You really ought to read up on all the monorail threads, as most of your points have been discussed ad nausem
The elimination of an extremely inefficient and costly bus/ground transportation system.
This is shaky ground. I'm pretty sure that noone has a really good argument as to why its extremely inefficient.
What if there were centralized stations that serviced a few hotels at a time?
Feeder lines would be very beneficial but it could also make things a little more complex.
People have said the biggest problem here is that tourists don't want to transfer. Apparently a lot of people get confused by the xfer at the TTC to get from Epcot to MK and vice versa. Busses are great because its hop on/hop off
When we would leave one of the parks, the buses were horribly crowded and overloaded. That kind of crowding makes it dangerous.
The monorails get really packed as well, are you saying that crowding isn't as dangerous? I'm also sure Disney would like to hear if busses are actually overloaded
, since I'm sure that violates some law somewhere. I suppose that the fact a monorail is on a track makes an accident less likely to happen, so there is some validity to your statement.
Offer monorail service to Orlando International Airport. While I have no complaints about the airport bus system, I again mention the diesel and bus costs.
IMO, Disney won't do this without help. Orlando won't do it without Disney's help. Orlando wants it to connect to I-Drive. Disney doesn't. Stalemate. Plus you also have all the airport services (taxis, Mears, etc) that will fight such an initiative tooth and nail.
A 6 car 203 foot long Mark VI monorail has a 365 passenger capacity. Think about that for a minute. A typical bus will handle an average of about 60-80 people fully loaded standing room only. By the time people get where they need to go, they're stressed out from being so cramped, especially the elderly and parents with small children or infants.
Once again, monorails can be just as bad here. You also can't compare 1 bus to 1 monorail. The beauty of busses is that you can just send more busses in a way much more convenient than monorails.
Do the benefits of a monorail expansion far outweigh the drawbacks? Without a shadow of a doubt.
To each his own, but I think that most people around here disagree (myself included unfortunately) :-(
As an interesting exercise, you should try creating your ideal monorail layout at WDW. IMO, it's near impossible to come up with something that makes sense because of how they organized everything. Hence the tendency for using busses.