Anyone at WDW in September?


New Member
Brown Derby NOT closed for rehab

Hi all,

Thought you might like to know this but the Brown Derby WILL BE open for business again during September. We had PSs for 9/16 for lunch and were wondering why they hadn't called us to cancel once the rehab dates came up - but here's the reason: they were doing some minor rehab work on the restrooms upstairs and were awaiting some sort of permit for their use and so until they received that, they "closed" the restaurant for any further PS bookings. However, they have received the "all clear" for the restrooms so our current reservations are still in tact, and I'm sure they'll open up PSs for future guests now. I'm sure they didn't call us because they were waiting to see if it really would be closed during our stay.

I'm not sure how long they'll still consider it "closed" for new reservations but for those of you who have PSs already, not to worry, they're all still in tact.

I'm sure once everything is back in place, PSs will open up again.



New Member
And the countdown continues. . .8 days until take off!!!! Got the suitcases down. . .dusting them off. . .doing some last minute running around this weekend. . .can't wait for the magic to begin!!! Disney Dreams all. . .:sohappy: :wave: :sohappy: :wave:
Any of you guys going soon worried about Fabien? There's a tropical storm(Fabien) in the Atlantic that looks like it could be heading to Florida by next weekend....I've been watching the Weather Channel and always am concerned about tropical systems at this time of year. When we were there in '99 we had a few close calls with tropical storms and got more rain than usual......


New Member
So I have packed my suitcase, got my travellers cheques and finally found my passport!!!!! I am flying to "The World" tomorrow morning and I cannot wait!!!! I will speak to you all in two weeks time... be prepared for a detailed trip report when I get back!

I might see some of you out there!!!

jordanyosh - my thinking is if Fabien is going to hit when we are there.. it is going to hit! We cannot do anything to stop it so we are just going to soak up as much magic as we can just in case it does! :drevil: :hammer: :) I am a bit worried because I have never been in a tropical storm but if it does hit it will be quite an experience!!!!!

Dream magical dreams everyone and I will see you in two weeks time.

df123 :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
Originally posted by jordanyosh

European 8/29-9/12
Disneyfan123 8/30-9/14
DamonDisney 8/31-9/7 AKL
Chezhead 9/2-9/5 ASMo
Shadowman 9/4-9/12
The Mom 9/5-9/7 Swan
leeocean 9/5-9/9 Dolphin
WDWFREAK53 9/5-9/9 Dolphin
KDavis 9/5-9/14
gjpjtj 9/5-9/15 ASMo
Lauren 9/6-9/8 BWV
thebubster 9/6-9/13
wdwhoneymooner 9/6-9/13
Kverdon 9/6-9/13 BW
DisneyMan 9/6-9/13 BWV
Flounder 9/6-9/13 BWV
Jheltz 9/6-9/13 ASSp
Abu21 9/6-9/17 AKL
Wsapooh 9/7-9/11 Poly then 4-day DCL
Joalovar 9/7-9/12
Ultra Magnus 9/7-9/21 CBR
kbmb 9/10-9/21
PhotoDave219 9/12-9/18 CBR
Buzzlite_Fran 9/12-9/20 ASMo
enough 9/13-9/18
Danny 9/13-9/20 Poly
SnowWhite5669 9/14-??
Jordanyosh 9/14-9/21 BWV then 4-day DCL
WendyOkada 9/14-9/21 BWV then 4-day DCL
Clemster 9/15-9/25
Figaro 9/18-9/21 WL then 4-day DCL
Roswell 9/19-10/14
monorail256 9/19-9/22 ASMo
Brer Stitch 9/20-9/27 WL
becky 9/20-9/27 ASM
DisneyBound 9/20-9/28 CBR
mel21832 9/21-9/25 VWL
WDWDave 9/21-9/25 VWL
mickeynut 9/21-9/26 WL
Momx3 9/21-9/28 ASMo
MaureenAshton 9/22-9/30 POR
FantasiaBish 9/25-10/2 ASMu
Dreanna 9/26-10/3
Crackerjack 9/27-10/4 AKL
DisneyFan2000 9/28-10/5
Eljay Third Weekend
kicker Sometime after 9/12

Here's the list one more time


New Member
jordanyosh... thanx. I see that you will be there from the 14th Sept? Have a magical time also.

