A Spirited Valentine ...


Well-Known Member
They have a mess coming with ESPN. Basically the whole operation will have to slimmed down over the next few years. Everyone will take a hit along the way. The biggest problem I think is the amount of money ESPN paid for future rights. Cord cutting is coming, at least 50% of the people who have ESPN right now would never pay for it. The younger generation is all about antennas, on line services and skinny bundles.
They could always sell it. I know at one time it was their top money-maker but that time seems to have passed.


Well-Known Member
Most of their films are already on there due to the deal already made last year. The issue is if Dis was to take over Netflix they may prioritize their shows and movies over shows from outside studios which leads to other companies creating their own infrastructure to counter that with Netflix becoming solely Disney and every other company having their own meaning the consumers lose.

Netflix already prioritizes their own original programming. We've already seen a similar result happen in Canada with the two major telecom companies having their own Netflix equivalents. I don't think if any of the big US studios acquired it, it would prevent the inevitable onslaught.

CBS seems like the first major network to push their platform with Star Trek.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Something I posted in a different thread but it's really more appropriate here: Where in the blue blazes does The Weatherman get off calling the new addition "lands", particularly "Toy Story Land"?? 2 attractions a land does not make.

The old use of "Land" as in Tomorrowland was used as a general thematic area, which generally had a lot of rides, but not necessarily. Remember, Main Street was one of the 'lands' of DL/MK and doesn't have any rides.

The new use of "Land" still doesn't depend on the number or quality of rides. The new type of "land' is a total immersive single-story environment, such as Cars Land, the Potter Lands, and the upcoming Avatar, SW, and Toy Story Lands.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Recent photo of Disneyland Paris preparing for it's 25th Anniversary for next month

And if you look in the middle you have what some people are claiming is the drum from PTN - and that it was shipped in secret to Disneyland Paris. Oh what a beautiful morning!


Well-Known Member
The brilliant strategy of firing the on air personalities who actually attract the eyeballs instead of firing useless management - Yeah that will fix the decline in viewership tallies take away the content people watch...
I've seen you beat this drum for several years now (one of the few drums you have along with stock buybacks and your profession of the day).

Perhaps I'm the odd duck, but I watch ESPN for...sports. You know, given that it's a sports channel. I don't need talking heads to tell me about the sports balls.

ESPN needs to do a better job securing rights to sports content people want to watch, not overpaying for people to harp on whatever SEC/NBA/NFL narrative they want to push.

If a few dude-bros talking about the NFL combine for 23 hours a day need walking papers to accomplish that, then so be it.


Active Member
They have a mess coming with ESPN. Basically the whole operation will have to slimmed down over the next few years. Everyone will take a hit along the way. The biggest problem I think is the amount of money ESPN paid for future rights. Cord cutting is coming, at least 50% of the people who have ESPN right now would never pay for it. The younger generation is all about antennas, on line services and skinny bundles.

Well I don't consider myself the "younger" but youngish at heart generation, but yeah we are all about antennas, online, and skip the skinny for us. We have been that way for 5+ years. My kids (ages 6-12) are growing up with Disney but on dated episodes on Netflix. They are surviving just fine and I am less annoyed with Disney etc. choosing the programing and letting my kids choose instead. Sports stats and info is what the internet is for.

The fact that Disney a company that "was" known for its forward business thinking did not see this coming a mile away years ago is beyond me. They should have unloaded Espn when it was at the top of its game for a fat check then they could have bought some more IP's (are there any left)?....lol


Well-Known Member
Netflix already prioritizes their own original programming. We've already seen a similar result happen in Canada with the two major telecom companies having their own Netflix equivalents. I don't think if any of the big US studios acquired it, it would prevent the inevitable onslaught.

CBS seems like the first major network to push their platform with Star Trek.

Netflix in the states fixes that problem also buys lots of shows from other networks produce aka Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt from NBC, all the Dreamwork shows and films, and Marvel (Iron fist supposedly is Marvel's first miss for the network as being horrible). Disney probably would just buy their shows that other studios passed on and didn't fit their scheduling for ABC if they owned Netflix.


Resident Curmudgeon
Well I don't consider myself the "younger" but youngish at heart generation, but yeah we are all about antennas, online, and skip the skinny for us. We have been that way for 5+ years. My kids (ages 6-12) are growing up with Disney but on dated episodes on Netflix. They are surviving just fine and I am less annoyed with Disney etc. choosing the programing and letting my kids choose instead. Sports stats and info is what the internet is for.

The fact that Disney a company that "was" known for its forward business thinking did not see this coming a mile away years ago is beyond me. They should have unloaded Espn when it was at the top of its game for a fat check then they could have bought some more IP's (are there any left)?....lol

That changed when senior leadership became all about managing the company to maximize their personal compensation, underlying business be dammed.


