Aersmith replacement?


wow, has this degenerated into "Name your favorite band" or what...

______ pistols! Now there's a wholesome band!
I can't believe noone named the obvious - LIZA MINELLI! :hammer:


Well-Known Member
I think it is good the way it is, but even if they never sever ties if something happens to one of the band members they would have to change it.

I too as others really like U2 alot, but I don't think it fits the attraction. It is not rocking enough.

Ozzy would be cool because they could play Crazy Train for the ride and change it from a freeway to subway or something.

I like AC/DC as well. The problem with either Ozzy or AC/DC is there would be no pre-show because nobody would understand any of it anyway.

How about Lenny Kravitz?

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Eagles would work. They might be a bit costly though. They've only got the number one selling album of all time in the US. And to the people saying Aerosmith will never leave. I'm just thinking hypothetically here.

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I can picture Ozzy now.
Adagjeviandgierag pudding dfasfadsvgewg sd personally I don't asdfadshvughuwehjsfadfvagbvadfvgsdf


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Mr Bill
I can picture Ozzy now.
Adagjeviandgierag pudding dfasfadsvgewg sd personally I don't asdfadshvughuwehjsfadfvagbvadfvgsdf

Exactly, or should I say aijlomdoouer


Well-Known Member
GUYS I'VE GOT IT! This could sorta be like the old Hotel Mel that was supposed to be the Tower of Terror (and by that I mean a funny thrill ride). How in the world could you pass up a chance to put characters from one of the best movies of all time. Yes kids I'm talking about David St. Hubbins, Nigel Tufnel, and Derek Smalls. SPINAL TAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

They could turn up the volume on the limos all the way up to 11


Well-Known Member
I don't see Disney or Aerosmith pulling out or not renewing the contract for many years because of the popularity of the ride.

But if something did happen to one of the band then it would for obious reasons have to be changed.

I like the idea of Ozzy Osborne but would he appeal to young children or older people who visit the park?

Also a little bit off topic: Is it true because I havent been able to ride it yet, is the RNRC avec Aerosmith in The Disney Studios Paris, do they make many comments about the Florida version. A friend recently returned home from Paris and told me there is a few comments about the MGM version.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jddjcfc
Also a little bit off topic: Is it true because I havent been able to ride it yet, is the RNRC avec Aerosmith in The Disney Studios Paris, do they make many comments about the Florida version. A friend recently returned home from Paris and told me there is a few comments about the MGM version.

Not that I remember? You go in through G-Force reception with signed guitars everywhere. Do a zig-zag queue with Rock memorabilia all around you. Go into the pre-show, where ST has a model of some coaster track in front of him, and talks about this new way of experiencing the music, and how you're going to test it.

Then you go into the queue, which looks like a backstage area at a gig. And then you are away into the light show.

Grumpy 70

New Member
All I have to say is KISS. The band with more gold and platinum records than anyone else. Plus the whole alter-ego thing with the Demon, Space Ace, Cat Man and Star Child can be worked into the story.


New Member
Originally posted by Grumpy 70
All I have to say is KISS. The band with more gold and platinum records than anyone else. Plus the whole alter-ego thing with the Demon, Space Ace, Cat Man and Star Child can be worked into the story.

You mean the band that retires every six moths, just to come out with another farewell tour?

I don't think KISS will ever be put into Disney, but that's just me. Although I like some of their music.


New Member
KISS, hadn't thought of them. Good choice, but I don't think it would ever happen. The idea of Spinal Tap was really good. It combines both movies and 'set the dial to 11' rock. Could be sweet.


if Aerosmith leaves, the only clear choice is KISS!!! They should have had their own roller coaster years ago anyways!! perfect fit.

Grumpy 70

New Member
You mean the band that retires every six moths, just to come out with another farewel

Hey Kiss just announced that they have retired for good.

The tour kicks off in April:lol: :D

But seriously I know that allot of people give Kiss a hard time about the make-up and the way they go about marketing but they have a very broad appeal and some great music to boot.


Active Member
I would vote for Linkin Park, they're modern popular. They have powerful songs, so it will be no problem to blast those in your ear. Also anyone who thinks Disney needs to get more hip and up to date with this, you cant get more cool and modern than Linkin Park.

You go over the loop and you hear: CAUSE I'M ONE STEP CLOSER TO THE EDGE AND I'M ABOUT TO BREAK!!!:lol:


Well-Known Member
I sw my first KISS concert in 1979, when I was 7 years old. At the time it was their last tour with makeup.

Judas Priest opened up for them. It sounded like complete noise to me back then. Little did I know I would like them years later.

Gene Simmons has said he is interested in theme parks rides for KISS. I've slowely faded away as being a KISS fanatic over the years with the completely shameless merchandise and useless Live and Greatest Hits albums

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