Additional Info on "The Laugh Floor" storyline


New Member
Corrus said:
.......And in the meanwhile as nobody notices, the Real Disney things will disappear...
And Walt Disney World and all other Disney parks turned over by Pixar...

Because they're Funny???

No Sir... Because of the money... This is a very sneaky, as noone notices...

Mind my words...

While I think the Monster's, Inc attraction will be funny, enjoyable, etc., I do worry about exactly what Corrus said. It seems as though now Classic = junk (or lets get rid of it; no one remembers it). So, Corrus does have a valid point.

Merging Pixar characters with Disney while KEEPING the TRUE Disney classics would be great. But will they do that?


Well-Known Member
Corrus, just because my response followed yours, doesn't mean it was directly attacking you. It was meant to be a critique of everyone one of the naysayers. I apologize for the confusion, but don't appreciate being called illiterate.


Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
Please, let me have my own opinion...

And i never said the new attraction wouldn't be fun... because I haven't seen it, just like you... So I'm going to be open minded on that one...

But obviously you didn't read my post the right way...

I wrote...
I completly expect you to have your own opinion, and I respect that 100%, I just found your remark on "Pixar World" to be a bit odd. That's all. I understand your view point, after re-reading previous posts, That one just struck me as "odd" for some reason.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Kadee said:
While I think the Monster's, Inc attraction will be funny, enjoyable, etc., I do worry about exactly what Corrus said. It seems as though now Classic = junk (or lets get rid of it; no one remembers it). So, Corrus does have a valid point.

Merging Pixar characters with Disney while KEEPING the TRUE Disney classics would be great. But will they do that?
Pffft... finally someone get's my point... thanks...

And I'm not even a Disney purist... :D
But look...

MK... Laughing Floor - Stich
DAK Nemo Musical
Epcot Turtle Talk...

One in each park would be Ok... But I'm affraid it won't stop with this...

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
Pffft... finally someone get's my point... thanks...

And I'm not even a Disney purist... :D
But look...

MK... Laughing Floor - Stich
DAK Nemo Musical
Epcot Turtle Talk...

One in each park would be Ok... But I'm affraid it won't stop with this...

You do know Stitch is not Pixar right???

Tim G

Well-Known Member
RSoxNo1 said:
Corrus, just because my response followed yours, doesn't mean it was directly attacking you. It was meant to be a critique of everyone one of the naysayers. I apologize for the confusion, but don't appreciate being called illiterate.
My apologies for this... (guess it was the heat of the moment)

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
Ahh... Come to think of it... you're right...

Which leaves us to 1 attraction in almost every park...

And don't forget... Not only does Epcot have Turtle Talk, but Living Seas is also getting a Neo ride... :)

MGM also has pizza planet, al's toy barn.. and the rumored Midway Mania (Toy Story themed ride)... :)

Tim G

Well-Known Member
dxer07002 said:
And don't forget... Not only does Epcot have Turtle Talk, but Living Seas is also getting a Neo ride... :)

MGM also has pizza planet, al's toy barn.. and the rumored Midway Mania (Toy Story themed ride)... :)
Well... there you go... :D


Account Suspended
But Turtle Talk is going to be the post-show to the Living Seas ride.

It was never intended to be a 80min wait every day, even the slow ones, behemouth that it has turned into.

I think if the ride controls the crowd flow, then Turtle Talk's lines will go down.

Saying it's a stand alone part of a takeover is like saying Dreamchaser is another Future World attraction. It's just a part of a larger whole.

Pixar is not itself evil - and it is Disney. Just a section of Disney at this point.

At Seas, it means new life for the area and new but well-intentioned ways of presenting information. Mr. Ray at the Manatee tank is a great example. He sings a song about them that is a riot but is also very educational.