Resident Curmudgeon
I've seen you beat this drum for several years now (one of the few drums you have along with stock buybacks and your profession of the day).

Perhaps I'm the odd duck, but I watch ESPN for...sports. You know, given that it's a sports channel. I don't need talking heads to tell me about the sports balls.

ESPN needs to do a better job securing rights to sports content people want to watch, not overpaying for people to harp on whatever SEC/NBA/NFL narrative they want to push.

If a few dude-bros talking about the NFL combine for 23 hours a day need walking papers to accomplish that, then so be it.

ESPN's big problem is they overpay for the broadcast rights they DO have relative to the rest of the market, The 'Personalities' are valuable in Cities with traffic congestion because 'Drive Time Radio' is a thing in most major metro areas and that sells a lot of ads. For people who watch sports they add little value but it does not cost much to put a camera in the radio studio and now ESPN has a product for both the TV and Radio markets.

it's been so long since senior leadership actually DROVE themselves to work and listened to the radio while they were stuck in traffic that they have no idea of that market even existing. Most people do NOT have SiriusXM like the executive limosines and town cars do or if they do they don't have it activated so they have a crappy AM/FM radio and ESPN is the best content available on that platform.

I neither watch or listen to sports but I know plenty who do and without Mike & Mike in the morning and whatever runs in the afternoon - you might as well turn the power off to the transmitter and lock the doors of the radio station because there will be NO listeners and no ad sales either.

But once again this move demonstrates that Disney considers that the executives are more valuable than the people who create the product that Disney sells.
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Princess Leia

Well-Known Member
Iron fist supposedly is Marvel's first miss for the network as being horrible.
Well that's a shame. I'm watching the other Defender shows so I can binge Fist when it comes out, and I'd forgotten how good the first seasons of both Daredevil and Jessica Jones were (Season 2 of Daredevil was a bit of a mess, and Luke Cage had some structural problems in its second half). If Iron Fist is better than Daredevil Season 2, I'll be happy. If it isn't... well, Defenders comes out this fall, so we can at least look forward to that.


Well that's a shame. I'm watching the other Defender shows so I can binge Fist when it comes out, and I'd forgotten how good the first seasons of both Daredevil and Jessica Jones were (Season 2 of Daredevil was a bit of a mess, and Luke Cage had some structural problems in its second half). If Iron Fist is better than Daredevil Season 2, I'll be happy. If it isn't... well, Defenders comes out this fall, so we can at least look forward to that.

Looks like we'll have to rely on looking forward to the Defenders: http://uproxx.com/sepinwall/iron-fist-review-netflix-marvel/.
"...we got a show that’s so lifeless that I have no interest in finishing out the season; if there are important story points that wind up carrying over into The Defenders, I’ll have to figure it out as I go, because life’s too short.

If Iron Fist was an otherwise boring series with a hero who kicked butt in exciting ways early and often, I’d forgive the bland expository parts in the same way I do for a lot of action shows and movies. And if Finn Jones couldn’t fight but was otherwise a riveting screen presence blessed with sparkling dialogue and a compelling character arc, I’d get past the alleged living weapon’s lame physical prowess. But when neither part works at all, why would anyone but the most devout, masochistic Marvel completist want to watch?"


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Am I missing something? Or is this place dead again (or simply talking about parades that are not coming to WDW or crazyarse gondolas that are)?

Today is the annual meeting of TWDC and usually we have people doing play by play and there is nothing here (not that much of substance comes from the meetings under Iger, but they are always good for a few guffaws and a belly laugh or three!)

Anyway, sorry y'all are bored with Disney now (or you are sorta like I am and just don't have the energy to care).

Here's a link to the LAT coverage:



Well-Known Member
Okay, so Martin just dropped a hint about there being TWO new countries planned for Epcot in the U. K. ride thread, and IF I'm remembering correctly, he mentioned that a new (in this case the first of two) pavilion would come with a ride attached. For the sake of my sanity, this means that if all comes to pass, the new and "improved" (depending on how you swing it) Epcot will have this in terms of changes:

Nicer looking entrance and main courtyard
Mission: Space upgrade
Guardians of the Galaxy ride
Upgraded Land Pavilion
Ratatouille ride
U.K. ride
New pavilion including ride
New pavilion #2

Am I missing anything?


Well-Known Member
Am I missing something? Or is this place dead again (or simply talking about parades that are not coming to WDW or crazyarse gondolas that are)?

Today is the annual meeting of TWDC and usually we have people doing play by play and there is nothing here (not that much of substance comes from the meetings under Iger, but they are always good for a few guffaws and a belly laugh or three!)

Anyway, sorry y'all are bored with Disney now (or you are sorta like I am and just don't have the energy to care).

Here's a link to the LAT coverage:


I realize you are trying to make a broader commentary, but you did ask for there to be list chit chat in your thread. I think slowly but surely folks are complying.


Well-Known Member
Am I missing something? Or is this place dead again (or simply talking about parades that are not coming to WDW or crazyarse gondolas that are)?

Today is the annual meeting of TWDC and usually we have people doing play by play and there is nothing here (not that much of substance comes from the meetings under Iger, but they are always good for a few guffaws and a belly laugh or three!)

Anyway, sorry y'all are bored with Disney now (or you are sorta like I am and just don't have the energy to care).

Here's a link to the LAT coverage:

That was awful. Sometimes Iger is willing to share at least a few interesting tidbits. This year's meeting was composed of the same few questions we've seen in past years or repeats of the same questions this year. Boring.

The most interesting piece of Parks news was Shanghai Disney nearly hitting 8 Million and him firmly saying 10 Million expected guests in the first year. That's good news.

Besides that boring. Two years ago we got DHS rename and last year was the cruise ships I believe.

Chapek also conducted what seems like a new interview, and our west coast fans may want to skip it:

Unlike Florida's massive Disney World, the more compact Disneyland Resort in California does not have much room for expansion, he notes. Anything new often comes at the expense of removing or changing something old. (Although the Star Wars land coming to Disneyland Park in 2019 will be located mostly in former backstage areas and won't be displacing many existing attractions.)

"Sometimes that means we need to take something great and, quite frankly, make it greater,” Chapek says. To those concerned about how the Terror of Terror might turn out after the Imagineers retool the classic ride, he reassures that Disney is "all about exceeding guest expectations. That is our mantra."


"We believe that [the Guardians ride] gives us an anchor for a much larger superhero presence inside Disney California Adventure," says Chapek. While he wouldn't say whether a new Marvel zone might take over a section of the existing Hollywood Land or replace it altogether, it's clear that more tights-wearing, muscle-bound do-gooders are on their way to Disneyland's sister park.

Nothing we don't know, but interesting to hear his take.
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Skipper of the SEA

Active Member
Okay, so Martin just dropped a hint about there being TWO new countries planned for Epcot in the U. K. ride thread, and IF I'm remembering correctly, he mentioned that a new (in this case the first of two) pavilion would come with a ride attached. For the sake of my sanity, this means that if all comes to pass, the new and "improved" (depending on how you swing it) Epcot will have this in terms of changes:

Nicer looking entrance and main courtyard
Mission: Space upgrade
Guardians of the Galaxy ride
Upgraded Land Pavilion
Ratatouille ride
U.K. ride
New pavilion including ride
New pavilion #2

Am I missing anything?
The Seas will get a bit of love.
IROE Upgrade/replacement
Possible Hotel at the main entrance
Coco could come to Mexico if it is successful


Well-Known Member
That was awful. Sometimes Iger is willing to share at least a few interesting tidbits. That was mainly compromised of the same few questions we've seen in past years or repeats of the same questions this year. Boring.

The most interesting piece of Parks news was Shanghai Disney nearly hitting 8 Million and him firmly saying 10 Million expected guests in the first year. That's good news.

Besides that boring. Two years ago we got DHS rename and last year was the cruise ships I believe.

Chapek also conducted what seems like a new interview, and our west coast fans may want to skip it:

Unlike Florida's massive Disney World, the more compact Disneyland Resort in California does not have much room for expansion, he notes. Anything new often comes at the expense of removing or changing something old. (Although the Star Wars land coming to Disneyland Park in 2019 will be located mostly in former backstage areas and won't be displacing many existing attractions.)

"Sometimes that means we need to take something great and, quite frankly, make it greater,” Chapek says. To those concerned about how the Terror of Terror might turn out after the Imagineers retool the classic ride, he reassures that Disney is "all about exceeding guest expectations. That is our mantra."


"We believe that [the Guardians ride] gives us an anchor for a much larger superhero presence inside Disney California Adventure," says Chapek. While he wouldn't say whether a new Marvel zone might take over a section of the existing Hollywood Land or replace it altogether, it's clear that more tights-wearing, muscle-bound do-gooders are on their way to Disneyland's sister park.

Nothing we don't know, but interesting to hear is take.
I agree but I guess you could say they showed the scenes of The Last Jedi which would be something. I thought when someone asked about Marvel in the parks they would share something but of course nothing.


Well-Known Member
Am I missing something? Or is this place dead again (or simply talking about parades that are not coming to WDW or crazyarse gondolas that are)?

Today is the annual meeting of TWDC and usually we have people doing play by play and there is nothing here (not that much of substance comes from the meetings under Iger, but they are always good for a few guffaws and a belly laugh or three!)

Anyway, sorry y'all are bored with Disney now (or you are sorta like I am and just don't have the energy to care).

Here's a link to the LAT coverage:

It seems like, looking at the picture of the meeting in the article, that the shareholders also don't have the energy to care. Is this typical of the size of the crowds that attend it?

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