It happens, It could be that Goofy had to get out of the line for some reason (Since he was hot as the guy explained it). It happened to me and my sister (I'll tell that story in a moment). But I also agree with you. The Cast Member usually cuts the line and if he was behind her, you would think he would have had the chance to meet Goofy before he left. That's the CM's fault and not the adult getting the pictures. Though it sounds horrible, we don't know the whole story. Maybe it was the woman's first trip and was excited. Maybe the woman WAS the only one in line and so she thought she would have time and then everyone filled behind her. dunno. All I know is everyone gets their chance and it shouldn't matter if you are 5, 20, or 60. She paid her money and waited her turn, just like everyone else.
Now Goofy. I may have told this story before, don't remember but we were in line by Splash Mountain because my sister wanted to meet Goofy. Now, she is the 'cool' sister.

Had to pose in the perfect pictures and was 'too old' for characters. But for some reason, she saw him out and wanted a photo. So we get in line and we get to the very front (as in, we were next!) and, 'oh! sorry guys, Goofy has to go meet up with Mickey...but don't worry, MAX is coming out!" That was a kin to Booster coming out when you wanted to meet Turbo Man to my sister. She asks: "Who's Max?" and I respond: "Goofy's son" she makes a face like 'um...really?''

She was not happy. But we waited for the heck of it. Actually...I don't even know why we waited, lol....Disappointed, she met Max and he was so funny and cool that my sister loved him after that. she was fine but sad she didn't get to meet Goofy. It was our last day before returning home and I felt sooooo bad. She doesn't care for any meet and greets and the only one she wanted she fell just short seconds away from meeting.
I then remembered that the previous day, I had met Goofy at the Chase Card character spot in EPCOT I told her it was a long shot...BUT, if we go to EPCOT, there is a chance we could see him there. She said 'why not' we trekked over to EPCOT and got in line. The CM there was soooo cute.

I had asked if it was Goofy we would be meeting and she smirked and shook her head saying 'it's a surprise.' So our turn comes and she goes: You both have to close your eyes and make a wish' I of course do this cause...I'm a Disney geek

...whether my sis did or not, I don't know...cause my eyes were closed. But I wanna say she did not because as the CM was about to tell us to open our eyes, my sis must have seen some whiskers behind a curtain and just shouts out 'IT'S GOOFY!!!!!" 28 year old adult here...tells me I am crazy for meeting characters

reacts this way. REALLY wish I had a camera.
Anyway, it was Goofy and Minnie and they spent so much time with us. I kinda just stood back (since I had met them the day before) and let sis have her moment. It was like Christmas seeing her so excited. We got a few pictures together and then afterwards, I let her have her choice of the free photo from the shoot. I was so glad Goofy was there, glad the CMs had fun with us crazy girls and glad my sis had a magic moment.
So I guess that whole story was to show that it doesn't matter how old you are, you are never too old for a little Disney Magic.