Home again, Home again, Rinky, Tink, Tink....
Well, we just got home... MJ still needs to see an endocrinologist I think, her sugar was 112 Wednesday and in the toilet in the hospital and then was 112 last night which they tell me is high...we are to see her pediatrician the 10th.
She is at 100 cc/hour for her formula, but it is still 30 cc's short, so now we work that up, plus her calorie booster needs to be added back in, so she's going to be on her pump for extra hours, but it shouldn't be too bad.
Her neuro came in and adjusted her seizure meds so hopefully her seizure threshold will improve and not be so low anymore.
MJ's foot is till very swollen from her IV infiltrating yesterday, but she is up and walking. We have a friend here now who is playing with her. I can see she's tired, so I will most likely try to get her to nap or put her to bed early.
Andrew unpacked most stuff for me and is now on a food run since I haven't been here in about 5 days we were pretty foodless.
I am just exhausted and glad to be home.