Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

Studios Fan

Active Member
Makes me wonder the same... if they are retinkning ONLY THE EAST SIDE, then I say everything is on the books as being possible, even a refurb or a complete make over of Toontown... Cause TT of today cannot stand there anymore... It is old, run down, and just plain yucky LOL... But, put Dumbo's Circus a bit south of TT and refurbish TT, keeping some of the circus tent buildings, and that area will probably mesh nicely...

That was kind of my thinking as well. They could easily use some of the buildings (like Mickey's house, etc.) and take down some of the old temporary tents. They could still do a Dumbo mini-land and possibly even add in a dark ride.

Grizzly Hall 71

New Member
By reading some of the thigns I have online, the buildings aren't in the greatest of conditions, which is why I said refurbish Toontown.. Of course I don't know the real state of the buildings, just going off some things I have read... But I am also stating how I feel about Toontown as currently designed and built... I am not a fan of it, but TT doesn't bother me either.. However, if the plan for the east side of the expansion will change to include a ToonTown, I wouldn't mind seeing a nicer, more elaborate TT built.. And, like I said, I think even a newly built ToonTown would mesh nicely with Dumbo's Circus...

This was the quote :
Originally Posted by Lee
Lutz is about a month late with his info. Staggs has had his way and all the issues he had are being addressed. M&Gs are supposedly still moving ahead as planned. Changes to the plan will be focused on the east side of FL.

Sorry but you need to relax and actually read what's going on. Take it easy.


By reading some of the thigns I have online, the buildings aren't in the greatest of conditions, which is why I said refurbish Toontown.. Of course I don't know the real state of the buildings, just going off some things I have read... But I am also stating how I feel about Toontown as currently designed and built... I am not a fan of it, but TT doesn't bother me either.. However, if the plan for the east side of the expansion will change to include a ToonTown, I wouldn't mind seeing a nicer, more elaborate TT built.. And, like I said, I think even a newly built ToonTown would mesh nicely with Dumbo's Circus...

Oh I agree, my thought is if you CAN put them to use all the better if not then thats ok too...I sure given that they are already looking to cut costs now, then not having to tear down and build new tents would certainly help costs


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Oh I agree, my thought is if you CAN put them to use all the better if not then thats ok too...I sure given that they are already looking to cut costs now, then not having to tear down and build new tents would certainly help costs

The tents and the houses do need a good deal of work, but I do think that they mesh (to a degree) with the Dumbo ride. Again, I don't have any inside knowledge about this, just a gut feeling I've had ever since the FLE was first announced.....


The tents and the houses do need a good deal of work, but I do think that they mesh (to a degree) with the Dumbo ride. Again, I don't have any inside knowledge about this, just a gut feeling I've had ever since the FLE was first announced.....

Depends on how willing Disney is to staying true to the original plan or if they are willing to make concessions for the sake of cutting costs..and if there is one thing I seen stated here time and again is that TDO is willing to take the cheap way out given the chance.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
This was the quote :
Originally Posted by Lee
Lutz is about a month late with his info. Staggs has had his way and all the issues he had are being addressed. M&Gs are supposedly still moving ahead as planned. Changes to the plan will be focused on the east side of FL.

Sorry but you need to relax and actually read what's going on. Take it easy.

Ok, last time I feed the troll...

1) I copied WORD FOR WORD what SeaCastle put in as Lee's comments.. You put exactly the same thing I did.. and right in your post it saysd M&G ARE STILL MOVING AHEAD AS PLANNED... Tell me where it says M&Gs are cancelled??

2) You need a refresher course in reading comprehension since you obviously fail in that regard.... So, before telling me or others to actually read what is going on, you should take your own advise and READ WHAT IS GOING ON...

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Depends on how willing Disney is to staying true to the original plan or if they are willing to make concessions for the sake of cutting costs..and if there is one thing I seen stated here time and again is that TDO is willing to take the cheap way out given the chance.

That statement is the one I fear the most... This expansion has the potential to be amazing... If allowed to do their job, WDI would come up with awesome rides, shows and attractions.. But, things come with a cost, and unfortunately, TDO takes the extreme cheap way out instead of allowing WDI to spend just a tad extra to make things truly unbelievable...

