Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE


I guess but look who's the president of WDW? A female. She approves of this stuff so hey battle with her.

I think there's a perfect balance in MK of boys and girls stuff. Girls love everything in FL, and they love all the boy things just as equal.

EXACTLY Girls love FL!! And where is the expansion. FL..I would bet if you asked THEM if Pixie Hollow should stay they would overwhelmingly say yes. Say what you will there are attractions geared towards boys..Heck you all were just screaming for BOY related stuff..why if it should be geared for both are you saying it should be BOY stuff? And Isn't Dumbo and the circus theme geared for boys AND girls?


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member

Do we really need to start this cr#p again?


Also there isn't a large femanist rally at TDO for girl centered attractions in MK so I guess it's not that big of an issue.

Dl has the same stuff (granted more attractions), and girls love it there just as much as MK.

Ohhh so if they don't what? Storm the gates in protest we shouldnt consider what they want?? Ok well Ill go rally up a few thousand 10 yr old girls and parade them in front of TDO just to make YOU feel better

Grizzly Hall 71

New Member
EXACTLY Girls love FL!! And where is the expansion. FL..I would bet if you asked THEM if Pixie Hollow should stay they would overwhelmingly say yes. Say what you will there are attractions geared towards boys..Heck you all were just screaming for BOY related stuff..why if it should be geared for both are you saying it should be BOY stuff? And Isn't Dumbo and the circus theme geared for boys AND girls?

No doubt they will say yes. Never said that but I said I think both genders enjoy the attractions equally. And yes dumbo is for both but mostly besides BATB restaurant, it's for girls.

I never said mk needs more boy related stuff. But I do believe it could use another thrill ride but that's another debate.


That's not bad news then. At least the boy centered stuff is coming now that Tom Staggs got his way. So no PH! I'll miss the concept, but I'd rather get something boy centered!

But that IS the consensus an earlier poster said why does everything have to be gender neutral? Disney's legacy was Princesses..Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, the list goes on..It certainly isn't because BOYS like it.

Grizzly Hall 71

New Member
Ohhh so if they don't what? Storm the gates in protest we shouldnt consider what they want?? Ok well Ill go rally up a few thousand 10 yr old girls and parade them in front of TDO just to make YOU feel better

That would be nice. Maybe they'll re-consider this decision then that will make YOU happy right.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Gee cause I get OUT..I have a wife I have daughters, neices sisters, female friends..I actually get out of the house and TALK to people of the opposite gender, do YOU?

Oh course...but talking to them doesn't make you an expert on their opinions.

If you really think that then YOU need to get out more! :rolleyes:

Grizzly Hall 71

New Member
Gee cause I get OUT..I have a wife I have daughters, neices sisters, female friends..I actually get out of the house and TALK to people of the opposite gender, do YOU?

I think your opinion is biasis (not being rude) because you just have daughters . I have learned from this thread, you have to think about everyone else and not just yourself.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
What's really comical is that we're all sitting and discussing what 10 year-old boys and girls need or want in a park, when all of us are well above that age.

And those of us whom aren't should put down their Mommy's laptop and step away slowly.....


I think your opinion is biasis (not being rude) because you just have daughters . I have learned from this thread, you have to think about everyone else and not just yourself.

Maybe..its not worth turning it into a shouting match over..I just think i took up the mantle of advocacy for the other side of the argument..

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