A Spirited Perfect Ten


Well-Known Member
If this thread becomes a battle of Walt quotes, I would like to throw out the notion that we shut it down! (with all due respect to @WDW1974 )
Forget Epic Rap Battle, it could be Epic Walt Quote Battle! >:D

...but I could see how that could get out of hand very quickly and apologize for even suggesting the notion


Resident Curmudgeon
I think this is a nuance that has been missed in the "guests are slobs" conversation. I don't think anyone is shocked or put off at a guy in an Iron Man t-shirt and some plaid shorts. It's the "MILF" tank tops, "JUICY" yoga pants, and "Female Body Inspector" shirts that drive people crazy. Some of the conversation has made it sound like anyone who dresses beneath a collared shirt and golf shorts is a barbarian.

The Iron Man and Plaid shorts is fine as far as I'm concerned, The attire you describe is what bugs me along with exposed b--- cheeks on both men and women and the guys in the stained wife beater shirts.


Well-Known Member
In case anyone missed it, The Boathouse reportedly will be offering a 32 oz Tomahawk Long Bone Rib Chop for 2 for only $115. :jawdrop:



Resident Curmudgeon
Slavery was just as legal in the United States of America as it was in the Confederate States of America. That doesn't make it evil to be proud to be an American. As a matter of fact, just about every colonial power engaged in slavery at some point or another. Does that make it okay? Of course not. But it sure as heck doesn't put the French, Spanish, British, or Dutch flags or pride therein on par with Nazism.

The War of Northern Aggression was about states rights vs a all powerful federal government. Steam powered cotton gin's were putting an end to the economic value of slavery a few more years and the system would have failed of it's own weight, Does not make slavery RIGHT in any case. But Lincoln did not start the war to free the slaves.

From Lincoln's letter to Horace Greeley

My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.

Based on today's USG killing indiscriminately with Drones etc, I think the wrong side won the War of Northern Aggression.


Premium Member

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I find it amusing how much time ESPN's talking heads spend talking about Vegas and betting lines. I don't have any interest in it, but that goes along with much of the hype and drama ESPN thrives on.

Since ESPN is fair game in this thread, I'm surprised no one's commented on the new ESPN website, which is badly designed IMO. The mobile site really hasn't been good on my phone. Scores are a pain to pull up. Comments don't load automatically. I ditched CNN mobile site after its last update, and I'm tempted to ditch ESPN now.

Just another feather in the Disney technology cap.
espn as definitively been buggy as hell.
The soccer version was stretching images randomly on the first months.
(4 months to fix it? for just an image? really?)
now its most recent bug is.. asking your language every 15 minutes. (probably cookie handling issues?)


Well-Known Member

Beef prices are higher then ever and show no sign of falling for another 18-24 months. Even the new gourmet level burger places are feeling the pinch and having to make decision to go to cheaper cuts of meat for their grinds or continue with the better quality product and increasing the price to keep margins.

I was paying for example 2.84 per lb of beef at one of my establishments jan 2014 now I am paying nearly 5.20 for the same product.


Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Disney's film studios continued to make money. The only year the division lost money before Eisner took charge was 1983.

They were renting out Disney classics or pumping out cheap films with low production value but, as a result, none had to be blockbusters in order for the division to be profitable. In fact, most years, "Filmed Entertainment" (as they called it) had better operating margins than Parks & Resorts.

At no point were the studios "in serious financial trouble".

Again, the problem was that the Disney stock was undervalued.

Again though, you need to take the context of the discussion into account.

You quoted a very small part of my post and continue to elaborate on it, even though it wasn't the main objective of the discussion, which has now been diluted.

Even I know it was a bit exaggerated, but I didn't write it in order to catalyze an economics discussion. It was simply meant to emphasize a point in a discussion I was in above - which you even agreed with earlier - that the film division did struggle. This was meant to illustrate my point that companies are not impervious to struggles. That's all. There's no further meaning to it.


Well-Known Member
Well, I didn't mean to make it sound like a casual acquisition, because I don't think it was. I suspect - just a hunch - that to Walt, Oz was the property that got away. When his Snow White was a hit, he got tons of letters from people begging him to take on The Wizard of Oz next, so he pursued getting the rights to it. L. Frank Baum's widow rejected his offer - stories vary as to why - and then MGM (inspired by Walt's success with Snow White) made a great film out of the story.

And then Walt got the rights to the Oz books...but nothing came of it. Either he got too busy with other projects, or he quietly gave up on the Oz movie for whatever reason. He once said "We don't follow trends, we create them", and so I can't help but believe that he eventually realized that Oz had already been done, and done well, so what was the point of making another? He also once said "You can't top pigs with pigs" (in regards to his Three Little Pigs cartoon, the sequels of which fell far short of the original's success), and so you have to figure that he might have decided that there was nothing to be gained by creating a likely inferior sequel to MGM's movie. At any rate, he didn't make an Oz film, even though he'd bought the rights to do so in 1954. Instead he focused on getting the rights to Mary Poppins, which he finally got in 1961. And I'm not the first person to say that Poppins is Walt's Oz. It's certainly Oz's equal in terms of audience affection and awards and realized creativity, AND it initially was much more of a box-office success. I think Walt made the right decision in the end, even though he'd originally gone down a different path.
That is a lot of unrelated quotes and conjecture for something that is not really a mystery. The project stalled out in development hell for a few decades.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Strong Dollar, less international tourists? For the Eurozone a trip to the US has just become 25% more expensive within the last year. Might deter quite some people. Not sure how the exchange rate is with other foreign tourism markets?
20% for Latin America as well on average. the Mexican Peso plummeted from 12.0 per dollar to 15.80 per dollar.


Well-Known Member
Beef prices are higher then ever and show no sign of falling for another 18-24 months. Even the new gourmet level burger places are feeling the pinch and having to make decision to go to cheaper cuts of meat for their grinds or continue with the better quality product and increasing the price to keep margins.
Yeah, at $115 for a 32 oz steak, I bet there isn't much of a margin. :D


Well-Known Member
Beef prices are higher then ever and show no sign of falling for another 18-24 months. Even the new gourmet level burger places are feeling the pinch and having to make decision to go to cheaper cuts of meat for their grinds or continue with the better quality product and increasing the price to keep margins.

I was paying for example 2.84 per lb of beef at one of my establishments jan 2014 now I am paying nearly 5.20 for the same product.

I noticed they seemed higher in the past year. Guess I better see what I can find locally grown...

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