Respectfully multiple surveys like this one rank ESPN in the lower fifth of 'ala-carte' channel selections.
The problem ESPN has is that the MOST the hardcore sports fan is willing to pay is about 8 bucks ala carte yet it COSTS about 30 bucks to deliver that content if you assume the survey's uptake percentages are correct.
ESPN usually is dead last after The Weather Channel. Interestingly enough however ABC/CBS fight it out for the top spot in all the surveys as well so it's not all bad news for Disney.
From Fierce Cable
In an ala-carte world ESPN will probably have 10-20 million subscribers which is a far cry from the 112 million they had at one time and they are going to have a hard time raising revenue as well because in the theoretical ala-carte bundle of 20 channels the best price point ESPN could manage was 1.82/Month
As to college sports I think you will find the colleges will 'dis-intermediary' themselves and offer their own streaming programs so they get ALL the revenue from airing their games. Maybe it will be conference based, maybe school based I don't know and I'm a bad one to ask on school sports because I simply don't care about sports except as a business.