A Spirited Perfect Ten


Premium Member
The plot thickens. So the Marvel ride that's going to get substantial changes is either Hulk or Fearfall. I'd guess Hulk, although I can't see what would be done other than a coat of paint. Or if Fearfall's going away for an Avengers ride, that would be a substantial change...

Glad to hear Spidey's sticking around. I had a chance to ride it today middle seat, second row, and it's got to be a contender for all-time greatest ride.

What about Storm Force Accelatron?


Well-Known Member
People today are not fundamentally different than they were 30 or 50 years ago. Styles, tastes, and media formats have all naturally changed but the more basic elements of quality, value, and superior service along with the timeless desire for enjoyable or fulfilling experiences has not and never will.
First... I beg to differ. People and attitudes are way different then they were 50 years ago. The entitlement factor alone is enough to curdle milk. But, again, quality, value and superior service is not what we have been talking about. We have been talking about how a Disney Store is stocked with merchandise. QV&S are not even a part of the discussion.
Why? The parks are not aimed primarily at kids (well, they're not supposed to be anyway...) , so why then should the Disney stores have such a narrow focus? Plenty of adults around these parts who are consumers and fans of Disney; If the motivation is profit (obvious), why exclude so much of your market base?
Seriously, the difference between the focus at a Theme Park and that of a Store in the mall is huge. At a theme park (Disney in particular) you are surrounded by people that are also in a Theme park. The product being sold is completely different. People are not self conscience about being in a theme park with other theme park participants. There is a buffer, if you will, that allows you to relax and feel comfortable with that shared experience. A store in a mall, were all your neighbors can see you, where you basically have to have a kid in hand to feel comfortable inside a store that deals in make-believe is a completely different thing. That can and must be focused to a group that would not be subjected to ridicule for being there. Even if it is nothing more then imaginary ridicule. The very same reason why myself, as a 67 year old, overweight, bald man would have no reason to go to a Gap.
Was much of the custom merchandise removed from park shops because it didn't sell, or because someone sitting in a cubicle thought Disney could get higher margins from selling 1,000 of the same thing instead of 50 of twenty different designs. There is a reason we accuse Walt Disney World of pinching pennies while dollars fly over their heads.
Even if it is because of margin, it is the same thing. Knowing how Disney prices everything, if it had sold the margin would have been more then sufficient. It is much less expensive to sell one item for $100.00 that will sell, then four for $25.00. If sales had existed they would still be there. Yes, there is a reason why we accuse Disney of doing that pennies for dollars thing, however, that doesn't apply to this. Merchandise sales are very easy to track. If it sold well they would know it. Walt wasn't in the least bit concerned about how things sold in the original, diversified store setups. There was a reason for that... he didn't have a nickle invested in that merchandise. He leased out the space to independent vendors. He did that to basically pay for the buildings that they used to attempt to sell their merchandise. When they couldn't they left, but, by then the buildings were paid for and he could use them for whatever he wanted. There is no way to know how long he would have been willing to foot the bills for "atmosphere" with no return. My guess is that he was too smart to do it forever. He also didn't have a real handle on Disney stamped merchandise until just a short while before he died. He missed the boat on that for a long time.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Nah. I am sure it's simply tinfoil hat stuff. No billion dollar international media conglomerate could possibly ever track someone and get inside their systems.

Let's talk about the annual 24-hour day (nightmare for anyone not a Lifestyler?) that I told you was now an annual event a year ago or so. Or maybe that Disney's answer to having NO NEW PRODUCT in its Florida flagship resort this summer at all is to simply hope no one is tired of Frozen yet. ...Well, you can talk about those things, but I am in to harder news content.

#firewillowbay #disneycensors #IgerfumblesChina
I honestly dont think it would be a multi billion dollar computer.

Id say it would be most likely a crazy individual who has snorted too much of who knows what (in our case, pixy dust), could move his hacking skills or malware skills just to destroy someone they hate.
There as been news already of how some man hacked in to celebrity's phones or even their ex-girlfriend to leak nudes or destroy their lives like a pathetic manchild who cant accept a "NO".


