New Member
And you wonder why DLR has been doing things better :hammer:I mean look at Indiana Jones. It wasn't meant for small kids but for Adults and young adults and look how much detail went into that.What is the FLE budget? Months after this expansion was announced, I still wonder if the majority of the money would have been better spent on a new "E Ticket" attraction for each of DHS & AK and still have money to build the LM attraction along with a corresponding restaurant on the former spot of 20k?
Why invest all the money into the park that currently has the best attendance? I know the numbers aren't available, but I'd love to know the cost breakdown on these glorified meet and greets? A girl 3-10 is going to love meeting the princesses regardless of the setting, so why invest such a huge amount of money for such a small(no pun intended) target audience?
The only problem I have with this expansion is that all it is, is a bunch of meet and greets and a copy attraction from DCA. I also have this deep gut feeling that it won't turn out the way they wanted it to turn out :dazzle: