I think you are missing my point. In order for it to be his vanity project he'd have to actually vainly attach himself to it. He didn't, it was all Tom from the announcement, to the image releases, to the FAQ's, what have you. Now that Tom is dearly departed, Rohde, Landau and Cameron are the ones happily making the promotion round.
Contrast that to Star Wars and
especially Shanghai though? Bob was very much all those things I mentioned above. If it was truly Bob's go to vanity project, he certainly has done a bad job of vainly attaching himself to it in the same way that he did with Shanghai.
Sure, perhaps Bob "let" it be that way. Obviously he was very heavily involved. But there is a difference between something being someones "idea" (like you are talking about) and something being a project to show someone's vanity.
Staggs, Landau, Rohde, Cameron
...and then Bob.
Still don't believe me? Do an image search for 'Avatar Bob Iger' and maintain its his vanity project. The 6th result is George Lucas, the 7th Tom Staggs et al. and the 10th the Shanghai logo. He's stayed surprisingly arms length.