According to TMZ gator tried to board raft to tom sawyer island


Well-Known Member
we all know gators love a good slide
Did you watch it? They literally showed an overhead view of the property to demonstrate how an alligator bred in River Country would have swam and ended up at the Floridian. Absolutely ridiculous how the media is dealing with this-- swampland is swampland, abandoned water slides are not going to cause gators to breed. Ugh lol.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
rational comment from a trusted expert would have been timely if he were stillaround



Well-Known Member
Growing up in Florida it has been very difficult to read all of the headlines and conversations on Facebook about this whole situation over the past few days. Alligators are just a part of life down here just like sharks, sting rays, snakes ect... I saw this little guy in the picture or a little guy like him just hanging out in ROA a couple of weeks ago and I enjoyed just watching him for a few minutes just minding his own business. Now he is going to be like Flynn Rider on a wanted poster. I do understand if a gator were to get over say 4ft then they should relocate them. Another thing people don't understand is if we want to hunt alligators we literally have to win a lottery. They only give a certain amount of tags per county and you have to put your name in a lottery to get them. Keep in mind if I want to deer hunt all I need is a licence and be in season. Deer are a rare site in Florida. Gators are EVERYWHERE! I can walk down the street right now and look in a pond on the side of the road and find one. I have just never understood why the Florida Fish and Wildlife has not been able to manage the population with an open season.


Well-Known Member
Did you know that Disney World is crawling with alligators? (Media is breathless). Well see for yourself! Shocking!

It's rich. One of the videos is of a gator in 2009 at Splash Mountain complete with Jaws music. The last video says 3 legged gator in the Magic Kingdom. I don't doubt the veracity of the claim. I'm sure it's true. But would have been nice to zoom out to establish that was the case.


Well-Known Member
Not exactly news that there are gators in the Rivers of America, i've seen multiple videos of one just feet away from the Splash Mountain flume after the drop.

There's another video of an alligator trying to climb over the barrier to get inside the flume, with an employee trying to stop it. Video complete with horror movie music added (i won't post it, seems somewhat alarmist and disrespectful in light of the tragedy, you can find it easily enough by searching "alligator splash mountain" in youtube)...

Are there actually openings in the TSI rafts that a gator could get inside?

I actually witness one there before. They blocked off the area it was in, and removed it.

Pam Hates Penguins

Well-Known Member
And with all this gator news in the Walt Disney World Resort and trying to put an end to them, suddenly, I feel like I am in a Jurassic World type of movie, but the gators are the problem instead of dinosaurs.



Well-Known Member
Not exactly news that there are gators in the Rivers of America, i've seen multiple videos of one just feet away from the Splash Mountain flume after the drop.

There's another video of an alligator trying to climb over the barrier to get inside the flume, with an employee trying to stop it. Video complete with horror movie music added (i won't post it, seems somewhat alarmist and disrespectful in light of the tragedy, you can find it easily enough by searching "alligator splash mountain" in youtube)...

Are there actually openings in the TSI rafts that a gator could get inside?

Just to be clear, those are 10 year old videos says a former CM friend who worked there when this happened


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what the policy is for linking to TMZ on this site, but they have photos of a gator trying to board a raft. Not sure if this has been mentioned before, sorry if it has or if this isn't the right board to post this on. Please delete if that's the case.

I know Florida is Alligator country, always has been, and I know I've seen them around the waters myself, but is the problem getting worse? I will admit those photos worried me a little.
Well I have to laugh at the TMZ photo because that gator is closer to the size of an iguana, yeah it would be meaner but it wouldn't be able to take down a human just a nasty chunk from someone or maybe a finger if you were dumb enough to try and play with it.

As for the problem getting worse... well given alligator were so rare in the early 1970's that they were on the endangered species list and today the numbers have increased to the point that they are no longer on that list... Well logic would say yes they are more of a problem simply because there are more of them increasing the odds of encountering one at any given place.

It wouldn't be a large enough problem that I would cancel my trip if I had one planned... But I wouldn't let a kid or pet wander unattended anywhere in Florida (gators turn up in people's backyard so even swimming pools in a backyard aren't 100% safe).

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