Are kids behaving worse now at WDW then in the past?


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Pongo said:
In defense of those who stand during Wishes, I'm sure there are plenty of people who would prefer not to sit on the ground. I'm one of them.

All the times that I've seen Wishes, the majority of people were standing and those that were sitting didn't seem to have a problem. I didn't specifically ask them about it, but they weren't saying anything or hinting at the fact that we were being a burden.

People have different preferences. I could understand being upset if it was your first and only time seeing the show, but if you get the opportunity to see it many times, I don't think it should be that distressing.

Your happiness does not depend on everyone else.
When you are 4'8" and in a wheelcahir it can be pretty much ruined by someone standing right in front of you and completely blocking you view. I really don't want to look at their butt or looking up the back of their head. And in a wheelchair you can be trapped with no ability to change where you are once other people have surrounded you. Very scary experience.
I have come to the conclusion (and I'm sure I will get flamed for this) that Disney World would be better if parents weren't allowed. Without the parents, the Cast Members carry more authority to the children, and often it seems the kids are unruly because the parents are more interested in what they want to do (which usually involves saving money or time), rather than what the children want to do, and that is their way of outputting the excitement they would be outputting on what they would rather be doing.


Well-Known Member
Ok I didn't read every single post, but read several. As the mother of two girls 10 & 6 and a girl scout leader for both girls (one Brownie and one Junior troop) I think its pretty fair to say that its not just the kids. Yeah, some kids are incredibly spoiled and out of control. But I have seen many adults with poor behavior as well. Pushing to the front of lines, squeezing in curb space for parade viewing right before parade time when others had been waiting for more than an hour. But the one thing that really irks me and I let them all know is when I pay good money for a concert, theater event, ball game or hockey game and adults cannot stay in their seat for more than 30 minutes at a time. During the hockey games..if the puck is in play I will NOT move out of the way to let people enter the aisle. I pay to see the event not the backsides of hundreds of strangers.
The whole stroller issue, I don't worry what other people do for their children if its not endangering them. We have put our four year old in a stroller at WDW during esp. busy times, mostly so she doesnt get seperated..its amazing how rushed everyone is to push their way someplace without paying any attention to others around them. Also, there are children who are large for their age but don't have that stamina and need the stroller. I know kids who are 3 that are as big as my 6 yr old. So you can't simply eyeball a child and know for sure that childs age.


Well-Known Member
I still stand by the fact that it is a loss of courtesy in this country. Kids are not courteous by nature (usually), so you have to teach it. Kids will be horrendous and unruly if they are not taught proper actions. It's part of being self-centered and immature. However, when the parents are so busy, annoyed at crowds, untrained themselves, etc. to pay attention to how their actions affect others around, it carries over to the kids. I am not saying be a pushover, but if people took time to indoctrinate a little cast member into their vacation, I would bet that they not only create a better overall atmosphere but actually have a better time themselves. I realize I might be in the minority, but some of my best Disney memories are from taking pictures for someone or pointing them in the right direction when I was off duty, not marked as a CM. That honest "thanks" really goes a long way to make a vacation feel better. When you are too enraptured in yourself and you don't know or, worse, care how you are affecting others, it usually makes for a worse time over all (with the one exception perhaps being loud and excited at dinner and getting out of control volume wise).


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I noticed alot of unrully parents too. What I see here in the forum is that all of us share in these concerns. Hats off to thoes of you who make cell calls in private, not on an atraction. Technology is great, but it does need to be used resposibly. I think that cast members should have the authority to kick anoying people out of rides (if they don't already have that power). It would be for the benefit of all if they could can the people who aren't as responsible as us. There is a time and a place for cell conversations, and that is not in the middle of a WDW atraction.

The bottom line here is control. Control of kids, controll of technology useage...everyone can do what they want to do, so long as it doesnt affect somone else's enjoyment of a WDW atraction.


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mmartelli said:
everyone can do what they want to do, so long as it doesnt affect somone else's enjoyment of a WDW atraction.

The world would have to be prefect if that were to happen. People are ALWAYS going to be doing something that annoys another person, even when they try their hardest not to. It's human nature to make mistakes.

I think the situation at hand is not only the children's faults, I think it's a combination of upbringing plus other people's tolerance levels. Kids may just seem more annoying because other people are expecting perfection from something still in development. No child is going to act 100% perfect 100% of the time. Not even in Disney World.


Well-Known Member
Of course, they are just kids...let's not forget that. It is natural for children to act like...well, children. Running, screaming, full of energy. It is the parents that need to keep some of that behavior in check, and to do it at the right time. I think it is silly and stupid to attempt to have your child "tow the line" 24 hours a day, especially in a place as exciting as WDW.


