Anyone evere have a complaint with their room at WDW? What did WDW do for you?


New Member
Hello all.
Just got back from the world, had a great time but did have a problem with the hotel rooms at a couple resorts.
Just looking to hear from other people who have had problems with their rooms, what were the problems and what did Disney do for you? Thanks!


New Member
The three times we stayed at the Contemporary, I got the room I requested, except the one time my travel agent screwed me. This Thanksgiving we are staying at the Beach Club. Anyone have any info on that place?:wave:
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New Member
Originally posted by Lilo
The three times we stayed at the Contemporary, I got the room I requested, except the one time my travel agent screwed me. This Thanksgiving we are staying at the Beach Club. Anyone have any info on that place?:wave:

Great place, Quick walk to Epcpot. Rooms are wonderful and so is the rest of the place. If you are picky about your room location, This is a low rise hotel so some of the first floor rooms face a court yard thats not the greatest view. We traveled with falmily there andd one family was snot pleased with the room and it was quickly resolved or them....Have a great time!!!! oh yeah GREAT POOL!!!!:wave:
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Active Member
In the days before I lived a hour away from the parks, I had reservations at the Contemporary. I had a 3 hour flight into Orlando, which turned into about a 4 hour flight after all the delays. I then had the Mears ride from hell from the airport to just about every hotel in Orlando before we finally made it 90 minutes later to the last stop, the Contemporary. By this time it was 9:30pm and I had not had the chance to even eat dinner yet. I went to check in and was informed that my room was not ready yet. I questioned on how could a room not be ready at this time of the evening and they said they needed to check with housekeeping. When I inquired about getting some dinner since I had not eaten since 8am that morning, I was told there was a snack shop downstairs. Period.

After 45 more minutes of waiting, I still had not been checked into my room and was still waiting, with my bags, in the lobby and still no dinner. I asked to see the manager on duty (which I probably should have done right away in hindsight) and asked why my room was not ready at 10:15 at night. I was given a story regarding that they were short on help that day and that they were working as fast as possible. Finally, after 15 more minutes I was told my room was finally ready. At no point was I ever apologized to for the inconvienence or even offered a complementary cup of coffee!

Fortunately, this has been my only bad experience staying on property, but I would definately think twice about staying at the Contemporary again.
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New Member
About a year and half ago, we stayed in all star music, our rooms had toilets that continously leaked, tubs that were stained and ceilings that had mold.

I was okay with this, I am one of those people who figure you get what you pay for.

My father on the other hand was livid, he went to the front desk and got no help at all, which did surprise me. On Disney's behalf, my father can get irate easily, which never gets him anywhere!

Does Disney have a policy on unhappy guests?
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New Member
ok, well, one trip we were at old key west and my mom forgot to request a no smoking room and we got stuck with a stinky room (PU!!) so they came up and while we were at the parks the vented the room and it wasn't stinky anymore

another time my sister left her suffed animal in the sheets and when house keeping came the stuffed animal went with them, lost forever in the sheets. so that night when we realized it was missing we called to see if it was found. they hadn't so my mom went down to the store to get my sister something else to sleep with. they recognized my mom and my sister in her pj's and the lady said my sister could just keep the minnie mouse she had in her hand. i really don't think that's company policy, but it was very nice!

well, i guess that's about all...
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New Member
Originally posted by RevRay

Does Disney have a policy on unhappy guests?

I don't know about policy, but I have found Disney managers to be very reasonable. Any time I've escalated a complaint to a Disney manager, they have corrected the problem and given me a reasonable make good. Which is fine by me. I don't get irate, I just present what happened and why it disappointed me.

If I got poor service during dinner, a reasonable make good is a complimentary dessert. If you expect a free vacation because of that, then they won't make you happy.

I've also found that if you approach them politely and don't exepct the world be handed to you, they can get pretty generous, but I can't talk about that. :zipit:
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New Member
I am the person with the lost luggage. I did approach them in a nice way and was very nice. Even after they made it clear they only called to apologize. I don't expect a FREE vacation. I expect a discount on a room, that is all. I explained that I don't normally pay that kind of rate for a room but hoped the room would be discounted again so I could return. They won't even offer me a discounted room for a week in February that is probably the slowest week of the year. I am in customer service so I know sugar catches more flies than salt. However, since nothing else has worked,....I might try pitching a fit.

I can truly say,,,,it probably depends on what executive you get. Mine told me she answered letters for Michael Eisner and there was no one else I could talk to. She truly had me in tears.

I am now going to write to the Disney executives in California and see what happens. I imagine nothing. I believe Disney is just like every other company now....
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Active Member
Originally posted by RevRay
About a year and half ago, we stayed in all star music, our rooms had toilets that continously leaked, tubs that were stained and ceilings that had mold.

I was okay with this, I am one of those people who figure you get what you pay for.

My father on the other hand was livid, he went to the front desk and got no help at all, which did surprise me. On Disney's behalf, my father can get irate easily, which never gets him anywhere!

Does Disney have a policy on unhappy guests?