Well-Known Member
I honestly dont think it would be a multi billion dollar computer.

Id say it would be most likely a crazy individual who has snorted too much of who knows what (in our case, pixy dust), could move his hacking skills or malware skills just to destroy someone they hate.
There as been news already of how some man hacked in to celebrity's phones or even their ex-girlfriend to leak nudes or destroy their lives like a pathetic manchild who cant accept a "NO".
Wait, so are we going to see nude pictures of '74?

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
It did very much on Hogsmeade at IOA. Much, much less involvement and oversight since. And that screen has been problematic since before the ride debutted.
I went to IOA in a privaty party this february (Hogsmeade all for us and only for us).. and I have to say that the forbidden journey screens were REALLY DIRTY.
infact, got quite dizzy thanks to the clear spots in the screens moving differently than what was projected.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Something I have been b i tching about for over a decade now.

They truly have the 'tude that 'they're tourists, they expect to sweat in Florida' ... except you know, they're inside massive showbuildings that they've paid thousands of dollars to experience.
It depends on your point of view too.
I really hate when the buildings are way too cold.
Its ok to have AC, but not to be 5-10 Celsius when outside is near 40C.
This can get you ill FAST.

this was a very common occurrence in the buses.
Despite some days being very cold (5-10C) on WDW on Feb, some buses still had the AC cranked to max.. the bus drivers of course.. had their amazing snow-day suits while the visitors were trembling.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Wait, so are we going to see nude pictures of '74?
Nemo.. please! :hilarious:

it was just an example that there are many people who have the skills to severely damage the systems, phones, computers..etc.. of an individual out of pure revenge... even if said revenge was fueled by childish stuff.
In this case.. @WDW1974 's comments about Willow.
You know that good ol' Iger is declared "untouchable" by pixie dusters.


Well-Known Member
First... I beg to differ. People and attitudes are way different then they were 50 years ago. The entitlement factor alone is enough to curdle milk. But, again, quality, value and superior service is not what we have been talking about. We have been talking about how a Disney Store is stocked with merchandise. QV&S are not even a part of the discussion.

Seriously, the difference between the focus at a Theme Park and that of a Store in the mall is huge. At a theme park (Disney in particular) you are surrounded by people that are also in a Theme park. The product being sold is completely different. People are not self conscience about being in a theme park with other theme park participants. There is a buffer, if you will, that allows you to relax and feel comfortable with that shared experience. A store in a mall, were all your neighbors can see you, where you basically have to have a kid in hand to feel comfortable inside a store that deals in make-believe is a completely different thing. That can and must be focused to a group that would not be subjected to ridicule for being there. Even if it is nothing more then imaginary ridicule. The very same reason why myself, as a 67 year old, overweight, bald man would have no reason to go to a Gap.

Even if it is because of margin, it is the same thing. Knowing how Disney prices everything, if it had sold the margin would have been more then sufficient. It is much less expensive to sell one item for $100.00 that will sell, then four for $25.00. If sales had existed they would still be there. Yes, there is a reason why we accuse Disney of doing that pennies for dollars thing, however, that doesn't apply to this. Merchandise sales are very easy to track. If it sold well they would know it. Walt wasn't in the least bit concerned about how things sold in the original, diversified store setups. There was a reason for that... he didn't have a nickle invested in that merchandise. He leased out the space to independent vendors. He did that to basically pay for the buildings that they used to attempt to sell their merchandise. When they couldn't they left, but, by then the buildings were paid for and he could use them for whatever he wanted. There is no way to know how long he would have been willing to foot the bills for "atmosphere" with no return. My guess is that he was too smart to do it forever. He also didn't have a real handle on Disney stamped merchandise until just a short while before he died. He missed the boat on that for a long time.
And you just keep ignoring the bankruptcy as though it never happened.


