A Spirited Perfect Ten


Well-Known Member
Most managers hire from inside out of a combination of fear and comfort. Employees that come recommended or are already known to the manager stand a much greater chance of getting interviewed and hired because there is already a level of comfort that they can and will perform the job. An external hire is unknown for the most part resulting in a higher level of risk and most managers are risk averse especially when they expect to have to deal with the consequences for a long time.
As a former manager (in my culinary days before my financial career change), I get that. I know I certainly hired the "good ones" I had worked with previously whenever possible.

That being said, it's important for an organization to bring in fresh blood and new ideas.


Well-Known Member
While I don't know this for sure, based on the multiple pricing roles I've applied for the past couple years, I believe most pricing-related functions at TDO are pure Finance-related (As they should be). Pricing/profitability should always be different business units from sales/marketing as this separation (theoretically) creates a healthy counterbalance and professional collaboration.

On a semi-related note, does anyone have any tips for getting a professional job at WDW? I've applied to over 20 Pricing Analyst (and similar) positions over the past 2 years or so, jobs based on their descriptions and my qualifications are tailor-made for me, but have yet to even get a single interview.

I'm wondering if there's some way to get my resume and cover letter in front of actual human eyes instead of their online automated system that filter out candidates. Can one apply at the casting center for these kind of positions and talk to a casting rep, or do they only take applications for park-level positions?

A professional position? Yeah… Professional internship. The networking. It's all who you know.

As for somebody who has years and years of real experience in the world? My advice is to find a different dream… it's not impossible But it's unlikely.


Well-Known Member
That's what I figured, but unfortunately don't know anyone in WDW finance. I plastered my cover letter with the fact my dad, brother and wife's grandfather we're long-time CM's hoping it would at least get me a nibble. Oh well.
Perhaps if you would send along an 8 x10 glossy of yourself wearing devil horns. I hear that upper management is rather nepotistic.


Well-Known Member
When the free market starts turning the tide on demands at WDW, there will be reason to focus more attention there.

The good news is that Disney as a company is doing so well financially that when the inevitable time comes when WDW will need a ton of investment to either fix problems or bring in more guests, they will be able to afford sizable investments. In fact, we may even be seeing such a plan now with alleged large investments in DHS.

I have a hope that we'll see some DCA level changes across the property for the 50th anniversary in 2021.


Well-Known Member
And I know as the head of the company, it's pretty easy to lay all the blame on Iger, but, and this is an honest question, just how much input and knowledge does he really have about the parks? I'd venture a guess not a whole lot. Others need to share in that blame. Of course I'm sure he has "final say" but I'm just curious about his true involvement and knowledge of everything that goes on. He seems to avoid WDW like the plague, to be honest.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
And I know as the head of the company, it's pretty easy to lay all the blame on Iger, but, and this is an honest question, just how much input and knowledge does he really have about the parks? I'd venture a guess not a whole lot. Others need to share in that blame. Of course I'm sure he has "final say" but I'm just curious about his true involvement and knowledge of everything that goes on. He seems to avoid WDW like the plague, to be honest.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
FYI, The drone videos that the kid posted of Avatar, Fireworks, Discovery Island, Universal, etc have all vanished today.
I wonder if he was blasted with a cease and desist letter (or worse. a bogus dcma).

speaking of DCMA, I used to get DCMAs on my youtube videos.. they were funny because they were never from companies related to the videos I had.
And when did a "counter" to DCMA, these "companies"' 's accounts.. vanished the next day.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
This argument is wrong, because Iger raises the price of the tickets when he hasnt added a SINGLE THING (other than DVC)
All he's done is TSMM and NFL, but as @WDW1974 said TSMM might have actually been approved under Eisner. That leaves NFL as the only thing Iger built so far in the 4 parks of WDW and he became CEO in 2005. That is just flat out disgusting.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps if you would send along an 8 x10 glossy of yourself wearing devil horns. I hear that upper management is rather nepotistic.
I've always heard its good to send at least 27 8x10 colored glossy pictures with circles and
Arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one.


