Accomodation Help


I need a bit of advice. I am arriving at the world on 24th October this year and am currently booked in All Star Music. I have been able to save up a bit more money and am thinking of swapping to a better quality hotel.

The only hotels available are the WDW Swan and Dolphin, Port Orleans (both) and Animal Kingdom Lodge.

My questions are:

1) Is it worth staying in a better quality hotel for the amount of time I'll spend there?

2) What are the pros and cons of each hotel?

3) Which would the board members pick?

Any advice would be very much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Better quality is a bad choice of words, ALL their hotels are GREAT regardless of price. The main difference between the values and the other resorts you listed is AMENITIES. The question you have to ask yourself, how much of the annenities at the other resorts will you use?

Port Orleans: Multiple bus stops and the resorts just moves too slow for me. Though, others on here seem to love PORFQ.

AKL: While a beautiful hotel - the best rooms are savannah. And again, is it really worth it to invest hundreds more for that?

Swan & Dolphin: No lie, GEOREOUS hotels. But tend to be very expensive.

I guess if you have the money, do it.

The downfall to Music is that you may end up sharing a bus with Movies and Sports. And have a TON of groups and kids. The other hotels you listed will have kids but it will be more middle upper class families.

If you have the money, I would suggest adding on more days at Music it may equate out.
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Original Poster
Thanks for the advice. Adding more days on to my stay isn't an option. I'm travelling from the UK so am staying on property for two weeks.

My only drawback about the Swan and Dolphin are that they just aren't themed enough. Am I right in that assumption? I just don't get that Disney feeling with them. I do like the location though.
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Well-Known Member
I agree with disney4life.

I've not been to Swan & Dolphin so I can't give you any advice there.

I've stayed at AKL (with 3 kids)...we had a view of the parking lot but still enjoyed being out on the little balcony....peaceful...plenty of "public" places to view the animals. Gorgeous resort!!!!

I've stayed at POR & POFQ. We liked both resorts. I prefer POFQ because of its smaller size. We were there in Nov. and we did share busses midday with POR. It wasn't so bad...still got me where I needed to be...we just had to plan for more travel time midday. I like the boat ride to DTD from both resorts. I liked both food courts...and loved The Scat Cat Lounge:D
Both pools had slides which our kids really enjoyed...they didn't want to leave the pool!

I stayed at ASSp once....and that was enough for us! We unfortunately had a large group of cheerleaders there while we were there. They were UNchaparoned at night...they were in the courtyard till wee hours of the night/morning...we did complain but it didn't help:shrug: Thats probably a hit or miss. Bus sharing didn't bother us.

I have not stayed at ASM but it looks nice.

I'd stay at ASM and opt for finer dining:sohappy:

I am frugal!!! But have expensive taste buds.

Always good to have $$$ left in your pocket when you get home.
Have a magical trip
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Well-Known Member
Animal Kingdom Lodge is my favorite resort so that would be my first choice. Disney4life is right, the savannah views are the best views, but if you can't swing them, there are lots of places to view the animals.

Port Orleans are both very pretty, fun places to stay.

I will always pick a moderate or deluxe if I can, but I've stayed at the values and still had great trips.:)
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New Member
oooh, choices!

AKL is our favorite resort! We always go there when we have the money. The Savannah rooms are best; pretty cool to look out your window and see animals roaming around. Even if you can't get one of those rooms, the resort is still worth it. Plenty of other spaces to watch the animals from, knowledgable and friendly cast memebrs from African countries to tell you about the animals and their homelands, two fo terh best restaurants in WDW (Boma and Jiko; maybe a third too - Sanaa - but we haven't been there yet).

We haven't stayed at PO in a while but, for many years POR was our favorite moderate resort (replaced now by CSR). Nice atmosphere, good pool, and we liked the boat ride to DTD.

Never stayed at Swan or Dolphin and probably won't - not enough Disney magic.
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Well-Known Member
Instead of upgrading resort maybe save that money for another trip next year?

But if you are going to upgrade as is obvious from my signature, i am big fan of AKL. It is just such a well themed resort.
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Original Poster
I think I am leaning towards the AKL, sounds like they have a lot of quality places to eat. What is the transportation like from there? I know it is buses only but how crowded do they get etc?
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New Member
My family of 4 stayed at the AK 3 yrs ago and since it has expanded and built up since we stayed there, you will have more options as far as eating and view of the animals. The buses were not bad, they were never crowed when we used them and we were there during July 4th. We might had to wait 10-15 min at the stop though.
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Well-Known Member
I've been to the Value resorts, I love the Value resorts. But once visiting Moderate & Deluxes, there's no going back for me. The concerns of loud, disrespectful groups taking over ASmu, ASmo, ASsp or POP are very real. (It won't happen all the time, but it can happen any time.) But with that said, they're still fantastic options.

Port Orleans(either one) or AKL will give an extra level of Magic. The Swan & Dolphin are also beautiful hotels. I often visit their restaurants. But I find them a bit too sterile to consider a stay.
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Original Poster
Thanks for all your help. I think I am going to go for Animal Kingdom Lodge. I won't tell my wife, it will be a nice surprise when we turn up there!
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Well-Known Member
I would upgrade if you can, it will really add to the magic of your stay. The moderate resorts are set apart better IMO. It will be more likely that you'll have a more peace and quiet and relaxed atmosphere. (Now I do have to say that we have never stayed OP because we live close enough to take spontaneous trips and last minute prices have never fit our budget. But we have eaten at almost every resort and spent a lot of time touring them.)

***On a last note, I'd encourage you to call back often to see if cancelations open up other resorts as well. It happens every day, and if you want more options, you can find them if you keep calling.
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Well-Known Member
The Swan and Dolphin are great hotels. You get most of the Disney perks and the location is great. Also, depending on when you're going and certain additional discounts available, you can get a really good deal on a room. Check it out.
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Original Poster
Just when I thought my decision was made! My main concern with the Swan and Dolphin is that they just don't seem Disney enough. Am I right in that assumption? I can't put it into words what I mean, they just don't seem 'Disney'.
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Well-Known Member
I would recommend POR!

Is it worth staying in a better quality hotel for the amount of time I'll spend there?
Yes, POR is nicer than the values.

What are the pros and cons of each hotel?
Of the ones you are looking at, we have only stayed at POR, but it is very scenic, quiet, & an overall nice resort. We really enjoyed our stay there & are planning to stay there again in Sept.

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Active Member
My favorite resort by far is AKL, the place is fantastic! We are going down in September for our 25th wedding anniversary and since the Swan was offering great deals, we booked there and it is okay that it isn't as Disney themed as the others because we won't have the girls with us, so a more of a grown up/formal theme is right up my alley. Can't wait too go!
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