Any rides or attractions make you cry?


New Member
Mine is the opening show at MK! We ALWAYS do MK on our first full day and as we are standing still, listening to the Good Morning song and watching the characters unload from the train, I get teary. I'm just so emotional about finally being back "home"!! My boys think it's funny!! But, I think that secretly Brandon (my 13 yr old) has a tear, too!!



Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Wow. This whole thread added up, and added up, untill....I read the story in the link by Master Yoda.

Wow. That one broke me.


EVERY time someone asks me WHY I love Disney so much, why I ONLY go to Disney on vacation, WHY I'm moving back to FL to work for a 5' mouse - I'm going to make them read that story



New Member
This came as a complete surprise to me when it happened.
My wife wanted to ride Dumbo in the worst way. In previous trips with and without me she had always wanted to but never was able to for whatever reason. This past trip to WDW we went for the first time with our kids, so Dumbo was a must to do, for sure. Throughout the day the wait for Dumbo was crazy, over an hour! We finally got in line later that evening. Just as we were about to board the ride broke down. We decided to stay in line and wait for them to fix the problem which took another 30 minutes. When we finally got on the ride, just as we lifted the elephant up to it's highest point, Wishes started, and fireworks erupted all around our heads and lasted for the entire ride! It was very magical, even for me, it was just like we were in a Magic Kingdom commercial. When the ride ended, we disembarked as Wishes was still going on, my wife sort of turned and walked away from us. I turned and walked toward her to see what the matter was. She was crying almost out of control, with her hands over her face. I wasn't sure what to make of it at first then I realized that she was so emotional over what we just experienced. I just hugged her and held her. Our kids came over and hugged me and her. There we were our little family, hugging all at the same time in the middle of Fantasyland. I can't help but tear up a little now as I type this, just thinking how beautiful that moment was for her and us.

Wow. I love how its just so natural to experience wonderful moments like these at Disney!
Yea, that did it. Now I am balling. What an incredible story

I'm sobbing too.. What a wonderful and sad story all in one.. What an amazing gift be able to give to that child!!

The one and only time I cried was at Wishes on our last night at the world.. I really didn't want to leave, and it was also the first time I got to see wishes.. It was wonderful and my hubby hugged me the whole show...


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Many many MANY things make me cry:

- Getting off of the airplane, feeling the humidity hit me and realizing that I'm 'home'
- Driving towards property from the Airport and seeing the "Disney World" exit signs
- Seeing the Welcome arches when 1st arriving on property
- Seeing the castle for the 1st time
- Wishes
- Dream along with Mickey
- Cirque Du Soleil (I used to work @ Cirque)
- Finding Nemo the Musical - Big Blue World gets me EVERY time
- Seeing the castle for the LAST time
- Checking out of my resort
- Leaving property
- Getting to the airport
- Getting on the plane
- Landing back in the town where I live (notice I didn't say home, home is not where I live - home is Florida)

Now see what y'all have started? :cry::cry:


I'm a 6'6" 300 pound guy...ALL MAN!!! NOTHING MAKES ME CRY!!!! CRYING IS FOR LITTLE GIRLS!!! :mad:

Except Wishes...everytime. But I hide it well. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
No bawling, but some control is necesary whenever I see I:RoE or American Adventure.

Also get a twinge when I pass the planter in EPCOT as you head towards Mexico.

1986 and my grandfather sitting on the planter, watching the fireworks, with napkins stuck in his ears because the music was too loud. (Of course the fact that the speaker was IN the planter did not help). The man did some strange things, but was one of the best grandfather a kid could have.



New Member
I would have to say The American Adventure, esp. the song "Golden Dreams" because my dad was in the Vietnam War and it show's scenes from it and I can look over at him and he has tears in his eyes too; the 2nd one would be the end of Spectromagic; and lastly I would have to say Fantasmic.


New Member
Most of my teary-eyed moments are EPCOT related.

I would always get a lump in my throat in Horizons during the transition from sea to space. The way the music swells as you round the bend and see mankind living in space would always get me. It's a beautiful vision of what mankind could be if we would just stop all the stupid things we do to each other and the planet.

The top of Spaceship Earth also has that effect. To see our beautiful planet and imagine mankind's potential both inspires and saddens me.

The first time I rode Mission Space, I came off with tears in my eyes. Blasting off into space is a dream I've had ever since I could remember. Sitting in that cockpit and leaving Earth was wish fulfillment in a big way.

Classic EPCOT inspired and moved me. When I was on the College Program, I would go over at night and ride Horizons, Spaceship Earth, and Journey into Imagination, sometimes two or three times in a visit. I think I rode each of those rides almost 100 times in the four months I was there! I love Mission Space, Test Track, and Soarin', but I don't think I can go on them 100 times and still want more!


Almost all of Classic Epcot was a moving experience. The Entrance Plaza. The top of Spaceship Earth. The ending to Universe of Energy. The film before the Hydrolators at the Living Seas. The City of the Future at the end of World of Motion. Pretty much all of Horizons. The original IllumiNations. I miss all of that stuff.

MK has some good stuff too. Amazingly, the kicker for me the last time I went was PhilharMagic! But there's something about Main Street in the morning and all of MK at night that brings me back to when I used to visit with my parents as a kid.

As for the other parks, there's nothing there that really grips me, especially at DHS.


HAHA, Dinosaur.....

Im 29 and I am truly frightend by this ride.....Its dark, loud and the movements all get me. I scream through the whole ride, like a 5 year old. Specially when it stops to scan the dino's.....Why!!!! JUST GO GO GO HURRY UP!!! And why didnt they equip those ride vehicle with head lights.....:ROFLOL:

But i seem to go on the ride every time the people im with do. Swetty palms and all!

Ok so i dont cry....but i come close....


Another one that gets me that hasn't been mentioned is the Dream Along with Mickey stage show!

I was reading through this thread thinking the same darn thing!! that's what gets me the most- I ALWAYS have to wear my sunglasses when I watch that! The part where Mickey says "Gosh Minnie, you've always been a princess to me" and then when Donald stands up to Maleficent, and then at the end when Mickey says "you reminded us all that when we believe in ourselves, and our friends, and our families, there's nothing we can't do!" I was driving the other day with my little sister and had this playing in my car, I started crying and turned away so she couldn't tell....and all of the sudden she stops talking and goes...."are you CRYING?!?!?!?" hahaha

other things that make me lose it-

*Wishes... like all of it
*When I go back there to work (I'm seasonal) and first step foot in MCO airport
*Fantasmic with all the characters on the boat
*First walking through the entrance to the MK
* Seeing little kids meet characters

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