Am I the only person who thinks Night Kingdom might actually be GREAT?


Original Poster
Before I begin, make sure you've read the first post of this thread, as it quotes a recent screamscape article.

There are two things in the world that I have known about that you (the reader of this post) might not know about, and they are two things that I think are pretty darned cool.

1. Geocaching. Geocaching, called a sport by some, is an activity that involves finding "caches", which are sort of little follow-the-clue puzzles set up by other geocachers. They are usually inconspicuously set up in a public place, such as a community park (my friend designed one that was entirely inside our local shop rite). The object is to follow each subsequent clue at each marker to the end of the cache, at which is usually a box with a logbook and maybe small treasures for you to take. Then you log in to your favorite Geocaching website and brag about your accomplishment (jk). The caches vary in difficulty from easy to extremely difficult. Some of them are comprised of clues that are simply compass directions, and others are extremely cryptic, like something out of Indiana Jones. It is a "sport" comparable to Letterboxing. The cool thing is that these games exist openly right under your nose, but no one ever notices that they're there - unless they look for them.

2. "The Game". From what I have read and understand, The Game began at an Ivy League school (Harvard?); a kind of annual team competition that involves each team finding and following clues, with the end goal of being the first time to "finish". Successfully deciphering each clue leads to a new location, and a new clue. The entry fee is substantial, so the organizers have a LOT of capital to play with, leading to high levels of clue complexity. Usually The Game takes place within the confines of a major city, and the organizers go at great lengths to involve anyone and everyone, hiring actors and stand-ins, etc. There are Red Herrings everywhere, and a wide expanse of knowledge and equipment is mandatory for any team to stand a chance of even finishing (one year, a clue was at the bottom of a lake, and required scuba gear to retrieve). Here's an example (this knowledge all comes from an article I saved from Rolling Stone):

The team enters an electronics store, and they ask the clerk if he knows anything. The clerk says, "wait here for gerald", and disappears. This, the team determines, is a Red Herring. They're standing in this store, when someone notices something funny about the wall of TVs. There is a local weatherman (well known in the area), giving the weather. Something is strange - then someone else notices exactly what. The temperatures on the map behind the weatherman don't make sense. One town is 12 degrees, and a few miles away, another town is listed as 92. The weatherman says things like "Looks like the elements are really out in force"...someone keys in to this clue, and a few seconds later they have a periodic table. The element abbreviations spell something out, and it turns out to be a popular skateboard shop in town, and the game goes on.

Still with me? Great. I took the screamscape article to basically mean that the good folks at imagineering are working on something very close to the two concepts I just mentioned above, only "disney-fied", in a very awesome park environment. Rides are great, but how many times (esp. as children) did you wish you could get out of your POTC boat and climb aboard the wicked wench, or go on an adventure of your own through the animatronic town? It sounds like they're working on a way to really immerse you in such an adventure, almost like a full scale, disney version of "Myst", something that a certain archeologist would be right at home with. You can't tell me that you haven't wished you were Indiana Jones at some point (I know I have :animwink:).

So you've got an entire "park" that's basically one big adult playground, the whole place open for you to run around in, with mountains, caves, forests, etc. All safe, disney-style environments (like HISK movie set adventure, only BIG). Now add in a game, not unlike Geocaching or The Game; "playing" in this park now takes on a purpose. Now add yourself, and about 5 of your good friends and/or family. Can you put your heads together and solve all the puzzles? Can you finish the adventure? I picture, for example retrieving crystal-like keys from all areas of the park, lets say, and then finding a secret entrance to a cave in which there is a great stone door. My friends and I figure out that the strange runes in the walls correspond to the ones engraved on the keys, and we have to figure out what order to place them into the keyholes, and the door will open - The possibilities are limitless. I'm getting excited just thinking about it!

I think a lot of us have jumped to unfair conclusions about the nature of night kingdom. I seriously doubt disney would build a new park that costs so much to attend if they didn't plan on making it accessible, no matter what others have said (Note that in the article, rock climbing is in quotation marks. That was very significant to me). Bear in mind we've heard nothing official from the mouse. A lot of folks here seem to be keen on bashing it already because it's not Villians-related, or coaster kingdom. So before everyone jumps on the bandwagon, attacking this thing, I implore you to abandon your predispositions, think for yourself, open your mind and see Night Kingdom for what it could potentially be - something supremely fun and exciting; something totally unique that no one has EVER done before. I'm sure that we can all agree on this: Disney has always innovated, and has almost always had extreme success. The new concept, whatever it is, is subsequently imitated by every other theme park in history. Why fight innovation now? I think this idea sounds awesome, and I want to know what you think of what I've written here.