Well-Known Member
All he's done is TSMM and NFL, but as @WDW1974 said TSMM might have actually been approved under Eisner. That leaves NFL as the only thing Iger built so far in the 4 parks of WDW and he became CEO in 2005. That is just flat out disgusting.

Ah, but you can't use both 'built' and subtract 'approved'. You need to judge by one or the other (and approved is really the more appropriate benchmark).

Iger has approved 4-5 major projects at WDW in his 10 year tenure.
1. NFL
2. My Magic+
3. Avatar
4. Disney Springs
*5. DHS redo (or at least the first portion of it).

I wouldn't say that's disgusting, it's not fantastic either, but it's most definitely not how the theme park community wishes the money had/is being spent.

I won't for a second argue with @ParentsOf4 great analysis though, we all know the company's attention has been about everywhere but WDW the past ten years. At least attention is finally starting to shift back towards the swamps.


Resident Curmudgeon
The good news is that Disney as a company is doing so well financially that when the inevitable time comes when WDW will need a ton of investment to either fix problems or bring in more guests, they will be able to afford sizable investments. In fact, we may even be seeing such a plan now with alleged large investments in DHS.

I have a hope that we'll see some DCA level changes across the property for the 50th anniversary in 2021.

Actually I don't think Disney WILL have the resources to invest because for the past few years most of Disney's free cash flow has been used to fund stock buybacks. Compared to most companies it's size Disney has a tiny cash hoard 3.4 Billion Dollars compared to Comcast's 5.8 Billion.

For instance Apple has cash on hand equal to Disney's entire market capitalization. No I don't think that Disney will have the resources to fund expansion it's been wasted on stock repurchases.


Resident Curmudgeon
I wonder if he was blasted with a cease and desist letter (or worse. a bogus dcma).

speaking of DCMA, I used to get DCMAs on my youtube videos.. they were funny because they were never from companies related to the videos I had.
And when did a "counter" to DCMA, these "companies"' 's accounts.. vanished the next day.

Or the FAA/DHS paid him a visit and he's on a C-130 bound for a unpleasant location somewhere


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Spirited Request For a Little Project:

If you were going to ask Bob Iger (along with Tom Staggs and Jay Rasulo) ONE question during the upcoming WDC shareholders meeting in San Francisco, what would it be? Simply place it in a post here or at the bottom of another post.

Who knows? That question might just be asked at said meeting.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
OK, I think we all know that I like @WDWFigment and agree with many of his views on things about the parks biz.

That said, in combing the Twitverse I read that he advises people to not rent cars when visiting WDW and I just don't know how many degrees of wrong that is. He feels it takes away from the ''resort experience''. My comeback to that is that TDO has done everything and anything possible to do just that over the last decade plus themselves. And I think it's dangerous to tell folks they don't need a rental because that basically tells them, despite all common sense to the contrary, that they should give Disney their $$$ for resorts and dining. And if they want to go to UNI 'for a day' they can simply take a cab or shuttle service.

My advice: whatever you do, don't visit WDW and be stuck in a Mouse Trap. You can have an amazingly great time, even if you (shudder!!!) leave EPCOT for dinner at Uno's or lunch at Chik-Fil-A. Really ...


Well-Known Member
Repentant Orc appears to have created a good composite for the kind of person who drops $2000+/night for the Poly bungalows.

The Polynesian bungalows are only for the "overwhelmed with guilt from spending time making money rather than with my children" market.

Polynesian Village bungalow 'Magical Celebration' packages include "Special Time With Dad (before he's sentenced for securities fraud)".

Polynesian Village bungalows are where children promise to call their mother's fourth husband "Dad" for the entire week.

"We're staying at the Polynesian Village bungalows for the children. Three nights of magical memories are much more important than college."

"Your Polynesian Village Bungalow® has selfie sticks permanently mounted at strategic spots all over the room for your convenience."