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Timmay said:
Of course, they are just kids...let's not forget that. It is natural for children to act like...well, children. Running, screaming, full of energy. It is the parents that need to keep some of that behavior in check, and to do it at the right time. I think it is silly and stupid to attempt to have your child "tow the line" 24 hours a day, especially in a place as exciting as WDW.

:sohappy: exactly!! :)
Can we adults get in on the stroller thing?

I realize I will be flamed but, does anyone know how many strollers are available on a daily basis at each park? I'm willing to bet they've had to double their inventory in the past 6 years. I wonder if the Magic Kingdom has ever ran out of strollers? What age/height/weight capacity is a cut-off point on the strollers? Has a stroller ever been destroyed by a not so little one that went beyond said weight capacity?

There are times when my husband could use a nap when we are at the parks. Are there any extra large strollers for a cranky man-child? :lol: That would be really cool.


Kids are more unruly these days for one simple fact,lack of discipline by the parents,and fear of HRS. When I was a child, if I had acted up like some of these kids, my parents would have tanned my backside. Nowadays you can't spank your child without fear of someone screaming CHILD ABUSE! I still believe in the old phrase, "Spare the rod, Spoil the child." If you don't agree with me, I say think back to when you were a child, and you got in trouble. Mom would bust your butt, and then when you thought you were done , what were the next words out her mouth?...... That's right, "If you think that was bad,...WAIT till your father gets home! Trust me when I say I have my Fathers one hand belt removed from the pants draw down pact!Another thing when they are punished, stick to it. If it's No tv, it means no tv!And kids having a cell phone, If they have a job to pay for it ,then they can have it,cause sorry in my book a 6 year old does not need a cell phone . Get real folks! And to the one's who might say corporal punishment is just violence ,I say "And How long is Juniors sentence?"


New Member
I am 3 weeks back from being at Disney/Florida for 10 days. Kids yes may be obnoxious, but I will also say that some of the adults rank right up there. This is the 3rd year me and my family have spent at Disney and in the past 3 years we have noticed a change in adults and kids. It's not just the kids! As far as the stollers and older kids go - well, my 8 year old and 3 year old were in a double stroller and it is a god send. Yes the 8 year old is old and tall enough to ride Space Mtn, but my kid chose to sit in the stroller for awhile and walk for awhile. It's the parent's choice whether or not to rent a stroller and so what if that kids is old and tall enough to not be in one. It's not the strollers that make kids cranky and rude - it's the upbringing. Look at some of the parents..........


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Alot of you are missing the point with the strollers. Its fine if the parent wants to put an 8 year old in a stroller, but that is still rediculous. MAKE THEM WALK!!! for the love of Mickey MK is not a big park. I dont see how you all can justify putting 8 year olds in strollers. let us review: Strollers take up alot of walking space, they hold up lines when parents have to take time folding them and stowing them, its obnoxious to be stuck on a ride like MGM's backlot tour and be sitting next to a stroller. (When I rode it last week I got stuck next to a stoller that kept hitting my legs) Strollers are the biggest pain in the but inside gift shops or restaurants....people there is just not enough space for strollers and people in there...the least you could do is keep the strollers outdoors and walk in with the lazy brat. Strollers are fine for the little ones, but 8 is just crazy. I was so excited by WDW when I was 4 that I would have never wanted to be in a stroller.

What I notice too is that parents love strollers because they can hang all their stuff off of it....lazy!!! I am tired when I get thru with the parks...why cant I be pushed around in a stroller? It will make your kids stronger if you make them walk. you guys make it seem like your making your kids march across the desert or something horrible like that. Its such a death march to be forced to walk thru MK..,Oh My I am a slave of my parents....

People are getting lazier and this is all proof of that. How is it that people of my generation or generations before had no problem walking when they were 8 or younger? I went to a few restaurants out of the parks in Orlando and I saw people park, weel their older children in the stroller 20 ft into the restaurant then all the way to the table...maybe 50 ft in total. You cant have your kid walk from the car into the restaurant? Stop making excuses for the laziness.

Grim Grinner

New Member
I worked at a GameStop for 4 years and I saw a lot of today's youth pass through my store- and I employed a number of them as well.

Through the child-worship mentality that parents today have- (it's not good enough that they're the pride and joy- they're perfect) a lot of kids have free reign to do whatever they want.

If a kid complains loud enough and uses enough expletives in public, eventually he'll get that $200 game system or $50 game.

I was talking to one of my co-workers, a popular yet down-to-earth sorta guy and asked him why he wasn't like that.

"My dad (who was a minister) would smack our bottoms if me or my brothers misbehaved."

Kids get whatever they want. I was spoiled compared to the generation before me, but I did have limits. No $200 cell phones, I-PODs or other expensive non-essentials for me.


