Definitely get what you are saying. My thing is though, suspension can only take you so far. If the movie decides to go outside it's reality, then that suspension (Depending on how you are as a movie goer) is ruined. Regarding Frozen, I can deal with a queen having ice powers. They were established early on in the film. Great. Now, say somewhere halfway through, they just decide that Elsa is going to have fire powers as well. Or decided that Elsa could fly. Or in the middle of the movie a great unicorn is going to pop up out of nowhere. Those were not established in the movie and therefore would take my suspension of disbelief and ruin it. Just because it's animated, doesn't mean it can do absolutely anything it wants and expect people to belief it completely.
My gripe about the rulers of the land come more from Disney trying way too hard to fit their fantasy princesses into a real world scenario to try and appeal to the ones bashing the Princess line and saying it's counter productive to children. But Disney is trying way too hard. I know Disney wants to make their money. They have every right too. But they need to do it the way they do best. Make classic stories with memorable characters. Not only focus on merchandising or trying to appeal to a certain type of group. There was nothing classic about this film (for me); it was all a spoof of old Disney tropes. They did that already in Enchanted and I feel the movie lost out on a lot of it's own potential charm because it was trying to be something it wasn't.
CW1982, you should definitely give it a try. Don't listen to my old out of touch self

but let us know what you think and if after seeing the film if you will go stand in a 8 hour line to meet the girls, haha