Another MK smoking area goes up in smoke

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Well-Known Member
I have not read every post on this thread but have seen some negative remarks about using elecronic cigarettes. I quit smoking cigarettes two years ago when I started using electronic cigarettes. The term is called "Vaping" when using an ecig. It has nothing to do with smoking. There is no combustible flame, no tar, and void of all the other toxic chemicals in a cigarette. It is simply a water based liquid with flavoring and nicotine. When it is exhaled it disipates within a matter of seconds. It doesn't linger like cigarette smoke. Nicotine can be harmful but only in high doses. I feel so much better since I quit smoking. I smell better and foods taste better. So why should I have to stand with the smokers if thats not what I'm doing. When I vape, I'm not a jerk about it. I dont blow it in people's faces. I usually stand off somewhere or if I'm walking and no ones around I'll take a few drags. I type this just to let people know that Vaping is not the same as smoking. It's a healthier alternative to smoking.
What brand do you use. Tried the Blue cig and not impressed.


OV 104
Premium Member
That argument has been used in many cities where smoking was banned in restaurants and then bars and clubs. People said, "If I can't smoke there I'll never go and you'll lose my money." The ban went into place and the smokers disappeared (or showed up and smoked outside) and the people who had hated the smoke returned to take their place. Very few, if any, businesses lost money; many saw an increase in business.

Bars got hurt pretty bad. Several around me closed, nice bars at that. EPCOT is a bar, it must stay a bar to float numbers, it must appeal to the bar crowd, therefore smoking will remain. Sorry.


One Little Spark...
Bars got hurt pretty bad. Several around me closed, nice bars at that. EPCOT is a bar, it must stay a bar to float numbers, it must appeal to the bar crowd, therefore smoking will remain. Sorry.
In GA, our law was written with an exemption for bars. This actually helped bars themselves, as restaurants with active bars saw the hit, and people moved to bars and nightclubs that did not have large food sales (the number is no more than 40% food sales, as I recall...which is why some places that do sell food and drinks will push well drinks...)

But, that aside, I take no issue with a private business banning a legal behavior on their property. Including smoking. If Disney did it, I think it would (as @StarWarsGirl pointed out), cause a variety of other, arguably worse, situations (people cheating smokes, etc.)...but, if they did it, I'd fully support their decision to do so.

What I do not support is using the force of law, rather then rely on social norms to self-regulate the market.

Catering to smokers carries with it a variety of business expenses, and image factors. For example, facilities wear out faster and get (and stay) dirtier. Just one example...

If a private business chooses not to have smoking in their establishment, great. If they choose to do it.

If they don't, and I don't want to be around it, I won't go. That simple.


Well-Known Member
Some laws are written so that if a bar has an outdoor patio/space people can smoke there, just not in the building.

I have no problem with smoking being banned in all indoor, non-residential spaces (or on cruise ships) due to the fact that it can be a fire hazard. If people in a bar wish to smoke, they can go outside and then come back in. Just like they do at work, or in many vacation spots.
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One Little Spark...
I don't think it's fair to compare exhaust fumes with secondhand smoke, because to my knowledge there hasn't been millions of people killed by car fumes in the last 50 years. Also, it might be because I'm not sensitive to the fumes, but wouldn't the only fumes you'd catch a whiff of be from a poorly maintained car or bus/semi?

Growing evidence that autism is linked to pollution with babies 283% more likely to suffer from the condition compared to other birth defects

Study Doubles Estimate of Smog Deaths
USC researchers amass measurements of lethal particulate matter from hundreds of locations in the L.A. Basin. State may raise its official figures.

Premature Deaths caused by Smog

A new study from MIT’s Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment finds that air pollution causes 200,000 early deaths every year in the United States.

Study Links Smog to Excessive Number of Deaths in Cities
Lethal levels of air pollutants caused thousands of deaths and major economic losses in 2012, report says

China's 'airpocalypse' kills 350,000 to 500,000 each year
Between 350,000 and 500,000 Chinese die prematurely each year because of the country's disastrous air pollution, says China's former health minister

Air Pollution Linked to 1.2 Million Premature Deaths in China

Los Angeles and Central Valley smog cause more deaths than car accidents

See how easy that was?