New Member
MMARTELLI - I am NOT missing the point. I rent a stroller at Disney I don't take my strollers on rides or walk into people with them - or take my time and hold up the lines. NO I am NOT missing your point, my kids by no means are lazy!!!!!!! You opbvioulsy have issues and need to chill out!!!!


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MMARTELLI - I am NOT missing the point. I rent a stroller at Disney I don't take my strollers on rides or walk into people with them - or take my time and hold up the lines. NO I am NOT missing your point, my kids by no means are lazy!!!!!!! You opbvioulsy have issues and need to chill out!!!!

I have issues with people who have no concerns for their fellow guests. But I can not see how 8year olds need to ride in strollers. You can do what you want, I am not going to stop you. I certainly dont let it ruin my vacation but I still think that 8 year olds can walk the park. I am chilled out right now, got the AC blasting glass of iced tea in my hands, listening to coltrane...but thanks for the suggestion.


mmartelli said:
Alot of you are missing the point with the strollers. Its fine if the parent wants to put an 8 year old in a stroller, but that is still rediculous. MAKE THEM WALK!!! for the love of Mickey MK is not a big park. I dont see how you all can justify putting 8 year olds in strollers. let us review: Strollers take up alot of walking space, they hold up lines when parents have to take time folding them and stowing them, its obnoxious to be stuck on a ride like MGM's backlot tour and be sitting next to a stroller. (When I rode it last week I got stuck next to a stoller that kept hitting my legs) Strollers are the biggest pain in the but inside gift shops or restaurants....people there is just not enough space for strollers and people in there...the least you could do is keep the strollers outdoors and walk in with the lazy brat. Strollers are fine for the little ones, but 8 is just crazy. I was so excited by WDW when I was 4 that I would have never wanted to be in a stroller.

What I notice too is that parents love strollers because they can hang all their stuff off of it....lazy!!! I am tired when I get thru with the parks...why cant I be pushed around in a stroller? It will make your kids stronger if you make them walk. you guys make it seem like your making your kids march across the desert or something horrible like that. Its such a death march to be forced to walk thru MK..,Oh My I am a slave of my parents....

People are getting lazier and this is all proof of that. How is it that people of my generation or generations before had no problem walking when they were 8 or younger? I went to a few restaurants out of the parks in Orlando and I saw people park, weel their older children in the stroller 20 ft into the restaurant then all the way to the table...maybe 50 ft in total. You cant have your kid walk from the car into the restaurant? Stop making excuses for the laziness.

This is something I just plain don't get. My first trip to DW was when I was 7. My parents would NEVER have put me in a stroller at that age!! I had to walk like everyone else. There was no matter of it being easier because of getting seperated or kids (me) getting unruly. If we got seperated, my parents drilled it into my head that we meet in front of the castle. There was no getting unruly or anything like that for me. Ya, so maybe I was a little adult at 7 with my manners & the way I behaved. I didn't get antsy in restaurants and start acting like a horse's hip because you don't do that in restaurants. My parents never babied me or used any of the tactics/reasoning parents use now. It makes me sick to see all of these babied spoiled brats who have no respect for their parents or anyone else for that matter. The world revolves around them and what they want. The parents allow it to happen and make up all these excuses for why it's acceptable. My niece is one of these kids. Her mother will say "she's made stellar grades all her life & she deserves it". So she deserves to snub everyone she doesn't deem to be worthy to her? Even family? Cmon now.


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Senderella said:
This is something I just plain don't get. My first trip to DW was when I was 7. My parents would NEVER have put me in a stroller at that age!! I had to walk like everyone else. There was no matter of it being easier because of getting seperated or kids (me) getting unruly. If we got seperated, my parents drilled it into my head that we meet in front of the castle. There was no getting unruly or anything like that for me. Ya, so maybe I was a little adult at 7 with my manners & the way I behaved. I didn't get antsy in restaurants and start acting like a horse's hip because you don't do that in restaurants. My parents never babied me or used any of the tactics/reasoning parents use now. It makes me sick to see all of these babied spoiled brats who have no respect for their parents or anyone else for that matter. The world revolves around them and what they want. The parents allow it to happen and make up all these excuses for why it's acceptable. My niece is one of these kids. Her mother will say "she's made stellar grades all her life & she deserves it". So she deserves to snub everyone she doesn't deem to be worthy to her? Even family? Cmon now.

Thanks Sen. I am glad I am not alone at thinking that 8 years old is insane for a stroller. :wave:


mmartelli said:
Thanks Sen. I am glad I am not alone at thinking that 8 years old is insane for a stroller. :wave:

LOL Well my legs worked perfectly fine. By that point I had been in dance classes for 5 years. They dang sure had better be workin fine by that time! LOL

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