Dream Magical Dreams everyone!!!!!!!!!

df123 :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
Originally posted by jordanyosh

European 8/29-9/12
Disneyfan123 8/30-9/14
DamonDisney 8/31-9/7 AKL
Chezhead 9/2-9/5 ASMo
Shadowman 9/4-9/12
The Mom 9/5-9/7 Swan
leeocean 9/5-9/9 Dolphin
WDWFREAK53 9/5-9/9 Dolphin
KDavis 9/5-9/14
gjpjtj 9/5-9/15 ASMo
Lauren 9/6-9/8 BWV
thebubster 9/6-9/13
wdwhoneymooner 9/6-9/13
Kverdon 9/6-9/13 BW
DisneyMan 9/6-9/13 BWV
Flounder 9/6-9/13 BWV
Jheltz 9/6-9/13 ASSp
Abu21 9/6-9/17 AKL
Wsapooh 9/7-9/11 Poly then 4-day DCL
Joalovar 9/7-9/12
Ultra Magnus 9/7-9/21 CBR
kbmb 9/10-9/21
PhotoDave219 9/12-9/18 CBR
Buzzlite_Fran 9/12-9/20 ASMo
enough 9/13-9/18
Danny 9/13-9/20 Poly
SnowWhite5669 9/14-??
Jordanyosh 9/14-9/21 BWV then 4-day DCL
WendyOkada 9/14-9/21 BWV then 4-day DCL
Clemster 9/15-9/25
Figaro 9/18-9/21 WL then 4-day DCL
Roswell 9/19-10/14
monorail256 9/19-9/22 ASMo
DonickCo 9/19-9/23
Brer Stitch 9/20-9/27 WL
becky 9/20-9/27 ASM
DisneyBound 9/20-9/28 CBR
mel21832 9/21-9/25 VWL
WDWDave 9/21-9/25 VWL
mickeynut 9/21-9/26 WL
Momx3 9/21-9/28 ASMo
MaureenAshton 9/22-9/30 POR
FantasiaBish 9/25-10/2 ASMu
Dreanna 9/26-10/3
Crackerjack 9/27-10/4 AKL
DisneyFan2000 9/28-10/5
Eljay Third Weekend
kicker Sometime after 9/12

Just added Donick......


Active Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
I am now living my last Friday in H, E, double hockey sticks...before my trip :lookaroun (but who's counting?) [

Who's counting? I'M COUNTING!!!!! (7 days, 10 hours, 5 minutes, 15 sec.......):lol: This Time NEXT Friday We'll be at the hotel at the Airport, drinking a glass of wine to our flight on Sat.

As for Fabian? We'll take em as they comes. Last year the Hurricanes had us surrounded. (one E,S and W) of WDW but we still had a great time. Heck, if it rains we'll just have to make more use of the concierge service at BW :animwink:

See ya all in WDW,

Kevin And Mona


New Member
It is now 4.02GMT and I am up, dressed and ready to fly to "the world" - if only the rest of the family were... :lookaroun :lookaroun :lookaroun :lookaroun lol.

Anyway I will see you all in two weeks and I might see some of you out there.

Dream magical dreams everyone.
:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by disneyfan123
It is now 4.02GMT and I am up, dressed and ready to fly to "the world" - if only the rest of the family were... :lookaroun :lookaroun :lookaroun :lookaroun lol.

Anyway I will see you all in two weeks and I might see some of you out there.

Dream magical dreams everyone.
:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Have a great time maybe we'll run into each other!:)

Any of you guys going soon worried about Fabien? There's a tropical storm(Fabien) in the Atlantic that looks like it could be heading to Florida by next weekend....I've been watching the Weather Channel and always am concerned about tropical systems at this time of year. When we were there in '99 we had a few close calls with tropical storms and got more rain than usual......

Yes, it probably will be in the area late next week (right as we're flying to WDW), but what are you going to do? I've had a rough year, and rain or no rain, I will still be at Disney and having a blast.:)


New Member
The excitement is building and I still have so much to get done. . .7 days and counting. . .thank God for the 3 day weekend this weekend I hope to get much accomplished! Disney Dreams All. . .:animwink: :wave:


Active Member
HEY! IT's September!!!!!!

Means all of us should be going soon:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Surived weekend from H while on call now just three more days at work and it off to the airport.



Original Poster
Now we're on the home stretch. The last week before Disney!! Only three more days of work this week and less than four days till we board the plane. As for Fabian ... looks like it's going to turn and catch the jet steam up the east coast ... by Saturday when we fly in it will (or hopefully) be well past Florida and all that is Disney. If not, well bring it on. No stupid hurricane is going to stop us from having a great time! See ya'll down there.

Jordan, see ya on the 14th at ESPN!



New Member
Fat boy says NO STORMS. There, I've sent that ol storm packing. It's getting close to the big trip and like everyone else going soon, I just can't wait. 10 Days and counting:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to have Disney dreams again! My co-workers were all singing Small World and my boss invited himself along like Peppermint Patty did to Charlie Brown for Thanksgiving...:confused:

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