While I agree Zelda is unlikely, I don’t think it’s due to a small base. Zelda has two games on the Switch top 10 sellers and is probably the largest it has ever been thanks to the amazing switch games it has had. It’s also really not that hard to understand, it’s high fantasy, it’s three central characters who represent the virtues of power, wisdom, and courage are Gannondorf (evil wizard king bent on conquering the kingdom,) Zelda (magic wielding princess and a Godess reincarnated in human form) and Link (warrior/knight and wielder of the Master Sword (the sword that seals the darkness) and sworn protector of Princess Zelda. If you know your fairytales (and we are Disney fans here so you better) you can deduce the plot of every Zelda Game based on my description (with the exception of Link’s Awakening and Majoras Mask.)
That said more potter makes more sense then Zelda at USH.