A Spirited Perfect Ten


Resident Curmudgeon
So for the sake of argument and my My ability to do math right now, we get that up to 1000 an hour. That's 12,000 guests able to ride the ride per day. A look at last years TEA Numbers (2013) save it Epcot draws 36,000 people Per day. Right now, two thirds of your daily audience cannot ride that attraction because there's just not enough room for them. A 20% increase off those numbers is roughly 43,000 people per day. Now you're pushing three quarters of your daily audience cannot experience that attraction.

Long story short, this is a very low capacity attraction. They've set themselves up for the potential of some very negative public relations because there will be a lot of very angry little girls. They will be very upset that they weren't able to ride their frozen ride because only 900 people per hour under the best conditions can ride.

This is a disaster waiting to happen…

Yes it is but I don't think Glendale realizes how bad this is going to be,

Love it or Loathe it Frozen is huge for Disney, I was getting a coffee at Dunkin's this weekend and Idina Menzel was on Sirius singing 'Let it Go' and the high school girl who was at the drive through was grinning from ear to ear which proves Frozen is NOT just for the elementary school set.

So I think Frozen is going to be in the 'Disney Classics' category and TWDC should have built the ride that it deserves.


Well-Known Member
Hmm. I wasn't all that impressed by Univesal Osaka... although I saw it during the summer, and some trip reports I saw from Halloween look pretty astounding. I certainly have no inclination to go to Universal Singapore as a result, although I'm sure I will soon enough.

But I think it's fairly telling that Uni set themselves up in Osaka, not in direct competition with Disney. If they thought they could compete on their own terms, why not build near to Tokyo?

Osaka has been so successful that Universal was asked to build another park in Okinawa...so they are doing just fine not being in Tokyo



Well-Known Member
The quality standards that Universal has instilled goes back far greater than 5 years ago at WDW. That's what is of particular interest. Well maintained buildings, properly manicured horticulture, very friendly cast, etc. You're right that option wise of things to do they are still catching up, but quality wise, they are doing things out of the old Disney playbook.

The morale of the team members was great to see at Universal. I was last there in 2008 and I wasn't impressed by many of them, but this time I saw smiling faces, people happy to be at their job ... it was worlds different.

You can feel the excitement in the air at Universal.


Resident Curmudgeon
Nah, I was on MAGIC when they plucked the MOB from the water from Oasis. Or Royal Scarribean's seven day cruise to the norovirus.

What RCCL not capable of retrieving a MOB???,

Retrieving a MOB is basic seamanship makes me NOT want to do RCCL if they can't do something basic like retrieve a MOB, It's kind of easy if you see the MOB go over, Throw a buoy and drop the captains launch.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can, That vibe is long gone at WDW.

It is. And I hate saying that. I've still had some good visits, and I've encountered a lot of cast who are happy and do their job well, honestly more so than bad, but there's no excitement in the air. It's just a vibe you can feel. It sounds weird, I know, but it's gone at WDW. Well, the Magic Kingdom. I think there's excitement at Animal Kingdom, you can feel it there, IMO.

And the crowds. Universal was busy but I never felt 'pushed' or rushed or crowded ... it's just a totally different crowd. A crowd I notice WDW is clearly ignoring. Yes, there were families there with kids, more so than I noticed before, but it's ... different.


Resident Curmudgeon
It is. And I hate saying that. I've still had some good visits, and I've encountered a lot of cast who are happy and do their job well, honestly more so than bad, but there's no excitement in the air. It's just a vibe you can feel. It sounds weird, I know, but it's gone at WDW. Well, the Magic Kingdom. I think there's excitement at Animal Kingdom, you can feel it there, IMO.

And the crowds. Universal was busy but I never felt 'pushed' or rushed or crowded ... it's just a totally different crowd. A crowd I notice WDW is clearly ignoring. Yes, there were families there with kids, more so than I noticed before, but it's ... different.

i'd agree that the happy vibe is still there at AK this trip spent 3 days at AK - but it's long gone from MK, EPCOT and DHS For me AK is about the animals not so much the rides (Except of course KS which I rode 10 times this trip)


Well-Known Member
It is. And I hate saying that. I've still had some good visits, and I've encountered a lot of cast who are happy and do their job well, honestly more so than bad, but there's no excitement in the air. It's just a vibe you can feel. It sounds weird, I know, but it's gone at WDW. Well, the Magic Kingdom. I think there's excitement at Animal Kingdom, you can feel it there, IMO.

And the crowds. Universal was busy but I never felt 'pushed' or rushed or crowded ... it's just a totally different crowd. A crowd I notice WDW is clearly ignoring. Yes, there were families there with kids, more so than I noticed before, but it's ... different.

I have also noticed this vibe. I did a split trip WDW and US/IOA in 2010 and again in late 2014. The TMs at US/IOA were so much more excited and engaged than the CMs at WDW. In fact, I ran into some downright disinterested and hostile CMs during my time at Disney. So many CMs just standing around chatting with friends. I purposely choose slower times to go (October and November not on holidays) but was very disappointed by the crowds in my normally "slow" times. The Universal part of the trip was busier in 2014 but not to the level I would consider uncomfortable. I will be doing my next trip to Orlando as a US/IOA centric trip with a two day hopper (off-site) to WDW.


Resident Curmudgeon
Hey, some people love coasters. If you do, an extreme coaster will trump any dark ride just due to being a trill junkie.

I think you had it right in the first sentence, Some people LOVE coasters, Others prefer dark rides - nothing wrong with having BOTH so everyone can have fun I don't think one trumps the other they are completely different types of entertainment even though some coasters use dark elements.

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