Yay, theming.
Since the OP has basically said we can talk about anything we want...here's my post related to absolutely nothing that's been said so far. :lol:
Basically, my thought is that the size of the WDW resort works against some of its theming in subtle ways.
Because there are so many theme parks, there's a natural inclination toward breaking each park down into one easily defined concept.
Magic Kingdom becomes the park of "magic" (heck, it's right there in the name) or "fantasy"; Epcot becomes the "discovery" park; Studios is the "entertainment" park; Animal Kingdom is the "nature" park.
For the most part, these descriptions work, because Disney has trended toward parks with more easily defined central concepts.
But I think it's a problem with Magic Kingdom. The Disneyland style parks are not easily defined by fantasy and magic. These are only part of a pastiche of themes, such as American history, exploration of far-flung (but very "real") locations, and optimism for the future.
Summarizing these parks with a castle and Tinker Bell shortchanges the wealth of disparate themes that Walt Disney planted within his first park and its descendants. There's nothing particularly magical (in the literal sense, anyway) about marauding pirates, jungle river cruises, flights to outer space, ragtime piano players, or haunted houses...but all of these themes are hidden behind one theme that has come to define Magic Kingdom in most people's minds.
It gives visitors the impression that Magic Kingdom is the "kiddy" park, while the others are for more mature visitors.
Disney is somewhat to blame here, since their marketing has put castles and pixie dust at the center of what they claim to be, but like I said, I think the size of WDW is a factor too.
When you have four theme parks, you need one quick hit to define each for prospective visitors, and if one of your parks doesn't easily fit into a box, you make a box for it.
I remember a thread a while back that pointed out the dedication plaque in Magic Kingdom actually reads as a dedication of Walt Disney World. The park and the larger concept of a place to honor Walt Disney and his legacy were synonymous.
But as more parks were opened, it was determined that the park had to be made distinct from Walt Disney World, so it was officially named the Magic Kingdom. I think the name is unfortunate. While you can say that every theme in the park ties into a form of magic, that more nuanced understanding has been demolished by the idea that literal, fairy tale and pixie dust-style magic is the entirety of the park's definition.
This is one reason I'm glad that Disneyland has kept its original name and not been re-named something like "Magic Kingdom at Disneyland" even as the Disneyland name has also come to be applied to the larger resort it inhabits. The concepts behind the park are too big for a name like "Magic Kingdom."
In a sense, the concepts that underpin the other parks at WDW already existed in Disneyland and Magic Kingdom long before those parks were built. Future World got its germ in Tomorrowland; Animal Kingdom is an evolution of the themes in Adventureland; the whole idea behind Studios (putting you "in the movies") was the premise behind Disneyland from the start, with Walt's idea that entering the park should be designed to mirror walking into a 3-dimensional film.
Despite being marketed as distinct concepts that move beyond the Magic Kingdom and its childish fantasy, every one of the post-MK WDW parks has spun out of concepts embodied in the original Disney park design.
I think a big part of this is the simple fact that Walt Disney's park design was something that could never be matched. He was so visionary that he packed almost every idea you can imagine for a theme park somewhere into his little park in Anaheim. Disneyland (and by extension, Magic Kingdom) are deceptively simple, with so much variation just below the surface.
By contrast, the other WDW parks (possibly excepting Epcot) have been built on the exploration of genuinely simple themes. I except Epcot because it's really the marriage of two simple themes, which I think are best united under the idea of discovery. These parks are not necessarily less satisfying, but they are less complex in their conception.
The germ of this idea really came to me when I visited Disneyland this summer. Several times I remember thinking "If I were at WDW, there's no way I'd visit Magic Kingdom every day. I'd get sick of it." I know it's the truth, because it's my experience of WDW. There are so many other options that it's easy to overlook the depth of theming at Magic Kingdom, decide it's too crowded and saccharine, and head over to one of the more "adult" parks.
And yet I never got that feeling at Disneyland. When the castle park isn't just one of a buffet of park options, it's easier to really dig down and explore all the interlocking ideas that make the concept so grand...and to recognize how distinct so many of them are from the shorthand conceit often used for Magic Kingdom.
So I guess my bottom line is this: Despite the temptation to label it as such, Magic Kingdom shouldn't be seen as just one of four parks, each with their own special thematic niche. The concepts that Magic Kingdom was built on are properly understood as the concepts that have birthed every park on WDW property.
Whatever Disney tries to tell you (such as with its "Four parks, one world" merchandise), the castle-and-hub park is not simply a first among equals; it's the father of everything that exists around it.