Well-Known Member
And you just keep ignoring the bankruptcy as though it never happened.

While Disney's choice to overexpand brought the chain to the brink, The Children's Place really finished the job and contributed to that bankruptcy in a big way.

Of course, i've always felt a big problem with the Disney Stores is how inconsistent they are in terms of design. There are still dozens of early 1990s-era pink and teal Disney Stores in existence, and there are so many different store designs in circulation (five in California off the top of my head) that it feels very haphazard. Our local Disney Store is one of the original fleet, and everything feels so worn and dated.
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Well-Known Member
The Co-Op has largely crap aimed at the fanbois in the Twitverse. It is cheap. It is Disney Parks designed (having a DL Tiki Birds poster on one side of a glass and a WDW PotC on the other, for instance) so it can (and is) sold all over the place.

Glad you mentioned that. I noticed a glass that said "Disney Adventureland." Not WDW or DL, just Disney.

And the attraction poster glasses are just stamped with the posters. Lazy design. There would be better ways to incorporate the poster designs onto a glass, but obviously that's too much trouble.


Well-Known Member
Glad you mentioned that. I noticed a glass that said "Disney Adventureland." Not WDW or DL, just Disney.

And the attraction poster glasses are just stamped with the posters. Lazy design. There would be better ways to incorporate the poster designs onto a glass, but obviously that's too much trouble.
If by "trouble, you mean expense, then I agree with you.


Well-Known Member
While Disney's choice to overexpand brought the chain to the brink, The Children's Place really finished the job and contributed to that bankruptcy in a big way.

Of course, i've always felt a big problem with the Disney Stores is how inconsistent they are in terms of design. There are still dozens of early 1990s-era pink and teal Disney Stores in existence, and there are so many different store designs in circulation (five in California off the top of my head) that it feels very haphazard. Our local Disney Store is one of the original fleet, and everything feels so worn and dated.
And how has the selection or the strategy changed in a meaningful ways from when The Children's Place? Disney is still using the same lousy strategy they have been since The Disney Store "had" to focus on children.


Well-Known Member
And how has the selection or the strategy changed in a meaningful ways from when The Children's Place? Disney is still using the same lousy strategy they have been since The Disney Store "had" to focus on children.

I'm not saying the strategy has changed, because it hasn't. I'm just saying the blame can certainly be spread around.


Well-Known Member
Disney doesn't create anymore. It buys the IP of others (who can). And relies on the knowledge of past characters.
I just want to know if Burton and Disney are using the elephants that Ringling Bros is retiring? :D

#firewillowbay #disneycensors #IgerfumblesChina

Tangled, Frozen, Tomorrowland......oh and Jack Sparrow was a Disney creation last I checked.

They may have bought Star Wars, but they created an entirely new story rather than use the one already outlined by Lucas.


Well-Known Member
Very strange things are happening now when I post here here. I am getting compueNo one is.n this case appearing on the left side of the screen. I can't help but think Zenia Mucha and company are playing games, unless @wdwmagic has an explanation. It is only happening on this site and I am now using a computer that I have NEVER posted from in my life. No one is silencing me, sorry.

EDIT: That is what I could post before leaving for another computer. But there is now a small number (338) in the left corner. Maybe it is keeping track of how often I have either posted on this thread or logged in. It is very strange and, no, wasn't happening until the last week.
I've seen this sort of thing happen on some computers. It occurs when a small piece of tin foil falls into the keyboard and the electromagnetic flux is disturbed.


Well-Known Member
And you just keep ignoring the bankruptcy as though it never happened.
No I'm not... neither you nor I have any idea why it happened. You say because they stopped catering to adults, I say because it was over priced and wasn't targeted at the proper audience. Bankruptcy can happen for many, many reasons. Many of them having nothing to do with mis-management. Economic times alone can cause it. So, I'm not ignoring it, it's just that since I have no solid way of identifying the underlying reasons for it feel it is not relevant to the conversation. It proves or disproves absolutely nothing.

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