New Member
I'm new so please be gentle.:)
Isn't the theme of Tommorland supposed to be that of an intergalactic spaceport? A spaceport needs a comedy club to entertain beings stuck there for awhile, and if it happens to provide power for an extra-dimmensional city all the better. Maybe they should just change the name of Tommorland to Sci-Fi Land, problem solved.:rolleyes: They should give the Speedway a Cars overlay and "move" it to Fantasyland. I think the quality of the Monsters Inc. show will depend on whether Disney hires good improv actors for the roles of the Monsters, and how much room Disney alows them to play around in the structure of the script. As for the Pixarization of WDW, I think Corrus is right. Its about money. Walt Disney is long gone. He would take chances with new things. New Disney is timid of new things. They would rather go with proven characters than to take a chance creating something new. It just so happens that Disney hasn't created any memorable characters(except Stich) in quite some time. So Pixar characters gets the nod.


Well-Known Member
Corrus my comment was not directed to you whatsoever. I enjoy reading your comments on this board as we can both see it from two different perspectives (as a guest and as a part of the company). I am referring to those who complain so much instead of reserving their judgement for the final product. Everyone just needs to be happy with any replacement (Timekeeper was a bore).

By the way Yensid, feel free to use that helicopter crashing into the orphanage thing, I dont care. :lol:

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Piebald said:
Corrus my comment was not directed to you whatsoever. I enjoy reading your comments on this board as we can both see it from two different perspectives (as a guest and as a part of the company). I am referring to those who complain so much instead of reserving their judgement for the final product. Everyone just needs to be happy with any replacement (Timekeeper was a bore)
Ok... sorry for mis-understanding...


New Member
Well first off I don't know how well this attraction will do, stand up is not easy at all. It could go well, or not, we will just have to wait and see.

With the technology, I think they can do so much more with it. The possibilities are out there, WDI just has to use them. With this attraction, so far the technology looks neither a improvement nor downgrade.
With the theming, It's just not gonna fit at all plain and simple. Enough said about that, let's just all hope WDI knows what there doing.

Yet most of us thought they knew what they were doing with SGE, OI!

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Damien666 said:
Yet most of us thought they knew what they were doing with SGE, OI!

I did know what they were doing... and it happened just the way I predicted... so.... :D But noone believed me...

Dr Albert Falls

New Member
What a bunch of whiners. Most of the "naysayer" comments are the most moronic, hypocritcal baloney I've seen on these boards to date.

*First of all, "The Laugh Floor" sounds AWESOME. We're talking a large-scale improv comedy show inside the Magic Kingdom. Think Comedy Warehouse at Pleasure Island. Think SAC in Orlando. Think Second City. Think "Who's Line is it Anyways". It will be these artists (LIVE performers-- which many of you complain are not featured enough at Disney) that will be the heart of this show---not Pixar, not Imagineering, and certainly not any kind of show writer. Are you saying you don't have faith in Disney's live performers?

*Turtle Talk is, hands down one of the most popular WDW attractions in years. If you disagree, then don't complain about the huge line snaking through The Living Seas.

*If you're opposed to "cloning" Disney technology, I don't want to see another post about getting Disneyland's Indiana Jones Adventure. WDW had Dinosaur, and according to many of you, we don't need two similar rides. And don't complain about Body Wars going away. Apparently, they never should have duplicated Star Tours (or actually, since Body Wars arrived in FL first, then Star Tours should be destroyed!) Don't DARE start a thread about Western River Expedition. WDW got its slow-moving boat ride because people complained and moaned so Disney would "clone" Pirates of the Caribbean.

*Nothing's turning into "Pixarland". Over ELEVEN years (count em, eleven!) Pixar/Disney AS A TEAM has produced SIX original movies and a popular sequel. Pixar IS Disney. So it stands to reason that each park would get ONE or TWO attractions based on a successful movie over MORE THAN A DECADE. I can't imagine that anyone complained in 1995 that Disney would base attractions on Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Lion King. Why is it so wrong that they make attractions on their current hits? And it's only been ONE or TWO per park! Let's see. Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. Tough to be a Bug. Nemo the Musical. The Seas with Nemo. And now The Laugh Floor. Five attractions spread over three parks does not a "Pixarland" make.

