection on their parents and so I feel the need to say something nice to them.
I had people do that to me when my kids were well behaved and it was always nice to hear that all my years of parental teaching efforts paid off.


New Member
Dwarful said:
It seems to me that there are an awful lot of people who are concerned about who is in a stroller and how can you tell how old a kid is just by looking? My youngest is 6 now, there are 3 yr olds bigger than her, should those toddlers not be allowed to use a stroller then just because they look older? At 3 they are not mature enough to know what to do if they get separated from an adult..and it happens. People at MK right after the fireworks push their way to the exit without a care or concern for those around them. I am not about to judge anyone elses do you know they don't have other underlying issues that may not be physically visible? CP, babies born on drugs who are with foster parents or adopted can have severe issues, do those kids not deserve a day at MK? I am just thankful for healthy, well adjusted kids who are polite and kind. Live and let live. Its WDW its supposed to be fun.....right?

Thank You!!! Well Said!!!:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Scooter said:
There's an old saying that "The squeaky wheel gets the grease".
Unfortunately, most of us only notice the loud, unruly children and thus draw the conclusion that kids are more ill mannered these days than in the past.

Thats very true, but sometimes its hard to notice the kid standing in line very well behaved while your combing the melted ice cream out of your hair that got there when the kid behind you decided he didn't want his mickey bar anymore.

Having a child in the park yields no more priveleges than those without child.

Sorry Scooter, this wasnt directed at you, or anyone else for that matter, I just liked your quote.


Well-Known Member
Dwarful said:
It seems to me that there are an awful lot of people who are concerned about who is in a stroller and how can you tell how old a kid is just by looking? My youngest is 6 now, there are 3 yr olds bigger than her, should those toddlers not be allowed to use a stroller then just because they look older? At 3 they are not mature enough to know what to do if they get separated from an adult..and it happens. People at MK right after the fireworks push their way to the exit without a care or concern for those around them. I am not about to judge anyone elses do you know they don't have other underlying issues that may not be physically visible? CP, babies born on drugs who are with foster parents or adopted can have severe issues, do those kids not deserve a day at MK? I am just thankful for healthy, well adjusted kids who are polite and kind. Live and let live. Its WDW its supposed to be fun.....right?
And I couldn't agree with that statement more. You're at Disney and you shouldn't be worried about how old a little one in a stroller is.

(That still doesn't mean that I don't think that an 8 year old in a stroller is excessive, but it's not going to ruin my vacay if I see an 8 year old in a stroller.)


New Member
nibblesandbits said:
And I couldn't agree with that statement more. You're at Disney and you shouldn't be worried about how old a little one in a stroller is.

(That still doesn't mean that I don't think that an 8 year old in a stroller is excessive, but it's not going to ruin my vacay if I see an 8 year old in a stroller.)

That's why i think this thread got carried away. People get too defensive. Yes, there were some overgeneralizations made, but I didn't see anyone say their vacation would be ruined by an 8 year old in a stroller (or a 4 year old for that matter). Making an observation and saying you don't like something doesn't mean it ruins your vacation. I hate how a certain timeshare group came right at 7:15 am sharp to pick us up and take us to their resort and even called to wake us up, yet when they were done with us, they made us wait an hour for the shuttle back and made us miss our reservation at Emeril's :fork: but it didn't ruin my vacation...:D

I could observe lots of annoying things in the parks if I chose too, none of which would ruin my vacation, and none that anyone should be too defensive about. It's like if I said, it's annoying when I see kids with the all you can eat all day bracelets on at universal b/c it promotes obesity and it's all crappy fattening junk food. That's my opinion. It doesn't ruin my vacation, it's just a thought. And parent who buy those bracelets shouldn't get angry. They can continue to stuff their kids if that's their perogative and their free to do that and my opinion doesn't hurt them in any way. I hate to see people jumped on for their opinions.


New Member
Scooter said:
There's an old saying that "The squeaky wheel gets the grease".
Unfortunately, most of us only notice the loud, unruly children and thus draw the conclusion that kids are more ill mannered these days than in the past.

