Anyone evere have a complaint with their room at WDW? What did WDW do for you?


New Member
Hello all.
Just got back from the world, had a great time but did have a problem with the hotel rooms at a couple resorts.
Just looking to hear from other people who have had problems with their rooms, what were the problems and what did Disney do for you? Thanks!


New Member
Originally posted by Yellow Shoes

OK--maybe it's just me, but I don't think this is worth a call to the front desk.

A couple of glassfulls of water will swish the hair right down the drain. No harm, no foul.

And you were very lucky that you were upgraded so nicely. But it is not the norm--even at Disney.

And this is not a slam at you, but there has been discussion on these boards that this is the kind of thing that is being taken advantage of. People hear about your extraordinary experience, and expect a major upgrade because the toilet paper isn't folded into a "V".

I think the problem wasn't the hair, it was the fact that someone came to clean it, and it was till there.

Anyone can make a mistake once. Having them make the same mistake twice is aggravating.

Plus, I don't think the original poster was looking for an upgrade, it sounds like the manager came up with that one himself.
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New Member
I read this really amazing story a while back. Its pretty cool. I'm writing it from what I remember it, so when I mean "I", its referring to the guy telling the story.

My wife and I were on our honeymoon. We booked at the conemporary, in the honeymoon suite. We checked in at the front desk, and our bellman, Bob, brought us up to the room. So far, so good. We got to the room, and it was this small, tiny, cramped place. Not the honeymoon suite I had paid for. My wife began to cry saying stuff like, "oh, this is horrible!" and such. Bob ran down to the front desk to see what he could do. Within five minutes, we were up in the honeymoon suite. They even gave us a dozen roses for the occasion. After we *generously* tipped Bob, he told us that he's the pilot of Ear Force One, the Disney Hot Air Baloon, and that he works different jobs on-property when he's not flying. What a day! We didn't have any flaws after that. Next time you go to the contemporary, ask to see if Bob, the Balloon guy is working!

Great story, huh?

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New Member
I am the person with the lost luggage. I would have spoke to the manager of the AKL but I had to make my plane after my luggage was located. I was led to believe after I left Disney by the front desk manager it was up to the quest services dept to discuss any issues I had with me. I did not know I should contact the manager of the AKL directly.

I have been dealing with cast members called Disney Executives. This weekend while I was at the beach a Disney Manager called me. She was on her way to LA and said she would call me when she returns to the east coast. I was be so happy to find out that Disney really does care about customer satisfaction. I don't expect a free vacation. All I expect is a good discount on the concierge level of any Disney hotel. ...and to truly believe someone cares.........that is all.
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Active Member
Thank you to Belle and Pam both - I appreciate ya'll supporting my opinion! :)

As far as hair in the drain, that is pretty gross :hurl: I'm quite sure that I would call the front desk to fuss about that!

Once again, it's Disney - I expect better than that. And from a deluxe resort? That's actually quite disgraceful - Walt would most certainly not approve!
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The Mom

Premium Member
Sometimes, it's the little things that can really drive you crazy!

I just got back from the YC. The room was immaculate,I got a slight "upgrade" on check-in (unasked), and was quite satisfied with the room in general. Since I had gotten such a slashed rate using a "code" I felt I had gotten a good deal.

I liked the rheostats on the overbed made it quite easy for my son to dift off to sleep in a darkened, but not totally dark, room. There were also more than enough drawers and storage space for the two of us.

I disliked the fact that if we had been any further from the lobby we would have been staying in the Dolphin, but again, SOMEONE has to have those rooms! At least I wasn't on the first floor with people walking past my patio every day. And it was just a quick jaunt down the stairs to a wonderful viewing location (with bench) for Illuminations. I wish I had known about this spot on my last trip. (BWV)

The only thing that DID irritate me, and which had no easy solution, was the fact that someone had mismeasured the bathroom! (or the fixtures) It was impossible to open/close the door without lifting the toilet seat. :lol: I was only there two nights, so I didn't complain to anyone, but if I had stayed longer, it would have gotten on my nerves. Has anyone else encountered this sort of problem? It was obviously a design flaw, and I really don't know how it could be easily corrected. :veryconfu

I stored my luggage with no problems..Poohbear's post had made me a bit apprehensive! The bellman(who also was my check-in CM) was also doubling as valet driver, so it was a "one stop" check-out...very nice.
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New Member
WE had roach problems when we stayed at the Poly some 25 years ago. they upgraded us. WE had ant problems when we stayed at the Carribean 6 years ago. They just sprayed for us, and that seemed to work. Now wer're going again, and I request 2nd floor, a bit harder for the bugs to get in.
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New Member
I just want to say that I agree with the comments above. I can get a fairly nice house for $600 a week out of season, outside Disney property so if I stay inside Disney a expect a better than average experience.

As I heard an imagineer say on the WDW travel channel program...when you come to Disney you expect more. You have higher expectations and expect them to be met. I could not have said it better. Even at a discount the rooms go for what 5 star hotels do in major cities.

That's just my two cents.
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New Member
Originally posted by KathyG/poohbear
I don't expect a free vacation. All I expect is a good discount on the concierge level of any Disney hotel. ...and to truly believe someone cares.........that is all.

