"Adios" El Rio del Tiempo!

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Well-Known Member
This post got me to thinking about those old 'Adventures in Epcot' happy meal toys that came out for Epcot '94...was this a sign of things to come?

<img src="http://www.animatedcollectibles.com/media/AdventuresInEpcotDonald.jpg">
Panchito's gift shop at Coronado Springs sells sombreroed/seraped Donald plush...
Count me as one who enjoyed the solitude of this ride. I will really hate it if I start having to actually wait in line to get on it.

I wouldn't mind seeing a refurb with updates to the videos, etc., but they have to keep the fireworks! That scene is one of my very favorite in all of Epcot.


I was too drunk to remember my last time on this ride in August. I was in the back of the boat drinking a nice refreshing beverage :)


Active Member
Well, I for one don't see what would be so bad about having the three cabiarros in the ride. I mean the whole movie was basically just a tour of Latin America, which would fit well into the spirt of the ride.

And who cares if people haven't seen the movie? It's not that great anyway. Besides, I for one apperciate it when you get to see things with classic Disney characters that aren't thrown at you all the time like Stich and Buzz Lightyear are.


Active Member
Has Disney posted anything solid about this besides that they are closing it down for refurb? You would think its so close to the time that there would have been news about it.:veryconfu


New Member
You hit the nail on the head. It's never going to be all things to all people. But you seem to expect to cater to you. Those two things don't follow.

After reading some of your earlier, more reasoned posts, I expected better from you. But it always comes down to this on these boards. When people are backed into a logical corner, they start getting personal, they make brash assumptions about what I think and feel, and claim that they alone know what the public really wants. It's sad that we can't have a more intelligent debate than this.

I do not expect Epcot or anything Disney to "cater to me". What I do expect in this case--plain and simple--is for a theme park to be a theme park. I just don't accept that the "average guest" (if there is such a person) is such a knuckle-dragging simpleton, that that they can't appreciate theme and cohesion. If that were the case,they'd be visiting 6 Flags instead of Disney. People may "accept" it for now, but that doesn't mean that people don't want more, and that Disney can't or shouldn't do more--to once again offer a premium product for the premimum price. This is not about old or new, change or no change, it's about quality and value.

As to rides not being "locked" into a timeframe, you are kidding, right? Ellen is already hopelessly dated. Test Track focuses on CURRENT, read that again, CURRENT technology that is already passe. Ooooh! Antilock brakes! I've never experienced that before! And going 65 miles an hour for 10 seconds? Never done that either. Give me a break.

As to Soarin', replace the film all you want, but the draw remains the "wow factor" of the ride system. Once people are over that--and they will be--it'll be just another out-of-place addition. Ditto for Mission: Space. At least that fits into the "Future World" theme, but since there is no "Future World" to speak of any more, it's out of place as well.

I'm not going to argue this any more, until you have something more salient and objective to add. Personal snipes don't justify your beliefs, they just make you look desperate.



Active Member
You know, I read this over and over on fan boards, and every time, I scratch my head. When did EPCOT Center suddely lose favor? It certainly wasn't well into the 80's. I worked there until '89, and the park was always packed. I was "Disney'd out" for a while after that, and didn't visit for a few years--so maybe it started to slip after that. Or maybe, just maybe, this is one of those things where if enough people say it, it starts to sound true.


It wasn't a sudden thing. It is more of a generation factor. Face it. Children of the 90's and today never really care for the future like we did. Epcot was a victim to the Magic Kingdom, as the Magic Kingdom's attractions outshined Epcot's.


New Member
Children of the 90's and today never really care for the future like we did. Epcot was a victim to the Magic Kingdom, as the Magic Kingdom's attractions outshined Epcot's.

Assuming that this is the case--and you may indeed be right--what do you think drove this generational difference? I have to think that it's the increasingly dystopian views of the future that wes started seeing in entertainment (movies, television, theme parks), and the rise of the "me generation". I think that those who only knew such grim visions of the future need something more inspiring and positive to look to. Pandering to the status quo is, again, the easy way out.

As to the Magic Kingdom reference, the Kingdom has a timeless quality that--as I've said--I don't think any other park can ever match. Expecting any park to be the Kingdom, is dooming it to failure. Again, see my "cola wars" post.



Active Member
Dont flame me for this

When I went on the ride in august there was this really bad smell that the ride had. I dont think the ride needs changing just cleaned up and maybe the videos updated. This ride has an atmosphere to it that I do not think should be changed.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Assuming that this is the case--and you may indeed be right--what do you think drove this generational difference? I have to think that it's the increasingly dystopian views of the future that wes started seeing in entertainment (movies, television, theme parks), and the rise of the "me generation". I think that those who only knew such grim visions of the future need something more inspiring and positive to look to. Pandering to the status quo is, again, the easy way out.

As to the Magic Kingdom reference, the Kingdom has a timeless quality that--as I've said--I don't think any other park can ever match. Expecting any park to be the Kingdom, is dooming it to failure. Again, see my "cola wars" post.

You´re Visionaire... Yes... a visionaire...

But alas there are alot of negative waves around you...

And these are not good! Definitely not good...


Active Member
Lets see if I can try to explain to you what Corrus was thinking (and please tell me if I am wrong):

I'm not going to argue this any more, until you have something more salient and objective to add. Personal snipes don't justify your beliefs, they just make you look desperate.

First, You kept the arguement going by answering.
Second, You have sniped in the past.
Third, you just sniped him.

:veryconfu stands for the question, "Where is your logic?"

But, now that the arguement is over... I would like to say that this refurb will flow alot better than most of you are thinking and the characters really won't need an introduction (movie-related introduction I mean). Its almost how guests were able to meet Figment for the first time, the ride did all of the work for them...

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Lets see if I can try to explain to you what Corrus was thinking (and please tell me if I am wrong):

First, You kept the arguement going by answering.
Second, You have sniped in the past.
Third, you just sniped him.

:veryconfu stands for the question, "Where is your logic?"
Never mind him...


New Member
First, You kept the arguement going by answering. Second, You have sniped in the past. Third, you just sniped him.

So, let me see if I understand. I'm not to respond to anyone. And calling them on their outrageous assumptions about me and my thoughts is "sniping" them? Gotcha.



New Member
BTW are you always this friendly or only on Mondays...

Depends. Are you always this obtuse, or only on mondays? :D Believe what you want to, I'm actually one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. I just have a low tolerance for the utter nonsense that these boards often degenerate into. I'm here--not because of the laundry list of reasons often ascribed to me--but because I like to debate, and about a subject that interests me. When the "debate" degenerates into "but you think this" when the person has no clue what I think, and especially when I've very clearly stated otherwise, it gets my dander up. Call me human. Just don't call me Ishmael.


Tim G

Well-Known Member
Depends. Are you always this obtuse, or only on mondays? :D

OK... at least you're able to smile...

IMO you're taking this whole thing way too serious... It's a forum, a forum is to discuss, not to debate, and certainly not to teach people... :D :D :D

Again IMO...
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