I think your father deserved to be livid - sure you get what you pay for, but you could stay off property for around $20 a nite to have a room like that!

It is Disney, after all....even their budget rooms should really be a step above the ordinary
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Active Member
These days, we are all being made aware of the dangers of mold, and I am disappointed at how many public places exhibit signs of MOLD.

How come the health inspectors aren't catching this and enforcing cleanup? It's dangerous to inhale mold, and hotels are expecting people to stay in their stinky moldy way.
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Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
From my experiences, and from what I'm reading here, it really doesn't matter if you stay in a a value resort or the Grand Floridian. The condition or your room is more likely than not, going to be great.

I stayed at All star Music last year and it was as clean and friendly as some of the top-notch resorts I've stayed in around the country. All of the extra steps were taken to make sure we knew we were staying on Disney property.

I hear as many bad stories about the most expensive resorts in WDW as I do the All-Stars. So, IMO, the "get what you pay for" standard doesn't necessarily apply at Disney. It's just the luck of the draw!;)
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Active Member
Originally posted by Main Street USA

I hear as many bad stories about the most expensive resorts in WDW as I do the All-Stars. So, IMO, the "get what you pay for" standard doesn't necessarily apply at Disney. It's just the luck of the draw!;)

While I do basically agree with you, I do not think that the condition of a room at WDW should be a "luck of the draw" situation...

Shouldn't they consistantly be clean and well-maintained?

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Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by cymbaldiva

While I do basically agree with you, I do not think that the condition of a room at WDW should be a "luck of the draw" situation...

Shouldn't they consistantly be clean and well-maintained?


Oh, I totally agree. I didn't mean that it was an acceptable situation at all. They should be clean at all times. Unfortunately, I just meant it all depends on how a particular mousekeeper feels on a particular day. He/she could be in a bad mood and just say screw these people. Ya know?
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Active Member
I see your point...really! :)

The things I am personally fussing about are long-term issues, not just a room being un-tidy...

Stained carpets, holes in the walls....I really do expect better than that from a WDW resort - no matter if it's a budget or a deluxe.

If it's a Disney room, I feel like it should be the best it can possibly be - Gotta live up to Walt's standards ya know! :animwink:
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New Member
we were treated like royality

we complained about the hair in the bathtub at the contemporary
and they came to clean at 11 pm at night, and left the hair.
my husband called back to the front desk and said this was
sopposed to be our 10th anniversary trip and we had hair in
the tub, plus the view was a brick wall. (we were as far back as
you can be in the south section) so they said they could move
us... i thought it must be a mistake when the bellman stopped
at the room with two doors!!
They put us in the hospitality suite!!!!!!!!!!!
it was huge. living room, dining room, kitchen, 4 beds,
2 1/2 baths!!!!!!!!!!! this was my most memorable trip to disney
yet. (1200 sq. ft):sohappy:
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Originally posted by GenerationX
When we arrived at the Beach Club in July, we were given a room without a daybed, which was something I had specifically asked for when I made the reservation. I called the Front Desk, and they said there were no other rooms available. I asked to speak to a manager, who found an equivalent (but with a daybed) room.

I actually had the same thing happen to me when I stayed at the Beach Club. We were there with a large group of people and needless to say the manager was great and took care of everything. We got our bed at no extra charge and a refrigerator at no extra charge.

Always go straight to the manager!

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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Here is one of my stories. When we stayed at the Contemporary last Dec. we had a problem with the airconditioning/heat unit in our room making a terrible racket , keeping us awake most of the night. I spoke to the manager and he had a worker there to fix it in a matter of minutes. Well, he worked on the unit outside of the room and guess what?!! The next night we had the same thing happen....I called and this time they had him come into the room and work on the unit in the ceiling of the bathroom. FIXED!!

We were also sent a refund check for 2 nights.

Make sure you always speak to the manager.

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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
we complained about the hair in the bathtub at the contemporary

OK--maybe it's just me, but I don't think this is worth a call to the front desk.

A couple of glassfulls of water will swish the hair right down the drain. No harm, no foul.

And you were very lucky that you were upgraded so nicely. But it is not the norm--even at Disney.

And this is not a slam at you, but there has been discussion on these boards that this is the kind of thing that is being taken advantage of. People hear about your extraordinary experience, and expect a major upgrade because the toilet paper isn't folded into a "V".
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Well-Known Member
Hey everyone!! I have to agree with my friend CymbalDiva here. You can get a hotel room for a VERY cheap price outside of Disney. If I wanted to deal with unsure lodgings, that is exactly what I would do. I am of the mindset that if I go with Disney themselves, I can reasonably expect a certain level of cleanliness and comfort in the resorts. Obviously as you go up in price I would reasonably expect more in the way of amenities, but even the Value Level should consistently provide a clean comfortable room with no mold or mildew (eeewww)As I dont get a whole lot of vacation time, nor an excess of disposable income, I will stay with Disney to have peace of mind. If not, I would definitely speak to a manager!!! I have so far been very lucky as all my rooms were fine and I havent had any issues at all!!! ::Knocks wood: Belle
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