Your responses are welcome, but please bear in mind that these are only my opinions and observations. If you disagree, cool, but please respect my views without resorting to bashing me.

I'm sorry for going Leo Tolstoy on you guys. :D


Well-Known Member
I think Disney should leave this stuff to the Adventures by Disney team and focus on building theme parks in Walt Disney World.

I don't think that the proper evironment for this idea can be created in central Florida. It doesn't seem to be worth the expense when real mountains, caves, and forests can be found elsewhere in the world.

Personally, if I want to climb mountains or pretend to be on Amazing Race, I'll either do Adventures by Disney or go with some other group in South America.

As a potential idea for the long-rumored 5th Gate, I dislkike it profusely.


Account Suspended
I think whoever is responsible for this idea (be it real or fabricated) fails to realize that like yourself who are in the overlap of liking Disney World and the activities mentioned are few and far between. Most people who would like such a thing wont be found at WDW.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Didn`t they try this grown up team building at the Institute? Look what happened there. If the bean counters see a market, great, but I`d rather the money went to the existing parks.


New Member
For Disney's sake, I hope "yes." It would be awfully embarassing for them to build this place and no one shows up.


Well-Known Member
No, no you are not the only person. People on the internet love to criticize things that they have no idea about. I think Night Kingdom could be an awesome destination, especially if it compares favorably to Discovery Cove (which is simply amazing)


New Member
I think that the whole Night Kingdom idea, as the article has described it, sounds like the most wicked thing ever!

I am totally with you, Brian_B!


Original Poster
Before I respond to anything you all have said, I have to take a moment to express my respect for you guys, so please take my words to be nothing more than honest interjections, and not hostile remarks in any way, shape, or form.

I think whoever is responsible for this idea (be it real or fabricated) fails to realize that like yourself who are in the overlap of liking Disney World and the activities mentioned are few and far between. Most people who would like such a thing wont be found at WDW.
While potentially true, would this knowledge not require extensive canvassing of the park's clientèle? There is no way for you to know if this is true, because you haven't interviewed every single person who has walked through the front gates of all 4 parks for any extended length of time (at least as far as I know).

I appreciate your reasoning, but I think that this is nothing more than speculation on your part. This is a great example of assuming that the people at Disney in charge of deciding what and what not to build do it blindly, like they have a guy in a blindfold play pin-the-tail-on-the-attraction or something. They have ways of finding out whether or not a significant portion of the public would be interested; They're not perfect by any means, but even their worst "failures" (DCA, Studios Paris, etc) would be successes for any other non-disney company. They've never had a new theme park where nobody "showed up", and I doubt that they'd put a great deal of money into something like this if they're weren't at least marginally sure it would do well.

I think that the whole Night Kingdom idea, as the article has described it, sounds like the most wicked thing ever!

I am totally with you, Brian_B!


Join the military, you get all this stuff and they pay you to travel.
True. There aren't any real magic crystals that open up ancient stone doors though, as far as I know. Plus, with the military you have to factor in that whole potentially-dying thing.


Well-Known Member
I think it could work in that it would open late and it wont really deter people from visiting the other theme parks like AK supposedly did. But I think its a dumb and stupid investment, and I hope its just a fake dumb rumor that wont happen. Like others, I would rather see the money poured into other parts of WDW.


Why does this have to be considered the "5th gate" as most seem to want to label it as?? Why can't it be its own unique experience such as TL, BB, the initial incarnation of PI, WWoS, or Richard Pettys Driving Experience???? None of these take away from the 4 true gates, they only enhance a persons/families stay if they "choose" to experience them. I see this as no different than what is being currently proposed. It is a boutique experience for those of us who choose to spend the money. If done properly, which I'm sure it will be, it will be self supporting and not drain cash from the existing parks spending on new experiences.

Count me in as a supporter of this "rumor"!


Active Member
Given the way you describe the possible incarnation of this experience, I think it would be really interesting. I'm too old for the military and didn't really like it much when I was in it, not even counting the dying thing. I am not about to go wandering around unescorted in the countryside of most foreign countries looking for obscure items in bizarre locations. That can get you shot even in this country. The only real downside it can see to this is the ability to vary the experience enough to get repeat business. Would there be only one trail to follow with one goal, or could they make it more difficult based on how many times you had already done it? The opportunity to take on something like this with my family pitted against the cleverness of the imagineers is a terrific idea and I, for one, would love the chance to do it.