You were certainly incovenienced, of that there is no doubt. In all honesty you took a big chance leaving medication in the care of anyone other than yourself. Do you deserve an apology, yes. Do you deserve a discount amounting to $1000+, IMHO, no.

We all tend to forget that despite the euphemisms that are used (cast member, mousekeeping) the employees at Disney are people just like the rest of us. Mistakes happen. They're mortal. While anything beyond an apology is nice if we are inconvenienced, it is not written into a contract with us. No one missed a flight or was left behind. What do the airlines give you if they misplace your luggage? Certainly not something comparable to a heavily discounted room.

I agree that roos should be clean and neat. Mildew should not be part of good housecleaning. Other than that, remember, as has been discussed in other threads, that the biggest part of what you are paying for is LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION.

If this sounds like a rant, sorry, but the whole entitlement mentality that is becoming increasingly common offends my sensibilities.
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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Disneydentist--I agree totally.

As I recall, the luggage was "missing" for 30 minutes. A tense 30 minutes, to be sure, but I think that is good customer service to be able to locate it that quickly.
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well i think if there is a problem the solution should match the problem ... your room icky when you check in-solution get a new room or at very least some staff to clean it...
a bug in your drink when served to you?-solution a new drink and maybe even free

I once stayed at a hotel in toronto (it was a weekend shopping trip) and they didn't clean my room by 4 pm even (if check in time is 3 should you have a clean room by then? i had to wait on hold for 45 min to get thru to room service and then they got my order wrong then i put the thing on my door to order breakfast which they never sent and a few other things i complained to manager after I left and got to have a room free anytime i wanted for one night .Now this hotel is nice and I do like it and will go there again I think it was just an unlucky weekend and I wasn't expecting a free room but it was nice

as for disney i could find anything in my room worth complaining about
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I do not know why anyone would think I wanted a $1000 plus discount. All I asked for verbally was the same annual passholder rate I had this time. Passholder rates have not been released for February and I don't know if the same discount will be offered in February. So I know that is a very reasonable thing to ask them to provide. Plus it is not even a busy time for Disney.

And yes you pay for location....but I mainly paid for the experience....God knows I could have gotten to the parks faster than Disney Transportation did if I had stayed outside. The only benefit I see is that you don't have to fight traffic.

Since I stayed on the concierge level I was paying to be pampered and have a nice experience. If I had stayed in a $119 regular room I would not have been as upset. Also, if the bellhop had not attacked me verbably for overhearing a conversaton concerning my luggage I would not have been as upset either. Disney employees are people but I assume time is spent training them to remain calm in bad situations. In my opinion that is just good customer service.

Also, I don't think it would have been wise to carry insulin around in almost 90 degree weather. Unfortunately sometimes you are presented with situations that have no good solution but I felt that the luggage was safe, since my husband and son actually watched it be stored. When you have a diabetic child you sometimes have to choose between 2 evils and that was my choice.
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New Member
A frio wallet would have kept the insulin "cold" I wear an insulin pump 24/7. I've never had a problem keeping it the right temp. There are things on the market for insulin. Also I would have made sure to kept enough supplies in a pack-back for the return trip home. NEVER EVER pack all your meds..

I would not expect anything from Disney. I have just went through so much with them over messing up all of my ressie's. I wrote to all the Disney executive's. I got a phone call, and you know what, I did not even get "we are sorry". They are in the process of getting a new complete operating system which will stop alot of the reservation problems. This is what I was told, and the reason my ressies had so many problems. So that is where is was left. I ended up having to fix all of there problems myself. So I was very clear to Disney that I will never use them again for my travel plans!

I now contacted them to let them know that I was not looking for any type of compensation. But an apology from them would have been the right and least thing for them to do. No I had to ask them for it. So good luck to you. let us know what you hear.
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New Member
I know I should have kept some insulin with me..I always do on the plane, etc....I looked at is like I was leaving it at home and we were taking a trip to shop for a couple of hours. I was naive and it never hit my mind that the luggage would get lost. I didn't see anyway it could get lost because no one would be moving my luggage....or so I thought. You are right and I will never do that again.

I am sure I won't get any kind of compensation. I am more disgusted with the customer service attitude than any thing else. If I had talked to customers the way the Disney reps have talked to me...on any of the customer service jobs I have had I would have gotten a bad call monitoring and maybe even put on probation. The manager is calling me after 10/22 so I will let you know.

I may never stay in Disney again...and since they don't care I don't know why I should .
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Well-Known Member
Hey Kathy, I Am just curious. Since you were staying at a Deluxe level resort in the Concierge area, what exactly did you expect from that level? Someone I know is going to be doing the same thing and I am just concerned she may be setting herself up for a dissappointment. Also which resort did you stay in again? Belle
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New Member
I am wondering, does Disney advertise thier resorts as a cut above the noraml off property resorts? I know that I posted before about my family being upset about the All-Star, I myself was fine with it, but I feel that there is a certain assumption made be all of us really that Disney is supposed to be different than a motel six somewhere else.

