On the flip side of people not stopping to let you take a picture, I find it annoying when everyone has to stop so someone can take a pic...case in point: Last time I was at DTD, someone wanted a pic of their kid in front of the Lego serpent. Fine, fine, but it was around 8:30 p.m. (which is a super-busy time at DTD) and like 75 people had to stop from both directions for a kid that refused to smile...while his mom took not one but 3 pictures....I know it's been said, but LINE JUMPERS. Grrrr. While waiting for the Flying Carpets, I saw a dad give his kid a push over the fence to the front of the que and this kid just sort of wandered around aimlessly and glommed on to other families when it was time to be assigned to the numbers, but then when the gates opened, he hopped on another families assigned carpet and threw everything off. Then when the CM's were trying to figure out what was going on and they questioned him, he pretended not to speak english...which he could, because we heard him chattering away to his dad prior to the line jumping...Reckeless Strollers...People who push their way up to the front during Spectromagic or Illuminations...:brick: