All DHS, all the Time


Well-Known Member
A movie can be relevant and classic. I don't really care how classic footlight parade's not relevant anymore in the least and the scene features about 50 static mannequins. Not the least bit impressive.

Singing in the Rain could stay. I'd say that most people know about that - Agreed

Mary Poppins could go - Disagree, one of Disney's classic movies and probably one of Disney's most well known live action movies.

Redo the gangster scene to Godfather/Goodfellas...relevant gangster movies - agreed, although what they have now isn't bad

Keep Clint and John Wayne but do away with the burning bank that never seems to be operational. Add another genre there. - fair enough

Keep Indy. - agreed

Extend horror genre into the Tarzan scene (no longer relevant). Add the classic horror movies. - fine

Keep Wizard of Oz. - agreed

Find a way to add the spy genre featuring James Bond. Base the AA on either Connery or Craig and have a scene featuring the line "Bond, James Bond" or "Vodka Martini, shaken, not stirred" or both. Perhaps in the Fantasia area. - Would have been great back when the park was MGM considering all Bond movies were put out by MGM. Sean Connery would definitely be the better one to put, but since Craig is the current Bond, he'd probably get the nod.

Add in Gone with the Wind somewhere (perhaps prior to Cassablanca) - agreed

Switch out Alien with Star Wars (no brainer). A true American classic/ great. - Not a Star Wars fan, but it makes more sense than Alien.

Update the film montage. Remove movies that have no business in it. - also agreed. They shouldn't have any movies that are recent. Anything that's at least 10 years old and still relevant could go in.

I still think that the ride should be mostly dedicated to Hollywood's glory days. 50s, 60s and I guess the 70s.


Well-Known Member
BTW, I was looking at DHS on google earth, and would it be possible if the GMR could expand backwards into the Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground area? There's also plenty of empty backstage areas there too. I think it could work and you could add atleast three or four more scenes in there.

Well, I guess it'd be *possible* to do that. The two show scenes that are at that far end of the building are the Alien corridor (as you enter and turn left, you're at the back-right corner of the building) and the Casablanca and Sorcerer Mickey area. Depending on who you wanted to be "driving" the cars at that point (either the tour guide or the hiijackers) there are two spots where the tram cars could veer off into the new addition, make a loop around and then rejoin the current track.

From a staffing standpoint, it'd probably be better to route into the theoretcial new building *after* the tram driver rejoins the tram. Keeping the first part of the ride the same length would keep the timing of the Guides and Hiijackers the same. (Otherwise, you'd have tour guides sitting idle in the green room waiting for their trams to reach them at Annubis. Currently it's not that long of a wait) It would also increase the capacity of the attraction, probably by one full set of tram cars.

Keep Clint and John Wayne but do away with the burning bank that never seems to be operational.

The exploding/burning bank only ignites for the Cowboy hiijack scene (because the Cowboy blows it up with dynamite during their scene). It doesn't go off for the Gangster, who is just cruising through.

If you only ever ride the Gangster side, you'll never see the bank burn. (And due to the cost of the propane, when they're only running/loading one tram, it's almost always the Gangster scene)



Well-Known Member
I still think that the ride should be mostly dedicated to Hollywood's glory days. 50s, 60s and I guess the 70s.

Wow. :veryconfu I guess different generations would have a different opinion about when hollywood's "glory days" were but I don't think too many folks would vote for the 60's and 70's.

If they go with the "Studios" concept I really hope they would only use movies/characters associated with those studios. Disney Movies/Lucasfilms/Star Wars/Indy/Disney Animation/Muppets/Pixar/Disney Villians. That is plenty of material to fill the ride.


Well-Known Member
If they go with the "Studios" concept I really hope they would only use movies/characters associated with those studios. Disney Movies/Lucasfilms/Star Wars/Indy/Disney Animation/Muppets/Pixar/Disney Villians. That is plenty of material to fill the ride.

I can understand Disney wanting to do this, but I like the idea of the Great Movie Ride including a wider spectrum of movies than just the Disney family of brands. It sort of adds an objectivity to the ride (yes, I know "great" is inherently subjective, but I think you all get the idea) rather than having it just seem like a plug for the Disney brands. I know the parks are inherently a plug for the Disney brands, but not everything must be wound into that plug.


Well-Known Member
Wow. :veryconfu I guess different generations would have a different opinion about when hollywood's "glory days" were but I don't think too many folks would vote for the 60's and 70's.

If they go with the "Studios" concept I really hope they would only use movies/characters associated with those studios. Disney Movies/Lucasfilms/Star Wars/Indy/Disney Animation/Muppets/Pixar/Disney Villians. That is plenty of material to fill the ride.

I only said the 70s because of the Godfather ;).

The 50s are definitely there, I guess the roaring 20s, the 30s depression era, post WWII and the 50s were the true golden age.