I was just thinking that. I think society and people in general inadvertently focus on the negatives, even though the positives outweigh them. I was just having a conversation about this. An example is in school. If you miss an assignment or turn it in late, the teacher is right on you emphasizing it, but he or she doesn't come in everday praising the students who did their homework like they were supposed to. And no one says anything if u come into work on time everyday, but they sure say something if u come in late! :D
I was talking about hotel reviews to. You never see a hotel without a negative review so I don't put 100% faith in them b/c it seems a dissatisified customer is much more likely to raise a ruckus then a satisfied one. So most people will say something like "look at how badly that boy is behaving" as opposed to "that is such a well-behaved boy" in a crowded park b/c the bad ones tend to stand out, but it's not saying there are no good ones. Although I'll say again that on this past weekends trip my boyfriend an I were having such a good time that all we noticed were the good ones! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I always get a good laugh out of these "kids are so much worse today than when I was a kid" topics...yeah, right...whatever.

You are silly to think that our parents were not having the same talk ("just because Stevie has a record player in his room doesn't mean you are going to...what are parents thinking these days??), just as their parents were, and their parents...etc, etc.



New Member
WOW! What a thread! :eek: There are a lot of good points made, observations stated and opinions expressed. So, I guess I'll throw my opinions and observations in there.

I see kids (middle schoolers and elementary students) every day...and have for a long time. There are some differences in behavior. Now, I am not trying to stereotype here; When I say "they," I mean a majority of the kids today that I see") Even as little as 10 years ago, kids were more respectful and less assuming than now. Now, kids (of all ages) seem to expect too much and are much less respectful of other people. They seem to think that they are equal to adults. Other people's property means nothing, feelings mean nothing, and a having a good reputation means nothing. They just don't care. I have seen parents laugh.....yes, LAUGH when told things their children have done. They say things like, "You just never know what they will do," or "They all do it." The parents of these kids just don't seem to care. When we call for a parent conference, less than half will even show up. When they do, we get no where. We've even had parents show up drunk! I agree with those of you who said it is the parents' fault. Children learn from their parents....the good and the bad! Parents need to take back control and be a parent, not a "friend" to their children. I'm not saying that parents and children can't be friends, just that the parenting job has to come first. Every parent is a teacher. The problem is some are teaching the wrong lessons.... or worse yet, not teaching at all.


This is a story for the older generation such as myself who knew and understood the consiquences for acted rude and offensive. Talked to a friend of mine who works for a painting contractor we work with as one of their superintendents,who just got back from vacation in Trinadad where he is originally from. He has been having a real hard time as of late with his 15 year old daughter, and her attitude. She recently got in trouble for bullying at school.He disciplined her more then once ,and the last time 3 weeks ago she had the nerve to call the cops claiming child abuse. Cops and social services showed up, but they recognized the daughter from problems at school and they realized she lied. Anyway, he proceeds to tell me as they got off the plane in Trinadad,she was told by her mother to behave,to which her reply was F*** Y**. He said his reply was his belt coming off, and blistering her backside. She sees airport cops screams " ASSAULT!". And their reply, Histerical laughter, and one falling on the ground holding his stomach from laughing so hard. They recover and the one proceeds to tell her if she was his daughter, he would have done worse. The final insult and punishment, took all her fancy clothes,cell phone,and electronics and left her there with his mother for the summer, but she believes they left her there for good! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!:sohappy:


Active Member
goofntink said:
The final insult and punishment, took all her fancy clothes,cell phone,and electronics and left her there with his mother for the summer, but she believes they left her there for good! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!:sohappy:

Now, that is just not fair to dump his problem child with his mother to deal with instead of handling it.


Well-Known Member
shoppingnut said:
Now, that is just not fair to dump his problem child with his mother to deal with instead of handling it.

I don't believe that is what his friend has done. Maybe he wanted his daughter to see what life would be like without all her stuff and what it would be like if her parents weren't around. They are teaching her a lesson and one I hope that she understands.

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