Anoying Guest Habits


New Member
1) People who feel the need to STARE up at all te buildings while the people behind them try to walk.
2) Strollers that hit me.

I was gonna say, double strollers, packed with kids, more then 2 of them... but we did that one once...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Lil'mermaid
1) People who feel the need to STARE up at all te buildings while the people behind them try to walk.
2) Strollers that hit me.

I was gonna say, double strollers, packed with kids, more then 2 of them... but we did that one once...

4 kids, one double stroller...and we didn't hit anyone, but Lil'mermaid had to push. :lol:


New Member
I will agree that there are A LOT of families who use strollers as battering rams (I had a cut on my foot this past trip because of some maniacal woman in Epcot trying to get to the characters). But there are time when we will be walking with the stroller-being courteous to everyone around us-and someone will just mindlessly walk in front of the stroller and we have to stop short jerking my DD around in the stroller as not to hit them. And if we do hit them because we can't stop in time we get dirty looks because they are not watching where they are going.

I also agree with just about every other pet peeve listed-how about people who run through the park and knock over everyone in their way. Oh! My mom used to tell me about this one trip where she was in Spaceship earth and someone's cell phone went off and all she heard was "HELLO? I am in Space Mountain I can't hear you" LOL


On my most recent trip.. I was at Test Track quite a bit.. I have A LOT more respect for these people now... some of the things they have to put up with...

Every 5 secs:

"Whats the wait time?" - When the sign is RIGHT there

"Whats the differance between Single Rider and Standby?" - To me, this is pretty self explanitory.

Or when it rains...

"Do you know when the ride is going to re-open?" - Okay... I know its hard to believe.. but castmembers are not god.. they cannot control the weather..

And I also hate it when people stop dead in there tracks right in front of me.. I ran into a woman at the MK one day... she obviously wasnt happy.. but um.. whose fault was it?! :rolleyes:


and I almost forgot....

STATIC from those dumb walkie-talkies everyone has during rides. Last week when I was in the Hall of Presidents.. someone had their walkie talkie on full blast ... it def. took away from the show... :o


New Member
I'm not talking about the 2 fountains that people can run through and get splashed. I understand those are for playing in. My own children do it often enough. I mean the one outside of the exit from Honey, I Shrunk the Audience. If that one is also designed to be played with then I stand corrected.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by monorail256
and I almost forgot....

STATIC from those dumb walkie-talkies everyone has during rides. Last week when I was in the Hall of Presidents.. someone had their walkie talkie on full blast ... it def. took away from the show... :o

I'm glad you mentioned that, I had forgotten. Every year we go back the 2-ways seem to have grown in number. I especially love them when you are in a crowed counter service restaurant and everyone around you is yelling in them.


We tried using them one year... but its so impossible to find a channel down there that a million people arent using... and most of the people that use the channels are being idiots anyways.. for instance.. my mom would call my dad (David)

"David, what time are we meeting at Pecos Bill?"
*unknown girl interupts* "David David David David... ect.."

Havn't used them since then... lol:lol:


New Member
annoying guest habits/questions

I work on Main Street USA a the Emporium and we have some rather clueless guests. Here are some (entertaining) guests I have encountered:

Guest: "Where are the rides?"
Cast member: "Here is a map"

Guest: "How do I get to Main Street?"
Cast member: "Walk thought the door behind you and you will be on Main Street"

Guest: "Wheres the Castle?"
Cast member: "How did you enter the park?"

Guest: "Do you take credit cards?"

Guest: "Do you take cash?"

Guest: "Why is the park so crowded and why is it so hot?"
Cast member: "Its summer in Florida"

Guest: "Can I walk to Downtown Disney from the Magic Kingdom?"
Cast member: "Yes... It will take you 2 days but you can I suggest taking a bus"

Guest: "Can you buy my merchandise for me on your credit card and give me a discount and then I'll pay you back later?"
Castmember: "Sorry I cant do that and I dont have any credit cards on me anyway"

Guest: "Fifty Dollars for a Stuffed Mickey? thats a rip off!"
Cast member: "Well, I'm not buying it.. you are"

Other annoying guest activities include:

Breaking merchandise and stuffing it in the plush area.

Hanging a shirt one spot over from where its supposed to hang"

Cutting in line of shoppers waiting to check out

Interrupting an interaction/transaction with another guest with a question like "where can I find... (insert request here)

Getting to the resister and start ringing up merchandise and still keep shopping so all the other people in line have to wait for you fo figure out what you want. My theory... dont go to the register until you are finished shopping.

Ok thats all I can think of right now. These were all off the top of my head. and remember only YOU can prevent angry cast members.

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
JeepGuy77--I think I have another annoyance for retail CM's

waiting until the entire purchase is rung up to begin digging around in the back pack for your money


waiting until the purchase is rung up and paid for before mentioning that you want the purchase delivered to the resort


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JeepGuy77

Guest: "Can I walk to Downtown Disney from the Magic Kingdom?"
Cast member: "Yes... It will take you 2 days but you can I suggest taking a bus"

Do you really think that one is annoying? I mean, it may be for us who are fans, but I'd see my girlfriend asking that on her first trip.
Now, I remember people asking me what time was the 3PM parade, a boy who wanted to ride Jaws and a guy in Frontierland who wanted to go to the bathroom at Tomorrowland... :rolleyes:

Also, about the tickets, I'll be sure to inform some of you guys when I get to go on my next trip and on what parks I'll be every day so you don't have to deal with me, but I haven't been to WDW on my own enough times to be sure I won't mess up doing something I'm not familiar with. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by monorail256
We tried using them one year... but its so impossible to find a channel down there that a million people arent using... and most of the people that use the channels are being idiots anyways.. for instance.. my mom would call my dad (David)

"David, what time are we meeting at Pecos Bill?"
*unknown girl interupts* "David David David David... ect.."

Havn't used them since then... lol:lol:

Nextel Direct Connect is the Best Radio to use these days at WDW


Well-Known Member
i really enjoy seeing children who are definatly too old to be in a stroller but god forbod they walk or go back to their resort or hotel for the day........and their asleep in the stroller........hello people leave the park........gee i'll be 71/2 months prego when i go down mabe i can pull the stroller think off?? lol


Is someone writing this all down..... I see a book in the future :lol:
We just need to come up with a good title for it.. "WDW 1001 ANOYING GUEST HABITS"


Well-Known Member
On the flip side of people not stopping to let you take a picture, I find it annoying when everyone has to stop so someone can take a in point: Last time I was at DTD, someone wanted a pic of their kid in front of the Lego serpent. Fine, fine, but it was around 8:30 p.m. (which is a super-busy time at DTD) and like 75 people had to stop from both directions for a kid that refused to smile...while his mom took not one but 3 pictures....I know it's been said, but LINE JUMPERS. Grrrr. While waiting for the Flying Carpets, I saw a dad give his kid a push over the fence to the front of the que and this kid just sort of wandered around aimlessly and glommed on to other families when it was time to be assigned to the numbers, but then when the gates opened, he hopped on another families assigned carpet and threw everything off. Then when the CM's were trying to figure out what was going on and they questioned him, he pretended not to speak english...which he could, because we heard him chattering away to his dad prior to the line jumping...Reckeless Strollers...People who push their way up to the front during Spectromagic or Illuminations...:brick:


New Member
I've never been a character, but I bet it get's pretty annoying to constantly be asked, "Is it hot in there?"

Not only is the answer fairly obvious, it also takes away from the experience of kids that may be around.

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