I ride a bicycle 3/4 of the year. Your car fumes are killing me, and killing my children.


Ban cars.


New Member
What brand do you use. Tried the Blue cig and not impressed.
The ecigs that look like real cigarettes are garbage. They taste bad and have a short battery life. I use devices that are bigger for longer battery life and buy bottles of nicotine juice at websites that are dedicated to help smokers quit. There are hundreds of websites out there and brick and mortar shops popping up everyday. It's gotten so popular that it's making the big tobacco companies nervous.


One Little Spark...
The ecigs that look like real cigarettes are garbage. They taste bad and have a short battery life. I use devices that are bigger for longer battery life and buy bottles of nicotine juice at websites that are dedicated to help smokers quit. There are hundreds of websites out there and brick and mortar shops popping up everyday. It's gotten so popular that it's making the big tobacco companies nervous.
Well, depends on your addiction. I've tried both, and frankly, I'm more addicted to the nervous habit of fiddling with the cig...that's what's hard to break.

Am I addicted to the Nicotine? Sure. But, I rarely have cravings, outside of mornings, with coffee, when drinking or after a particularly good meal.

Rather, I have the issue of "smoking when I don't really want to"...driving, light up. Stepping outside for a phone call? (I work in a communal office, but everyone there works for me, and there are phone calls they do not need to hear) Light up. Programming? Light up.

And, for those reasons, the shape and feel of the ecigs that do look and feel like real cigs, is a significant factor to me.

There's a reason I never got into smoking a pipe...why should I want to replace my cigarette with one?


Well-Known Member
Bars got hurt pretty bad. Several around me closed, nice bars at that. EPCOT is a bar, it must stay a bar to float numbers, it must appeal to the bar crowd, therefore smoking will remain. Sorry.
Well, bars and restaurants didn't get hurt in Washington, DC, and they 're opening more every day. Smokers aren't lighting up inside Epcot restaurants anyway.


One Little Spark...
Well, bars and restaurants didn't get hurt in Washington, DC, and they 're opening more every day. Smokers aren't lighting up inside Epcot restaurants anyway.
That's because DC is rife with lush.

Here, this will probably put a lot of wrenches in your cogs of common thinking (for example, where the drunks live...hint, it ain't the South)...

Take a look at spirits consumption for DC vs the rest of the nation. p.20 It's unreal...

Yep, a whole lot of happy times there!


Well-Known Member
That's because DC is rife with lush.

Here, this will probably put a lot of wrenches in your cogs of common thinking (for example, where the drunks live...hint, it ain't the South)...

Take a look at spirits consumption for DC vs the rest of the nation. p.20 It's unreal...

Yep, a whole lot of happy times there!
yes, lots of drinkers who don't need to smoke.

Apparently some here think that EPCOT is loaded with smoking drunks, and needs to keep them happy to survive.


One Little Spark...
yes, lots of drinkers who don't need to smoke.

Apparently some here think that EPCOT is loaded with smoking drunks, and needs to keep them happy to survive.
The smoking rate in DC isn't that much lower than the national average, according to the CDC.


And, I quote their summary...

"Adult Current Cigarette/Smokeless Tobacco Use
In the District of Columbia, the percentage of adults (ages 18+) who currently smoke cigarettes was 20.8% in 2011. Across all states and D.C., the prevalence of cigarette smoking among adults ranged from 11.8% to 29.0%. The District of Columbia ranked 22nd among the states.

The percentage of adults who currently use smokeless tobacco was 1.5% in 2011. Across all states and D.C., the prevalence ranged from 1.4% to 9.8%. The District of Columbia ranked 3rd among the states."

Third...hrm...they do seem to love their dip in DC, eh?


Well-Known Member
You may not agree with @englanddg, but you have to give him credit. At least he backs up his argument with data, not just generalization based off of personal observations.

That said, as a former smoker ( off nicotine for 3 years now), I wish no one smoked. Really. At the same time, its not my place to take away some ones freedom to do something that is a leagal activity. Disney has the right to ban it all together, and smokers have the right to not buy Disney's product. The "free market" always works this out, if left alone by the government.