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
While I still have thoughts/observations (maybe even news) from WDW, I wanted to post a bit about HKDL ... because while I was enjoying EPCOT and Whoopi Goldberg telling the story about Baby Jesus a close associate was visiting my old 'home' park on Lantau. Long story short, but greatly respect this person's opinions and he had experienced Diagon Alley recently. His view on Mystic Manor was that it's the best attraction Disney (or anyone) has built in years. A true family fun ride that also had its thrills. An attraction that perfectly couples a ride system to effects to story. Again, I get that 99% of you (maybe 98%, hopefully) will never travel to HK. But I think it's important to know what Disney and UNI and others are building around the globe.

WDW gets the most basic of anything. It's sad, annoying, frustrating, but true.

For a resort that was built with layer upon layer of detail, it's not at all what it should be. But it is what it is.

Donald Razorduck

Well-Known Member
Another example is the New South China Mall, Unlike other malls which decay from loss of tenants this one has been 99% empty since it's opening. This particular mall is said to be the second largest in the world.

But it's got coasters
OK, I think we all know that I like @WDWFigment and agree with many of his views on things about the parks biz.

That said, in combing the Twitverse I read that he advises people to not rent cars when visiting WDW and I just don't know how many degrees of wrong that is. He feels it takes away from the ''resort experience''. My comeback to that is that TDO has done everything and anything possible to do just that over the last decade plus themselves. And I think it's dangerous to tell folks they don't need a rental because that basically tells them, despite all common sense to the contrary, that they should give Disney their $$$ for resorts and dining. And if they want to go to UNI 'for a day' they can simply take a cab or shuttle service.

My advice: whatever you do, don't visit WDW and be stuck in a Mouse Trap. You can have an amazingly great time, even if you (shudder!!!) leave EPCOT for dinner at Uno's or lunch at Chik-Fil-A. Really ...
We almost went car free for our Feb trip and the thinking was that if we needed a car for a day or two we'd rent on site. We decided against it as my boss demands I go over to Titusville and use up the gift card he gave me to eat at Dixie Crossroads. Tells me I'll love the rock shrimp. I have to show the bill for proof or pay him back. We are just going over there from the airport because of when we arrive.

As for what's outside the park. We have been buying discounited gift cards at Sam's with a cashback card for an effective discount near 15 percent plus some coupons for those brands.

I don't think I'd ever entertain buying direct from Disney but resale if I ever lose my sanity. I'm happy to rent points. I consider getting timeshare presentation freebies and not spending over the said alloted time for a presentation as a sport :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Have to admit that the more I think about that 2014 in review column by Blogging Foxxy, that I think the war has been lost. People who got hooked on Disney due to Walt ... due to DL ... due to WDW growing out of the swamp ... due to the amazing spectacle that was 1980s and into the 90s EPCOT Center ... even due to Michael Eisner's first 10-15 years with Disney ... we've all been beat by the newbs. The kiddies -- and adults -- who have either only been visiting in the 21st century or are simply BRAND addicts. Aided by Disney's relentless marketing and smarmy Social Media efforts in kissing up to Mommy Bloggers and well ... assorted misfits who will write or say anything to be accepted by cubicle dwellers in Celebration Place, the Dark Side has won.

Sure, we may get thrown a bone when they remove a giant cartoon hat a dozen years too late. But does any of it matter? What if there are things that are better or improved at WDW (and there absolutely are) if the entire product continues to be a lesser than one? A Walmarted one. A one where we stand out like there's something wrong with us because well we don't simply have familiarity with the WDW of old, we lived it ... from Treasure Island to River Country, from the Swan Boats to If You Had Wings, from shops with unique merchandise to restaurants with real menus, from Here's to the Future and You to A Year Long and A Smile Wide, from booking the Diamond Horseshoe Review on arrival to Jack Wagner on WDW Radio (the real deal, not whatever the Internet variety run by a slime bag), from Every Guest is a VIP to We Want Exceed Guests Expectations etc.?

I don't know, I really don't.

But this is a company that doesn't even have a Disney involved. This is a company that has fired or forced out more talent at Imagineering than it currently has. This is a company run by someone whose vision doesn't go beyond the next acquisition or playing with the next Apple toy like a typical 23-year-old with Daddy's Am Ex.

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