Anyone at WDW in September?


New Member
Originally posted by jordanyosh

A Cat. 2 isn't good enough for you?:D

Ya can't get much higher than that!
We went from a 6 to a 4. But now of course my husband also wants an upgrade at the Polynesian too. We get an inch and he wants a mile....:rolleyes:

Originally posted by gjpjtj
We do not fly very much, and am wondering how much this will affect flights into MCO? Does it take alot for flights to be delayed/cancelled, (God forbid)? Or is this something that the airport is well prepared for?(

According the FAA's web site, flights are operating in and out of Orlando on time. Here is a link so you can keep an eye on things. Don't worry. All will be well! Have a great time!


Well-Known Member
Will someone please make time move alittle faster? I am dying to go! Better yet, is there anyone out there willing to work for me on Friday so we can start our trip early? :D
Hope TD-12 doesn't dampen your spirits too much. The good news is that it will pass quickly. There's another low pressure system off the coast of Africa that they are looking at now too...would be a problem in a week and a half if it develops into anything. Hope it doesn't......

Finally got out the suitcases yesterday. No packing yet.....


Well-Known Member
Yeahhh! It's 4:00am and we're ready to walk out the door. So far no airport delays. Talk to you all when we get back!!:wave:


New Member
OK. . .Got my suitcase packed last night. . .tomorrow is the big day. . .leaving for the airport about 5:00 A.M. and I am soooo excited! Got tons of things to accomplish today which is good because it will make the day go fast! WDW Here I come!! Disney Dreams all. . . :sohappy: :wave: :sohappy: :wave:


Well-Known Member
that gulf storm should be cleared out by tomorrow - you'll be fine! besides, the majority of the rides at WDW are all indoors!! :)
FYI--On the official WDW site,, they have changed some of their hours slightly. The MK is open a little later on Weds. now as well with FITS at 8:15. They added an extra Spectro on Sats too. BB and TL are now closed a few days a week.


New Member

4 more working days after today... i can hardly stand it. made my spa reservations today... made my ECV reservations (for MIL)... all ps's are set... itinerary is done... housecleaning has commenced (jordan u will be amazed at the office. it is WAY clean)... all clothes shopping is done (shorts and new bathing suit)... all snack/camera/film shopping is done... all is left is cleaning and packing.



New Member

4 more working days after today... i can hardly stand it. made my spa reservations today... made my ECV reservations (for MIL)... all ps's are set... itinerary is done... housecleaning has commenced (jordan u will be amazed at the office. it is WAY clean)... all clothes shopping is done (shorts and new bathing suit)... all snack/camera/film shopping is done... all is left is cleaning and packing.



Well-Known Member
Isabel has got me all freaked out... I hope she takes the same path as her predecessor (sorry Bermuda)...

I'm heading down on saturday, and I too have yet to pack!


Well-Known Member
Re: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Originally posted by WendyOkada
all ps's are set...

so where are you eating? I haven't yet made any reservations... is that something I should do?


New Member
Re: Re: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Originally posted by enough
so where are you eating? I haven't yet made any reservations... is that something I should do?

Oh my gosh, YES!!!! We made our reservations months ago. However, depending on where you go, you might still be able to make PSs. Although I am hearing from the boards that due to low attendance, people are getting in to eat with no PSs and hardly any wait. So you could chance it but I would make them just in case. It doesn't hurt and doesn't cost you unless you go to certain places that have a $10/pp cancellation fee. Make sure you know which places have that when you're making your reservations (although as long as you know 24 hours in advance you can cancel).

We always like that so we can somewhat judge our schedule and not have to chance it and end up waiting a long time just for food. Lunches we are just counter servicing it, but dinners (since we have a group of 13) we are definitely making our PSs. If there are only 2 of you, or a small group, then you might be ok.

Or, if you are the type that doesn't know where they'll be or what they want to eat, then you might want to eat on the fly. We've been there often enough that we know where we like and what they have, etc. So we can pretty much just pick places and find something we want to eat there. And having PSs helps us figure out when we're eating snacks and such... if we have reservations in an hour, we eat lighter... if it's not for 5 hours... maybe we can snack heavier. Stuff like that.

Mostly, it just takes all the brainwork out of our trip. That's why we plan itineraries too... no thinking allowed on vacation. Just go where we lead you... come... follow meeee...

Hee hee hee.




Well-Known Member
I'm waffling over the PS deal (no pun intended)... I'm heading down there with my GF and since it'll just be the two of us I'm leaning more toward winging it just so that we have the flexibility to eat when we want to. I'm afraid if we do PS all our dinners we'll feel locked in. I can totally understand the necessity behind the PS when you're working with 13 people though :)


New Member
Totally ok!

Definitely ok to not make PSs, especially if it's just the 2 of you. Unless there's somewhere you definitely want to get into, you will probably be ok just winging it, and WDW has so many great restaurants that you will not be disappointed (well, hopefully). It also depends on how much food means to your vacation. For some, food is just a necessary evil that takes up space between attractions (ha ha) or like us, it's an essential element to our overall enjoyment (one year [we call it the food year], we made PSs for every meal - had 2-hour sit down breakfasts, lunches and dinners [sometimes only a couple hours apart] and basically lived from meal to meal with a few attractions thrown in there along the way. Ha ha ha. that was also our "gained 10 lbs" year.)

Generally speaking, if you're pretty flexible about what, where and when you like to eat, then you should be fine.



I very seldom do the PS thing. There are so many fantastic choices, you won't go hungry. Especially in WS in Epcot! The only thing that PS are a must for are Character Meals. With just 2 people, you'll do OK without.

Just under 2 weeks now (13 days) for my trip on Sept. 21, YIPPEE!

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