Its funny, but in a conversation with a friend last week, we came to the conclusion that America will probably ban cigarettes and leagalize marajuana within the next 10 years.


Well-Known Member
Or buy nicotine patches or nicotine gum or better yet quit smoking. Really don't understand why people do it.
I am not now, nor have I ever been, a smoker. It kills me that people spend the money they do for these trips and then spend soooo much of their time in the smoking areas. On my last trip to the world, my mother was part of our 9 person group. After every ride or attraction, she would look around and say, "Alright, I need to smoke." It drove / drives me crazy.

But I do not look down my nose at these people outside of WDW. The taxes they pay for their addiction provide so much in the way of children's healthcare, etc.


Well-Known Member
Growing evidence that autism is linked to pollution with babies 283% more likely to suffer from the condition compared to other birth defects

Study Doubles Estimate of Smog Deaths
USC researchers amass measurements of lethal particulate matter from hundreds of locations in the L.A. Basin. State may raise its official figures.

Premature Deaths caused by Smog

A new study from MIT’s Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment finds that air pollution causes 200,000 early deaths every year in the United States.

Study Links Smog to Excessive Number of Deaths in Cities
Lethal levels of air pollutants caused thousands of deaths and major economic losses in 2012, report says

China's 'airpocalypse' kills 350,000 to 500,000 each year
Between 350,000 and 500,000 Chinese die prematurely each year because of the country's disastrous air pollution, says China's former health minister

Air Pollution Linked to 1.2 Million Premature Deaths in China

Los Angeles and Central Valley smog cause more deaths than car accidents

See how easy that was?

I ride a bicycle 3/4 of the year. Your car fumes are killing me, and killing my children.


Ban cars.

Thank you for the information. Next time I could do without your smug little "see how easy that was" comment though.


Well-Known Member
The smoking rate in DC isn't that much lower than the national average, according to the CDC.


And, I quote their summary...

"Adult Current Cigarette/Smokeless Tobacco Use
In the District of Columbia, the percentage of adults (ages 18+) who currently smoke cigarettes was 20.8% in 2011. Across all states and D.C., the prevalence of cigarette smoking among adults ranged from 11.8% to 29.0%. The District of Columbia ranked 22nd among the states.

The percentage of adults who currently use smokeless tobacco was 1.5% in 2011. Across all states and D.C., the prevalence ranged from 1.4% to 9.8%. The District of Columbia ranked 3rd among the states."

Third...hrm...they do seem to love their dip in DC, eh?
A lot of effort to show statistics no one cares about. Fact: Smoking is not allowed in bars snd restautants in the DC Metro area and business is still booming.


Well-Known Member
You may not agree with @englanddg, but you have to give him credit. At least he backs up his argument with data, not just generalization based off of personal observations.

But his statistics don't speak to the issue. (I never said that people don't drink or smoke in DC. They're just not smoking in the restaurants and bars.) If banning smoking has had a negative economic impact on a majority of businesses in cities where it has been banned, then please post statistics.
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Well-Known Member
I have not read every post on this thread but have seen some negative remarks about using elecronic cigarettes. I quit smoking cigarettes two years ago when I started using electronic cigarettes. The term is called "Vaping" when using an ecig. It has nothing to do with smoking. There is no combustible flame, no tar, and void of all the other toxic chemicals in a cigarette. It is simply a water based liquid with flavoring and nicotine. When it is exhaled it disipates within a matter of seconds. It doesn't linger like cigarette smoke. Nicotine can be harmful but only in high doses. I feel so much better since I quit smoking. I smell better and foods taste better. So why should I have to stand with the smokers if thats not what I'm doing. When I vape, I'm not a jerk about it. I dont blow it in people's faces. I usually stand off somewhere or if I'm walking and no ones around I'll take a few drags. I type this just to let people know that Vaping is not the same as smoking. It's a healthier alternative to smoking.
If one exhales vapors into a handkerchief and it dissipates before it hits the air, can one just vape anywhere?
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