*Who cares if cartoon characters "invade" Tomorrowland. What's the alternative? I don't hear anyone wanting to bring back "Mission to Mars" (and Disney's attempt to create a modern day Mars attraction at Epcot also gets criticized!). Seriously, with Epcot already struggling to provide a real-life "Future World", what harm is there in creating a Fantasy-like future at Magic Kingdom? "Cartoon characters are not original!" some argue. So should they have built Stitch's Great Escape with a GENERIC alien? Should they have based Space Ranger Spin on a never-heard-of-before Buck Rogers type character? Or should they simply tap their ever-popular character archive?


New Member
Anything is better than the dead space that was once Timekeeper.

I love Monsters Inc., so I hope this attraction doesn't stink... but even a crappy attraction is better than no attraction.



Hey Corrus, out of curiosity, I understand that you're concerned about Pixar characters "taking over," but I'm not sure I understand why, or what you think the alternative would be. Could you maybe explain a bit?

I definitely understand not wanting to see the same characters everywhere (like when you have multiple Toy Story attractions, multiple Finding Nemo attractions, and so on), but I think that would apply to the non-Pixar characters as well. (I wouldn't want to see Peter Pan take over the parks, and we've already heard complaining about "too much Stitch.") So what is it that concerns you so much about Pixar per se?

I think it's important that the Disney parks be full of Disney characters. While I do enjoy the attractions that aren't based on characters or films (e.g. RnRC, Expedition Everest, M:S, TT, LwtL, Soarin', etc.) I also think it would be a shame for Disney to abandon creating new attractions based on their animated features. Historically, that's always been an important part of the parks.

Trouble is, Disney hasn't had any big animated hits in a while aside from Pixar. One of the biggest was Lilo and Stitch, but everyone complained about too much Stitch in the parks, so what alternative is there? Build another Peter Pan attraction? Bring back an obscure film like Oliver and Co.? Do away with the highly successful Monsters Inc. in favor of The Emperor's New Groove or Treasure Planet?

I mean, I don't think that WDI wants to supersaturate the parks with Pixar either, but Disney's only big hits in the last 10 years have all been Pixar films, and Pixar is now part of Disney. What else can they do, if they want to continue developing their animated attractions?

-p.b. :cool:


Well-Known Member
polarboi said:
Hey Corrus, out of curiosity, I understand that you're concerned about Pixar characters "taking over," but I'm not sure I understand why, or what you think the alternative would be. Could you maybe explain a bit?

I definitely understand not wanting to see the same characters everywhere (like when you have multiple Toy Story attractions, multiple Finding Nemo attractions, and so on), but I think that would apply to the non-Pixar characters as well. (I wouldn't want to see Peter Pan take over the parks, and we've already heard complaining about "too much Stitch.") So what is it that concerns you so much about Pixar per se?

I think it's important that the Disney parks be full of Disney characters. While I do enjoy the attractions that aren't based on characters or films (e.g. RnRC, Expedition Everest, M:S, TT, LwtL, Soarin', etc.) I also think it would be a shame for Disney to abandon creating new attractions based on their animated features. Historically, that's always been an important part of the parks.

Trouble is, Disney hasn't had any big animated hits in a while aside from Pixar. One of the biggest was Lilo and Stitch, but everyone complained about too much Stitch in the parks, so what alternative is there? Build another Peter Pan attraction? Bring back an obscure film like Oliver and Co.? Do away with the highly successful Monsters Inc. in favor of The Emperor's New Groove or Treasure Planet?

I mean, I don't think that WDI wants to supersaturate the parks with Pixar either, but Disney's only big hits in the last 10 years have all been Pixar films, and Pixar is now part of Disney. What else can they do, if they want to continue developing their animated attractions?

-p.b. :cool:

Well there's always Harry Potter :lol:

Tim G

Well-Known Member
comics101 said:
Well there's always Harry Potter :lol:
NOW you've done it...

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