American Idol!


Well-Known Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
Somehow, I don't remember it being that way. He said that she'd be fine and that she is delivering the music that her fans expect. In fact, he said it was a great improvement over last week. Then he said that he doesn't get Country Music because he's English. Bottom line is, Carrie Underwood will either win American Idol or receive a record deal the day she gets voted off. She will be very popular and successful.

Well, I missed what Randy, Paula, and Simon said to her b/c I had to work for a few minutes, but I agree that no matter what happens Carrie will be getting a record deal. Country or for AI. But you're right, no one really understands b/c they don't listen to country.

Dizknee_Phreek said:
Constantine - this is where it gets a little surprising. I love the song, but it was totally the wrong song for this competition and for Constantine. There's just not enough vocal range in that song, and it got really tiresome after a while. It was definately his worst performance and song choice (he even got the words wrong at one point, I'm pretty sure...he said "I've been down, I've been wrong" when it's supposed to be the other way around...then again, I could be wrong since no one else seemed to notice). I felt so horrible for him after that. I think he would've done MUCH better with Bo's song. I still voted for Connie, though (of course!)

Scott - ....since when have grown "men" danced with their fathers? What a strange song choice. I'm not going to make predictions this week, since I've been saying he's going home for weeks, and other people have been going instead...I don't want to jinx anybody.

OMG! You said Constantine was bad!? Are there pigs flying outside??? :lol: I'm just kidding. I just thought I'd give you crap about it!

And by the way...if you didn't know...Dance With My Father was a song by Luther Vandross, so technically, a guy is supposed to sing it.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
God, I can't wait to see Scott go home tonite. I just can' wait. I am still mad at him for beating Nikko. I just can't beleive it! One stupid kid at my school thought Scott was actually good. I can't wait to taunt him tomorrow. Heh heh heh.....


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
OH MY GOD. You have GOT to be ****ing me!!!

Vonzell is in the bottom 3??? Scott is in the top 3????



New Member
I am so upset.. what is AMERICA thinking??? Scott is staying and CONSTANTINE went home.. I'm in tears right now.. shaking! I can't beleive this. Constantine was my second favorite! :( ARGH!!!!!!!


ditzeechick02 said:
I am so upset.. what is AMERICA thinking??? Scott is staying and CONSTANTINE went home.. I'm in tears right now.. shaking! I can't beleive this. Constantine was my second favorite! :( ARGH!!!!!!!

Girl - calm down, it's not like he's dead. :lol: I'm sure he'll get a record deal anyway. At this point the finishing order doesn't matter.


Well-Known Member
Wow...that's all I can really say at this moment. I have no idea how what happened did. How Scott stayed out of the bottom three, I have no idea. Tonight was definitely interesting. That is all I can say.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Good god.... I thought I'd never see the day when contantine would leave. His performance wasn't his best last night, but COME ON!!!!!! It was lightyears's better than Scott's. America, just because they have cute kids, doesn't mean that they can sing!!!!!!!!! Scott is never gonna leave. Geeez!!! :fork:


Well-Known Member
imagineer boy said:
Good god.... I thought I'd never see the day when contantine would leave. His performance wasn't his best last night, but COME ON!!!!!! It was lightyears's better than Scott's. America, just because they have cute kids, doesn't mean that they can sing!!!!!!!!! Scott is never gonna leave. Geeez!!! :fork:

Yep...I just don't know what is wrong with this world. I mean I wasn't a Constantine fan, but good lord, he didn't deserve to go yet! Scott was 10 times worse than Constantine last night.


New Member
Okay, what is going on with this voting? The general conscensous that I hear from everyone I talk to is that they don't like Scott.

And that's the same feeling I get from all of you guys. And wouldn't you think that we are a pretty representative cross section of America?

Who is he getting all of these votes from?

Constantine was my favorite. Oh well.

Hey, the tour schedule is out...anyone going?


Well-Known Member
:cry: I don't even know what to say, really...I can barely type right now, cause I'm shaking so bad. I've been worried about this all day, but I really didn't think he'd go home. This is absolutely the most stupid and rigged show. It has to be rigged. Scott in the top 3? Vonzell in the bottom? Constantine gone? Something fishy's going on...omg...I'm still in complete denial. I can't believe he won't be on there anymore. I can't believe Scott and Anthony beat him out. I just started bawling after the show went off. I mean, I know he still has his band, and I know he'll probably get a record deal (just for himself) anyway, and I didn't even really want him to get stuck with the American Idol label (I DID want him to come in 2nd, though), but still...god, I can't even think right now...I'm so ed and depressed at the same time...I'm not voting anymore, cause it's not like it's going to matter anyway. AI just does what they want to. Really, though, it doesn't matter who the heck wins AI this year, cause Constantine's going to sell more records than anyone on that show! I truly believe that!


Well-Known Member
Dizknee_Phreek said:
:cry: I don't even know what to say, really...I can barely type right now, cause I'm shaking so bad. I've been worried about this all day, but I really didn't think he'd go home. This is absolutely the most stupid and rigged show. It has to be rigged. Scott in the top 3? Vonzell in the bottom? Constantine gone? Something fishy's going on...omg...I'm still in complete denial. I can't believe he won't be on there anymore. I can't believe Scott and Anthony beat him out. I just started bawling after the show went off. I mean, I know he still has his band, and I know he'll probably get a record deal (just for himself) anyway, and I didn't even really want him to get stuck with the American Idol label (I DID want him to come in 2nd, though), but still...god, I can't even think right now...I'm so ed and depressed at the same time...I'm not voting anymore, cause it's not like it's going to matter anyway. AI just does what they want to. Really, though, it doesn't matter who the heck wins AI this year, cause Constantine's going to sell more records than anyone on that show! I truly believe that!
I really want them to boo Scott next week, but I know they won't, Ugh.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
There's been rumors curculating that people have created a type of program that can rig the show. I don't know, but SCOTT IS STILL FRIGGIN SAFE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WHO IN THE !$%!@#$%#@$%# KEEPS VOTING FOR SCOTT?!?!!?!??! UUUUGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
I really want them to boo Scott next week, but I know they won't, Ugh.

I really don't want to even watch the show next week...but I'll have to cause my curiosity is just way too high for its own good. You better believe I'll boo him at the AI tour, though!


Well-Known Member
Ok, so what the hell just happened tonight? :mad: Constantine was so much better than Scott can ever hope to be! Who is voting for Scott? I honestly can say that I hate him. Did you see that smug look on his face after they announced that Constantine was leaving? :fork: I'm ready to just stop watching. All my favorites are getting voted off anyways. Nadia, Anwar, Constantine... I like Vonzell, and now I hope she wins it, but she'll probably leave next week because all the good ones are getting wrongfully sent home early.

We'll miss you, Constantine. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Dizknee_Phreek said:
I really don't want to even watch the show next week...but I'll have to cause my curiosity is just way too high for its own good. You better believe I'll boo him at the AI tour, though!
My sister just said "Why the hell do we keep watching?" I think the answer is that we're damn curious. Bo and Vonzell are still there so I'm still rooting for them at least. But with the way things are going, it's hard to tell what can happen.

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