The reason why I am asking is because I cannot find any material saying that they claim to be better. My mother wrote to Disney because she felt that for the money she paid she did not expereince enough "Disney Magic" at the All Star Music resort.
She got no reply, which is not a bad thing, I don't necessarily think that Disney should reply to that, but she has it in her head that Disney only cares about people staying in the deluxe resorts, (which we are staying in 13 days, AKL WHOOP).

I have to say this for Disney World, I have never been in a dirty bathroom in the parks, I have NEVER run into a mean or rude cast member, and I have always been happy with the "Disney Magic."

Why is there are feeling because one is staying on property that we are privaleged? I identified this in myself is why I am asking. I feel that because I am staying at AKL this time I am entitled to things, and I have changed that thinking since it seems a little silly.

Now I am not talking about losing medicine, nor dealing with roaches, as I think we can all agree that those are non-negotiables to deal with, you complain and expect a quick resolution.

But having a room that wasn't ready at three oclock for checkin is pretty normal in my travels, and I travel a lot, it's not like there isn't a ton of stuff that you could do. I usually pack my swimsuit in my carry-on so that I can go swimming while I wait at the pool.

I am not flaming anyone nor putting any opinions down, rather I am curious where this culture cam from that we all think that Disney is a cut above.

I love Disney, do not get me wrong, it really is the happiest palce on Earth for me, I have great memories from the place.


They are out to make money, that is thier goal, I think we get deluded into thinking that they are out to continue Walt's dream, Michael Eisner IMHO is not out for that, rather he is a smart businessman that got aboard a HUGE train that has made him rich and powerful. Disney offers us admittedly a series of parks that is simply awesome and huge and beloved, because they do dare to dream big, and that is Walt Disney I beleive. But I have got to say, they are still about the bottom line, hence the early closings of parks and closing down of hotels and water parks while I am going to be there in 13 days. I am not angry about this, I understand economics. Still bites that I can't swim with the sharks though. :brick:

So, why SHOULD I expect an upgrade because they closed down Carribean Beach which was our original destination, why should I expect a discount when my meal is not 100 % satisfactory, why should I expect a free night in a hotel because A toilet that has been used umpteen billion times leaks a bit, why should I expect Disney to reply to my mother when she has not experienced enough Disney Magic in her humble opinion at a value resort that is built for people who do not make a ton of money to still share in the Disney experience?

Bottom line, I shouldn't, I should expect that my family is getting what they paid for, which is a nice room in a nice hotel near our most favorite place on Earth. Heck, put me in a tent in that savannah that I am staying near as long as I can use those busses to get to the Magic Kingdom in time to ride Space, Thunder and Splash mountains before they close.

OK, soapbox removed, flame away :hammer:
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Active Member
Originally posted by RevRay

So, why SHOULD I expect an upgrade because they closed down Carribean Beach which was our original destination, why should I expect a discount when my meal is not 100 % satisfactory, why should I expect a free night in a hotel because A toilet that has been used umpteen billion times leaks a bit, why should I expect Disney to reply to my mother when she has not experienced enough Disney Magic in her humble opinion at a value resort that is built for people who do not make a ton of money to still share in the Disney experience?

I think, and do keep in mind it's only MHO, that people expect so much more from Disney because it does cost so much more to stay in the hotels or eat in the resturants...

I'd expect an upgrade if they closed CB because they did make me a reservation in good faith and could not deliver.

I'd expect a discount on my meal if it wasn't to my liking because every decent resturant outside of the World would offer it (I only mean really unsatisfied, not some nitpicky B.S. :animwink: )

I would expect some sort of discount for a leaky toilet...maintanence is a good idea in hotels

And yes, it being Disney I would expect them to reply to my Mom! :) I'm sure your Mother deserves all of the Magic that she wants!.... Value priced at a Disney resort is at least moderate off property - least they can do is keep them clean!
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Active Member
We have no problem with our room being cleaned ,is the location of the room.We pay months in advance and we get stuck all the way in back at the all stars music, at least we had a nice room this past trip(sept 25-oct 2) at port orleans.And they need to get customer service at check in faster and in english.
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Well-Known Member
hey there all, Rev Ray I Am right there with you!!! I have never had a problem experiencing the Disney Magic at any of the resorts I have stayed at (2 out of 3 of the AS and 4 out of 4 of the Moderates) but I also understqand Disney is a company and is out to make money. Also, my idea of finances is just a bit different being from NYC here. I stayed at the Sheraton hotel in Long Island for a cousins wedding and spent $166 for the one night!!So no I dont think Disney's prices are out of the ballpark. Can you get cheaper off property, sure but as DisneyDentist pointed out you are paying for location too not to mention convienience(sp?) I do believe that I am entitled to a clean room, with no bugs and a pleasant, helpful staff to deal with. Luckily enough I have always gotten that at every resort. With the Moderates I want a touch more on the amenities side and have always gotten what I expected. I guess my question to your Mom Rev Ray and to some others, would be what constitutes the Magic for them? Not meant to be nasty but kinda as a introspective thing. If you go there expecting something that just isnt offered well I think you would actually be setting yourself up for a disappointment. Any thoughts on what creates the Magic for you all? And has Disney delivered? Belle
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