Naturally Grumpy
I think whoever is responsible for this idea (be it real or fabricated) fails to realize that like yourself who are in the overlap of liking Disney World and the activities mentioned are few and far between. Most people who would like such a thing wont be found at WDW.

While potentially true, would this knowledge not require extensive canvassing of the park's clientèle? There is no way for you to know if this is true, because you haven't interviewed every single person who has walked through the front gates of all 4 parks for any extended length of time (at least as far as I know).

I appreciate your reasoning, but I think that this is nothing more than speculation on your part. This is a great example of assuming that the people at Disney in charge of deciding what and what not to build do it blindly, like they have a guy in a blindfold play pin-the-tail-on-the-attraction or something. They have ways of finding out whether or not a significant portion of the public would be interested; They're not perfect by any means, but even their worst "failures" (DCA, Studios Paris, etc) would be successes for any other non-disney company. They've never had a new theme park where nobody "showed up", and I doubt that they'd put a great deal of money into something like this if they're weren't at least marginally sure it would do well.

Yes, welcome to the skewed and rigid world of Merf...:rolleyes:

As to your original question, while it will be interesting to see what finally emerges from this concept....I seriously doubt that anything near the complexity you describe will be there. Even with the limited headcount for the park, I thinkg adventures will need to be limited to simpler things like zip lines, average walls and animal encounters.

I'll be very curious to sit back and see what the end product is however...I will be more than happy being pleasantly surprised.


Well-Known Member
I'll definitely give Night Kingdom a chance; I've heard great things about Discovery Cove.

That said, you have 300+ posts, and you still can't put topics in the correct forums? This is neither news, nor a rumor.


Well-Known Member
Assuming Night Kingdom will be built in some way, shape or form, one advantage it does have over an alternative 5th gate, is that at least in principle, it will not cannibalize the other 4 parks attendance. That is to say, given the time the park is rumored to be open (4-12 pm), the other parks should see attendance during the day while Night Kingdom gets the attendance at night.


Well-Known Member
Brian_B, I think this type of experience for a boutique park would be amazing for Night Kingdom. We must think alike...I had just about the same idea about Night Kingdom when I read about it. This is a totally unique experience, and I would definitely go see it.

What I can't believe is how many WDWMagic posters that think this is a such a terrible idea. Come on people, how many of you ever watched Indiana Jones or even National Treasure and thought "Wow, I want to do that"? Well, if Night Kingdom is anything like this, you can. This idea has the potential to be the most immersive and intimately themed experience Disney has ever created. Many people on this board constantly complain about the "erosion" of immersion and theming in Disney theme parks these days, but when we hear rumors about something with this level of amazing theming, they all complain and whine about it when it is not yet official and has not even begun construction. Then again, I also wonder if any of these people even enjoy themselves at WDW anyway. What, are they afraid that Disney is going to make you think or <gasp>... exert themselves? Save yourself the $300 so the rest of us can enjoy it.

Walt Disney was doing something radical when he built Disneyland, and everyone thought it would be a failure. And yet, Walt created a model that has led to Disney's theme park empire and supremacy over the theme park industry. Night Kingdom is a unique idea like Disneyland was back in the 1950's. If you're such a fan of Disney, why can't you give Night Kingdom a chance or at least keep an open mind until it opens?

Night Kingdom is completely different than anything that anyone, even Disney themselves, has ever done. People will go because it's a one-of-a-kind thing. Adventures by Disney doesn't do any Indy-style exploring or treasure hunting, even in their most exotic locations. Real archeology is seldom, if ever, as thrilling and "perilous" as anything from an Indiana Jones movie, but if you combine some of the previously mentioned activities (zip line, animal encounters, clue-hunting etc.) with Disney showmanship, you can recreate all the danger and excitement of an Indy movie, while making the guest the center of all the action. And you don't even need any Disney characters or even Indiana Jones incorporated into the park for that matter; WDI can make their own great backstory. One great idea that I've seen rumored is a takeoff on the Adventurer's Club in PI, which I think would be a great idea, but there's a broad spectrum of ideas that they could use as well. I'm sure Disney could also create a variety of experiences in the same park so that it has more repeatability; then again, people may want to come back just to experience it all again if Disney does it right.

Night Kingdom would be a boutique park, and would not detract in any way from any of the existing theme parks. This would be Disney's answer to Discovery Cove, and, in my opinion, Night Kingdom would be so much better than Discovery Cove if it's anything like we've heard.

Give Night Kingdom a chance!

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