Part of the problem regarding shirts is the CMs are NOT empowered to make the guest turn it inside out. Only the front entrance CMs, Security, and managers can do that.
Example: I saw a shirt when I was working as a deck hand on the ferry boat at MK that had some foreign writing and then below it said "that's F- you in <language" I was completely powerless to do anything about it and it was at park opening so the Ferry couldn't sit there while I called a manager when there's another boat with 600 people waiting for the slip to unload. I did call a manager, described the guest, and tried to make sure someone in security would see the shirt, but it was a fruitless exercise. That day REALLY upset me because I take Walt's vision very personally and I did everything I could to carry it on honorably yet couldn't do anything to fix the situation.
The next time something happened, I was a guest at EPCOT and some kid had a shirt referencing sticking a shoe up your @$$. I went to a CM and promptly said go get a manager to tell that person to flip the shirt. That's not acceptable. But again the sad part is a manager had to be requested.
Regarding alcohol at MK, I KNEW they would do this. Not only could it be happening, but they are doing it COMPLETELY under the radar because it's not associated with a new restaurant opening. They are just going to quietly slip it in.
And all these comments about EPCOT and the drunks - well gee, maybe if adults had a place for only them, with, idk, maybe some dancing, then EPCOT wouldn't be such a sh-t show during food and wine. What do you expect when they take away the one place on property where it was encouraged to go all out?