Some Spirited Dim Sum: (WDW lovers should follow all the way to the end! as it's sure to deliver for them.)
Since the last bout of insanity is behind us and God only knows when the next will arrive, I wanted to discuss a few more morsels of info about Disney's SDL project, and indeed their entire relationship with the Central Government in Beijing, that should make shareholders and analysts and fanbois capable of seeing the big picture question the project and Disney's management.
(Yes, I am ready to hear all the reasons why I am thinking too much! And that's something I'll continue right on doing!)
First, y'all know who Bob Weis is, right? Imagineer. Lead designer of Disney-MGM Studios as well as two parks that never got off the drawing board in Disney's America and the Disney-MGM Studios Europe. Michael Eisner's fall guy when things got ugly with the uppity Virginian monied elite who didn't want a theme park ruining their pristine forests and historical sites ... so they made sure Disney wouldn't build so that 5-6 years later they got Super Walmarts, Carmax, Home Depot, strip centers and subdivisions galore. Guy who returned to WDI to 'fix' DCA with the carrot of being lead on SDL dangled before him.
So, he's riding herd on Disney's most important project of the 21st century and guess where he's spending most of his time? If you guessed Burbank, then you win a LE vinylmation provided you send me $129.99 plus shipping and handling.
Yes, for some reason(s), Bob is seen more often in SoCal than in Shanghai. I can already hear folks making excuses ''But you Disney-hating Spirit, he needs to be viewing the project from where the decisions are being made and ...'' yeah, I can't even type that without ROTFLMFAO as the kiddies used to say way back in say 2006.
Look, when HKDL was being built, Tom Morris spent the vast majority of his time on Lantau. When Euro Disney was being built, Tony Baxter basically lived in Paris.
But not this time?
(Anyone want to toss out the Ozzie's Razor deal here? Just love that ignorant response ...)
The answer, again, to anyone paying attention is that Disney doesn't even have direct day-to-day creative control of ''their' (God, I can't stop laughing when I type this!) resort.
Bob has a great blog, btw. OK, not really great, but enlightening. I'm sorta shocked no one has linked to it here yet.
There be pics on Bob's Blog (nope, none of Iger, Staggs, Rasulo, Mickey, Goofy, Buzz or Olaf on-site). Funny thing is all the parks pics seem to come from official channels. No, not from Zenia and her flying monkeys. Nope, from Chinese media. ... Again, the lead creative of the park being built by the world's No. 1 media company can't put out anything that actually comes from Disney.
Does any of this strike you as the least bit odd?
How about this dumpling: the blog isn't hosted in the USA, but in China. That means it is subject to being edited, censored etc by the government. Why would Bob opt to host a blog for Americans/Westerners in China? This isn't meant for the locals there at all.
Look I'll keep saying this, Disney will keep cringing, the financial press and people who cover Disney will keep on ignoring it until they can't any longer, but Bob Iger (yes, he of the Disney CEO Fumbles Entry to China fame) doesn't control a damn thing over there. He signed a bad deal. A deal Michael Eisner never would have agreed to. A deal that he thinks will cement his legacy at the company (because, again, buying the creative output of others only proves that you are good at shopping. It isn't legacy building stuff.) And shareholders ... and even fans of WDW will wind up paying the price down the line because, much like with HKDL's close to $1 billion expansion that was financed entirely by Disney, when the CCP tells Iger to put a few billion more worth of attractions in that park, he's gotta keep his numbers looking good somehow ... and we all know how he does that. How he'll continue to do that.
You know what that means. A continued stale MK that hasn't added a major attraction since 1992. An EPCOT that gets by on food and booze and retail sales. Timeshares galore. Price increases twice a year. Upcharing up your rear end. Etc ... and if there's a project that looks great and actually makes it thru to Iger's desk when the CCP demands those additions, nothing will come to WDW. Bank on it.
So, chew on that a bit and pass the hot mustard. I can't get me enough of that stuff.
Oh, BTW, amusing anecdote, but both Bob Weis and MDE both steadfastly refuse to call TPFKaTD-MGMS by anything other than 'Disney-MGM' to this day. No DHS or soon to likely be DHA or something close.