Now, I am not saying they should be allowed to spend $200 million on every attraction, but, if an attraction would be superior to all others if $120 million was spent, then allow that to be spent and not cut it down to $50 million, which is what TDO seems always content on doing...

As for TT, if the builds are in rough shape, I can still see TDO telling WDI to only paint the tents instead of refurnishing what needs work... That is, of course, TT winds up staying...


That statement is the one I fear the most... This expansion has the potential to be amazing... If allowed to do their job, WDI would come up with awesome rides, shows and attractions.. But, things come with a cost, and unfortunately, TDO takes the extreme cheap way out instead of allowing WDI to spend just a tad extra to make things truly unbelievable...

Now, I am not saying they should be allowed to spend $200 million on every attraction, but, if an attraction would be superior to all others if $120 million was spent, then allow that to be spent and not cut it down to $50 million, which is what TDO seems always content on doing...

As for TT, if the builds are in rough shape, I can still see TDO telling WDI to only paint the tents instead of refurnishing what needs work... That is, of course, TT winds up staying...

Bingo!! Thats exactly what I was trying to get across at the beginning of this thread. This could be done very well and re-invigorate the oldest park and give it some fresh blood. Or they can go cheap and cutback and have it blow up in their faces.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Bingo!! Thats exactly what I was trying to get across at the beginning of this thread. This could be done very well and re-invigorate the oldest park and give it some fresh blood. Or they can go cheap and cutback and have it blow up in their faces.

Ohh I think there will be fanbois who would complain no matter how awesome this expansion turns out.. :lol:

I mean, look at this thread alone... LOL


Ohh I think there will be fanbois who would complain no matter how awesome this expansion turns out.. :lol:

I mean, look at this thread alone... LOL

LOL Oh yeah I've said it before..There will always be someone who will find something to fault..Myself included:drevil:

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
LOL Oh yeah I've said it before..There will always be someone who will find something to fault..Myself included:drevil:

And I say, if you (not you personally but anyone) don't like something, there is plenty of other things to do in MK or any other park for that matter... But in today's society, it is all about ME ME ME and not the whole picture anymore... So, people will continue to look and be called selfish, and rightfully so... Again, look at this thread for those who don't like something cause it isn't what THEY want.. again, not you personally...

Anyway, this thread has lost it's luster now... Nothing constructive in here other than knowing the eastern part of the FLE is being looked at for possible replacements and the M&Gs are happening as planned, as is BatB and Little Mermaid sections...

Now let's get some vertical construction!!!!


Active Member
That was kind of my thinking as well. They could easily use some of the buildings (like Mickey's house, etc.) and take down some of the old temporary tents. They could still do a Dumbo mini-land and possibly even add in a dark ride.

I love TTF since I did my ICP there, but unless it goes through some major changes I see no reason whatsoever to keep it up.


Well-Known Member
If we take the Fantasyland Expansion out of the equation for a second, isn't it a good thing that some people on the creative end are actually taking a step back and re-thinking anything? It's a good sign in general for the parks. Er, I hope. :animwink:


New Member
If we take the Fantasyland Expansion out of the equation for a second, isn't it a good thing that some people on the creative end are actually taking a step back and re-thinking anything? It's a good sign in general for the parks. Er, I hope. :animwink:

I think in all honesty it depends on WHY they are re-thinking it..If they are looking for ways to cut things out or take shortcuts in cost or quality, than I gotta vote NO..if they are looking for ways to improve upon ideas than YES


Well-Known Member
What's really comical is that we're all sitting and discussing what 10 year-old boys and girls need or want in a park, when all of us are well above that age.

And those of us whom aren't should put down their Mommy's laptop and step away slowly.....
I really doubt that there are many ten year olds working in Gendale.


Well-Known Member
We keep failing to mention Legoland in this debate. But Legoland choose a builder today. Same folks that built TWWoHP. So, I think any thought TDO had of scaling back the FLE is now canceled. Not that I think TDO has any say whatsover in the FLE. If anything the FLE got a bigger budget. I thought the pace of construction was becomming a bit frenzied. I think Legoland is what has Disney execs "panicked".

BTW, I think Legoland always posed a bigger threat to WDW than Potter since it was announced. Yeah, I said it!

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