Even still, with the 70s came many great directors and movies. Producers/Directors like Coppola, Lucas, de Palma, Scorsese, and Spielberg. The Godfather, Star Wars, Jaws, Superman, Taxi Driver, etc. Also came a new generation of actors that we still revere today and who many of today's actors can't even come close to.


Well-Known Member
I can understand Disney wanting to do this, but I like the idea of the Great Movie Ride including a wider spectrum of movies than just the Disney family of brands. It sort of adds an objectivity to the ride (yes, I know "great" is inherently subjective, but I think you all get the idea) rather than having it just seem like a plug for the Disney brands. I know the parks are inherently a plug for the Disney brands, but not everything must be wound into that plug.

If they did change it to "Disney brands" they would probably need to change the name of the ride. No matter what they do, it won't be an inexpensive fix. I just think it would be cool if one of the rooms was dedicated to Disney Villians, and it would be nice to see Star Wars and Muppets added. I forgot, this would also be a great place for some TNBC concepts that were part of the rumored dark ride.


Well-Known Member
If they did change it to "Disney brands" they would probably need to change the name of the ride. No matter what they do, it won't be an inexpensive fix. I just think it would be cool if one of the rooms was dedicated to Disney Villians, and it would be nice to see Star Wars and Muppets added. I forgot, this would also be a great place for some TNBC concepts that were part of the rumored dark ride.

The bolded is the important part. Like I've been saying this entire thread, I think there are more pressing needs/issues to be addressed.

I know all we're doing is fanboy dreamin', and we can talk all we want since it doesn't cost any money, but that's something to keep in mind if our discussion was meant to be meaningful (no insult meant--I don't know how to word that better so it doesn't sound snide).


Well-Known Member
The bolded is the important part. Like I've been saying this entire thread, I think there are more pressing needs/issues to be addressed.

I know all we're doing is fanboy dreamin', and we can talk all we want since it doesn't cost any money, but that's something to keep in mind if our discussion was meant to be meaningful (no insult meant--I don't know how to word that better so it doesn't sound snide).

Anything new we discuss on here is essentially blue sky since nothing new is being green lighted for awhile. Good thing we have this forum.


Well-Known Member
The plaque at the entrance of the park reads:

The world you have entered was created by the Walt Disney Company & is dedicated to Hollywood - not a place on a map, but a state of mind that exists wherever people dream & wonder & imagine, a place where illusion & reality are fused by technological magic. We welcome you to a Hollywood that never was - and always will be.

I feel this should hold true to the park's signature tour through the movies. I'm not sure that means eliminating all modern movies, but I do think it means that certain movies don't really belong.

Footlight Parade (1933) This area isn't that big, but I feel it should definitely be replaced. Perhaps this would be a good spot for a scene from Gone with the Wind (1939) or Sound of Music (1965) if you want to keep the musical genre.

Singin' In the Rain (1952) This can probably stay.

Mary Poppins (1964) It's a Disney movie, and it's a classic, this probably isn't going anwhere.

James Cagney/Westerns/Clint Eastwood This area is fine, I think the hijacking part should stay.

Alien (1979) This area should probably be replaced. If they want to keep the Sci-Fi theme, Star Wars (1977) is an obvious choice, Star Trek might also work, but perhaps something based on the movies in the Sci-Fi Dine-In would work as well.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) The argument against putting Star Wars into the ride is that the Star Tours attraction is already representing the trilogy int he park. However, the Indiana Jones Stunt show is based on Raiders of the Lost Ark, so that argument is moot. If you don't put in Star Wars to replace Alien, then I think you also have to replace Raiders of the Lost Ark, perhaps with James Bond as people have suggested.

Horror This section is small, I'm guessing that Disney wouldn't advocate any of the slasher films being in here, but something like Stanley Kubrick's, The Shining (1980) or Psycho (1960) could work. The problem with Psycho, is I'm guessing Universal has the rights.

Tarzan (1981) This needs to be replaced. The Horror area could be expanded into part if not all of this area, but I would also like to see a tribute to Superhero movies. You could go with the Classic Superman (1978) movies, The original Batman (1989), or even the Dark Knight (2008). I'm guessing Spiderman is out for rights issues, and I'm not sure who has rights for the other movies.

Casablanca (1942) This should probably stay.

Fantasia (1941) I've never really liked this scene. However, I think there should be something for animated movies, and Fantasia is the logical choice. Perhaps a better quality screen would help? I'd also think we're at the point where CGI should be in here as well, but I think referencing it in the finale is probably enough for now, unless they want to turn this into an animated movie montage.

Wizard of Oz (1939) This scene should stay the same.

Grand Finale I would like to see a few of the irrelevant movies taken out, and the picture quality improved on some of the older movies.

General thoughts. I think comedies are very poorly represented in this ride, with no show scene and limited exposure in the montage. I understand that most comedies aren't family friendly, but parts of them are more than acceptable for the finale. Also, although I've never seen it, I think Titanic (1997) should also be represented in some capacity, being the highest grossing film of all time.


