Another MK smoking area goes up in smoke

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Well-Known Member
Our cultures, peoples and mindsets are very different.

And your paying guests are from these different cultures.

Totally playing devils advocate here, but just like the US it depends where you are in the UK ... the best thing about the smoking ban is the rise of gastro-pubs in the North East. Maybe in the south it is different?
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Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Totally playing devils advocate here, but just like the US it depends where you are in the UK ... the best thing about the smoking ban is the rise of gastro-pubs in the North East. Maybe in the south it is different?

Funny these pubs are equipped with fans that make kitchens tolerable for working but a similar solution for smokers was ignored by government hell bent on controlling and removal of choice.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
People still smoke? Huh.

I've typed this slowly cause I know your hard of thinking, people do smoke, but they dont smoke inside, its banned in all buildings. Cooking inside over coal pits are permitted as we have fans to clear the air for both cooks and diners. Funnily enough isnt BBQ meat now supposedly more carcinogenic than 20 a day?


One Little Spark...
Thank you for the information. Next time I could do without your smug little "see how easy that was" comment though.
My comment was intended to be about how easy it was to find information when looking for confirmation, especially with bias.

My point with the comment was, that it is easy to find studies and cherry pick information to fit your agenda, once you have decided upon an agenda. In the case of my post, the agenda was whether smog has short or long term detrimental health benefits (my posts show it does), what are the most common and worst types of emissions (several of my posts point to vehicle and other small particulate emissions as the worst, as they become lodged in lung and other tissues), and does smog cause deaths (much like the touted "millions die from second hand smoke" claims, which are complete nonsense).

Proverbial you, not you specifically. That was all that was meant. The tone didn't carry through in Unicode as I intended. It wasn't directed as snark towards you. Sorry it came off like that.


Well-Known Member
My comment was intended to be about how easy it was to find information when looking for confirmation, especially with bias.

My point with the comment was, that it is easy to find studies and cherry pick information to fit your agenda, once you have decided upon an agenda.

Proverbial you, not you specifically. That was all that was meant. The tone didn't carry through in Unicode as I intended. It wasn't directed as snark towards you. Sorry it came off like that.

In all fairness, I had just woken up and hadn't had my Mickey waffles yet. My apologies.


Active Member
Oy. Another thread turns flame, the easy target, smokers.
And yet stupid guests sit by wood fireplaces and suck up the carcinogens. Sit around a campfire with their children. Guests will stand in a bay with 25 buses emitting diesel carcinogens and breathe all that into their lungs. Take a deep breath of fresh magic air when they go outside to catch the DME at MCO. Or waiting for their bus leaving the MK or any of the parks. Guests are likely to feel worse than the 2 seconds it takes to pass through a smoking section that can easily be avoided these days at Disney. All the 'other' smoke and vapors we will willingly suck in at Disney but Lord forbid a nicotine vapor in the parks. Comical. :rolleyes:

Up next the Peta People objecting having to smell the Turkey Legs roasting away in Frontierland?

You are aware that smoking emits over 7,000 different cancer causing substances and kills over 443,000 people every year in the US from either smoking or secondhand smoke. Heres some of the poison that you are inhaling
Acetone – found in nail polish remover
Acetic Acid – an ingredient in hair dye
Ammonia – a common household cleaner
Arsenic – used in rat poison
Benzene – found in rubber cement
Butane – used in lighter fluid
Cadmium – active component in battery acid
Carbon Monoxide – released in car exhaust fumes
Formaldehyde – embalming fluid
Hexamine – found in barbecue lighter fluid
Lead – used in batteries
Napthalene – an ingredient in moth balls
Methanol – a main component in rocket fuel
Nicotine – used as insecticide
Tar – material for paving roads
Toluene - used to manufacture paint
  • Diesels in contrast emit only a handful of gasses and soot which have not been shown to cause cancer in major studies.
  • The gas portion of diesel exhaust is mostly carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur oxides, and hydrocarbons, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
  • The soot (particulate) portion of diesel exhaust is made up of particles such as carbon, organic materials (including PAHs), and traces of metallic compounds.
I am not against people smoking but the only reason you can buy your death sticks is because the government makes so much money taxing it. They should ban the cigarette companies from making any cigarettes the ways they currently do and we should allow people to smoke the ways that they used to with a pipe and plain old tobacco. I would have no problem with that, but your facts on smoking being the same as diesel exhaust or anything else are flat out wrong. What do I know I only work in a hospital and I lost my uncle to cancer from smoking at the age of 45.

Dont believe the facts go read up at and thats where i looked up real facts and not just spewing ash out my mouth like you did.



Active Member
All true - no argument. I might question at what levels, and at what distance (retired analytical chemist - ANYTHING can be detected ANYWHERE, the question is how much? At the detection limit, one can find all of this in tap water).

Regardless... Just give us a place away from anyone that is going to have a coronary if they see any smoke. As I said before - I WANT to only smoke in APPROVED smoking areas. I'll SETTLE for "separate but equal". Then I'll die quietly in another 10 years, and no one will be bothered. Hell, I'm already 62. Just don't go down THIS Road...

I NEVER wish to inflict my choices on another... But I also do not wish others to inflict their choices on ME.
Thanks for not wanting to inflict anything on anyone else. It seems some do not care and inflict what they can on anyone. Disney will probably ban it eventually though, every hospital around where I live have banned it on property. Its only a matter of time I guess but I would be okay with plain tobacco smokers being around to me. Its alot healthier than the modern day cigs. One a side not does anyone know what a cigarette is called in the UK?


Follower of "Saget"The Cult

Dont believe the facts go read up at and thats where i looked up real facts and not just spewing ash out my mouth like you did.

All that work you did and your last statement just made you lose all credibility.

It's apparent that you have an agenda and are sticking to it at all costs.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Thanks for not wanting to inflict anything on anyone else. It seems some do not care and inflict what they can on anyone. Disney will probably ban it eventually though, every hospital around where I live have banned it on property. Its only a matter of time I guess but I would be okay with plain tobacco smokers being around to me. Its alot healthier than the modern day cigs. One a side not does anyone know what a cigarette is called in the UK?

Grow up


Active Member
All that work you did and your last statement just made you lose all credibility.

It's apparent that you have an agenda and are sticking to it at all costs.
Oh your didnt see the anti smoking agenda from losing my uncle. Of course I dont like it he is dead. I did say you can smoke regular tobacco. Not sure where i lost my credibility from though since I was very open about my opinion. Thanks for showing some empathy.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Thanks for not wanting to inflict anything on anyone else. It seems some do not care and inflict what they can on anyone. Disney will probably ban it eventually though, every hospital around where I live have banned it on property. Its only a matter of time I guess but I would be okay with plain tobacco smokers being around to me. Its alot healthier than the modern day cigs. One a side not does anyone know what a cigarette is called in the UK?

a cigarette last time I saw a packet.
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