New Member
Does anyone else think it is stupid to have two stunt shows in one park? They both take up a lot of space that a nice E ride could go. I think one is enough and one should go. LMA even though I hate it is new so get rid of Indu and bring me an Indy ride.


Active Member
One of my very favorite places on-property is strolling along Hollywood and Sunset Blvds. I love walking into DHS; making my way down to ToT and RnRC; checking out GMR (at least twice per trip). It's especially great in that area due to the streetmosphere CMs. I enjoy the Hollywood/Sunset area most at dusk.

BUT, the rest of the park is pretty much a stinkpickle IMO. :brick: Admittedly I have not yet been to TSM. But LMA is a snooze; Muppets was cute the first 40 times I saw it; Star Tours is old and sad... you get the idea.

Spaceship Tony

New Member
GMR is supposed to be about classic movies, and is an education on the progress and impact of classics over the years! Why can't people go on this ride, see these scenes, ask questions and learn? We go nuts over Pixar taking over the seas, or test track, or tomorrowland but we want the great move ride to be the great disney ride? The Magic Kingdom is ONE BIG disney ride!!! That's why we love it! Lets not destroy a classic by over-disneying it!

Two interesting things I read though were:

Turining DHS to more of a thrill ride park (add 2-3 more e-ticket coasters) On our 7 day trips we always spend two days at Universal, why, thrill rides. I love Epcot for the country atmosphere and romantic nature, Magic Kingdom for the youthful fun and disney magic, Animal Kingdom for the creativity and nature aspect (I just got back from africa and they did a phenomenl job there, even though they need more rides...big time), why not make DHS into the place it was supposed to be- the park that makes people NOT go to Universal!!!

The other thing, I do think Pixar Place will help this park greatly, the expansion could be incredible.

BTW I also love strolling down Sunset at Dusk...but the rest of the park is awkward and ugly on the eyes...and i love this park!!!


Well-Known Member
GMR is supposed to be about classic movies, and is an education on the progress and impact of classics over the years! Why can't people go on this ride, see these scenes, ask questions and learn? We go nuts over Pixar taking over the seas, or test track, or tomorrowland but we want the great move ride to be the great disney ride? The Magic Kingdom is ONE BIG disney ride!!! That's why we love it! Lets not destroy a classic by over-disneying it!

Two interesting things I read though were:

Turining DHS to more of a thrill ride park (add 2-3 more e-ticket coasters) On our 7 day trips we always spend two days at Universal, why, thrill rides. I love Epcot for the country atmosphere and romantic nature, Magic Kingdom for the youthful fun and disney magic, Animal Kingdom for the creativity and nature aspect (I just got back from africa and they did a phenomenl job there, even though they need more rides...big time), why not make DHS into the place it was supposed to be- the park that makes people NOT go to Universal!!!

The other thing, I do think Pixar Place will help this park greatly, the expansion could be incredible.

BTW I also love strolling down Sunset at Dusk...but the rest of the park is awkward and ugly on the eyes...and i love this park!!!

I agree. I mentioned the same thing a few pages back. DHS should be the thrill park mixed in with shows and such. The thrills and glamor of Hollywood :).


Well-Known Member
I agree. I mentioned the same thing a few pages back. DHS should be the thrill park mixed in with shows and such. The thrills and glamor of Hollywood :).

Making one of the parks primarily "thrill ride" based is an interesting concept. That's for sure. I always thought the "traveling carnival" concept that went into AK would be much better at the Studios. Along with concepts like Alien Encounter and an Indiana Jones based thrill ride and they might actually have a complete park.


Active Member
When those rumors swirled that Disney was going to do an all thrill park in Florida themed to the villains, I thought that was a great idea. I am not for making DHS a thrill park. DHS should have a nice balance, as should all four of their current parks.


Active Member
When those rumors swirled that Disney was going to do an all thrill park in Florida themed to the villains, I thought that was a great idea. I am not for making DHS a thrill park. DHS should have a nice balance, as should all four of their current parks.

I agree. I know people argue its not true Disney to have a thrill park... BUT I think that if they did it right, not adding too few or too many thrills it would surpass IOA - BIG TIME.


Well-Known Member
Well Disney style thrills are different than other places. Like RnR, ToT, TT, Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, etc. are more tame than some other places. However, they are still fast, exciting and most of all fantastically themed. I think Disney's version of a thrill ride is just that and could be worked into a park very well.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I agree. I mentioned the same thing a few pages back. DHS should be the thrill park mixed in with shows and such. The thrills and glamor of Hollywood :).

I agree! I mean, it still should be very suitable for families but it can still be the park known from the other four parks for having the most thrill rides.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna be at DHS on Tuesday. Touring plans has the crowd calendar at a 6. Does anyone know what the crowds have been like lately at Toy Story Mania and American Idol?

I know back in early December we were able to get two fast passes for Toy Story Mania in one day before they ran out (around noon), should we expect the same thing on Tuesday? Also how long before American Idol starts before you have to line up for the shows?

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