A Spirited Perfect Ten

Arthur Wellesley

Well-Known Member
That said, gotta love what I am hearing about the Kidzone replacement. Lots of high quality family attractions (multiple) be coming and they sound way kewl.
While this is good news, I am fearing the worst for E.T. Not only a great ride, but hands-down one of the best themed queues in Central Fla.
Yes, an attraction on Marvel Superhero island will be seeing major changes. No, Disney isn't getting the Hulk moved to EPCOT (sorry fanbois).
Just a shot in the dark...Spidey into an Avengers ride.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
A tidbit that all the Apple dweebs here will love, but expect an announcement of the Apple Store at TSFKaDD imminently.. VERY soon.

Also, expect Volcano Bay to debut within two years at UNI. Centerpiece ride will be way kewl, and the Tiki theming might get @EPCOT Explorer in a bathing suit, although I doubt it. The rest of the park will be more along the line of what Disney and SEAS offer at their water parks.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
While this is good news, I am fearing the worst for E.T. Not only a great ride, but hands-down one of the best themed queues in Central Fla.

Just a shot in the dark...Spidey into an Avengers ride.

Since you are the only one seemingly (beyond my 'friends' at TWDC) still awake (has your AC been dead for five nights now and is it 79 in your cave too?) I'll answer out of order here.

I have heard nothing to signify ET will be leaving. I certainly hope it stays. I love it.

And, no. Spidey will be right where he is for a long time with our favorite web-slinger.

But it really looks like he is headed to the Paris Studios Park to replace Aerosmith on RnRC.
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Well-Known Member
while it looks really good, I still do not see much "expansion" here.
Also, will there be Planes related stuff?
the whole theme reminds me of the second planes movie.

Probably a mistake on Disney's part to call it an expansion versus a remodel. No biggie but dang, I think that based on the artwork they hit a home run. It ties in incredibly well with Grizzly Peak and brings cohesion to that whole area now. Unfortunately, since we no longer have AP's it will be awhile before we get to see it in person.

Arthur Wellesley

Well-Known Member
Since you are the only one seemingly (beyond my 'friends' at TWDC) still awake (has your AC been dead for five nights now and is it 79 in your cave too?) I'll answer out of order here.
It's actually in the 40's up here right now. Very much enjoying this small break between griping about the cold, and the upcoming griping about the heat. It's not a long timeframe...but we enjoy it while it lasts.
I have heard nothing to signify ET will be leaving.
This makes my soul happy. :happy:


Well-Known Member
Since you are the only one seemingly (beyond my 'friends' at TWDC) still awake (has your AC been dead for five nights now and is it 79 in your cave too?) I'll answer out of order here.

I have heard nothing to signify ET will be leaving. I certainly hope it stays. I love it.

And, no. Spidey will be right where it is for a long time with our favorite web-aligned.

But it really looks like he is headed to the Paris Studios Park to replace Aerosmith on RnRC.

The plot thickens. So the Marvel ride that's going to get substantial changes is either Hulk or Fearfall. I'd guess Hulk, although I can't see what would be done other than a coat of paint. Or if Fearfall's going away for an Avengers ride, that would be a substantial change...

Glad to hear Spidey's sticking around. I had a chance to ride it today middle seat, second row, and it's got to be a contender for all-time greatest ride.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
More bizarre issues trying to get on this site. Hey, Zenia, if you want me, you know exactly where I am and how to reach me.

A tidbit that all the Apple dweebs here will love, but expect an announcement of the Apple Store at TSFKaDD imminently.. VERY soon.

Also, expect Volcano Bay to debut within two years at UNI. Centerpiece ride will be way kewl, and the Tiki theming might get @EPCOT Explorer in a bathing suit, although I doubt it. The rest of the park will be more along the line of what Disney and SEAS offer at their water parks.
Since you are the only one seemingly (beyond my 'friends' at TWDC) still awake (has your AC been dead for five nights now and is it 79 in your cave too?) I'll answer out of order here.

I have heard nothing to signify ET will be leaving. I certainly hope it stays. I love it.

And, no. Spidey will be right where it is for a long time with our favorite web-aligned.

But it really looks like he is headed to the Paris Studios Park to replace Aerosmith on RnRC.
2 years for Volcano Bay? They just continue to surprise me with how they can get stuff done. Nice to hear E.T. and Spidey are safe. Can't wait for all this to come around, and all before Disney opens Star Wars. Really makes you think.


Well-Known Member
More bizarre issues trying to get on this site. Hey, Zenia, if you want me, you know exactly where I am and how to reach me.

A tidbit that all the Apple dweebs here will love, but expect an announcement of the Apple Store at TSFKaDD imminently.. VERY soon.

Also, expect Volcano Bay to debut within two years at UNI. Centerpiece ride will be way kewl, and the Tiki theming might get @EPCOT Explorer in a bathing suit, although I doubt it. The rest of the park will be more along the line of what Disney and SEAS offer at their water parks.

Are you using Mac or PC? I dont think you're a "cult of Jobs" person. Ive done my best to lock down everything without using a couple of commercially available firewalls and a proxy service.

You might want to talk to tech support (like @Lee) and see if theres anything "interesting" suddenly on your computer. I'm not thinking it would be mouse related, as they already know you. Alas China may be very interested.


Well-Known Member
The plot thickens. So the Marvel ride that's going to get substantial changes is either Hulk or Fearfall. I'd guess Hulk, although I can't see what would be done other than a coat of paint. Or if Fearfall's going away for an Avengers ride, that would be a substantial change...

Glad to hear Spidey's sticking around. I had a chance to ride it today middle seat, second row, and it's got to be a contender for all-time greatest ride.

Why would they touch the Hulk? Its insanely popular. Its my favorite steel roller coaster. Up there with Alpengeist and Apollo's Chariot at BGW.

God i miss riding rollercoasters.


Well-Known Member
Spirited Monday Musings:

Another day, another day with no photographic proof that any member ... current member of Disney's leadership team has ever been to the SDL site. Yep, still no Bob Iger at SDL site selfie. Maybe Disney is waiting for Beijing approval to release a pic at the shareholders meeting Thursday. That sure would show me. Put me in my place and totally (not) explain why there hasn't been one since the construction began four years ago.

I think this may be a very interesting meeting.:D:devilish::cool:

Sure, I know I have a large ... um ... Ego and all, but why are all the devices I use to post on this site suddenly acting 'screwy' in the last five or six days, since I spoke with USC officials' and reporters? I'm sure it's just because I haven't worn my mouse-ear tinfoil hat this year while posting.

So, now we have folks looking to take what seems like awfully personal shots at the author of the HuffPo story ''Disney CEO Fumbles Entry to China'' Nah, I'm sure nothing odd there at all.

Gotta love Billionaire Bunny lapdog Phil Dauman telling the Deutsche Bank Media confab today that Nickelodeon is the ''only place to go'' for marketers who want to reach broad audiences of kids and families. I am sure Gary Snyder told him to take that shot at Dizzy.

I have to admit that UNI fanbois who think their company is run so much better than Disney should really spend a few hours talking to a UNI Creative. It seems that UNI is largely creating great product despite incompetence that is almost Disney worthy. I talked to a friend at length over the weekend and I wish I were allowed to tell a few tales. UNI is getting by because their utter stupidity at high levels is being covered up by actual quality product in the parks.

That is the only difference between them and Disney. Really.

That said, gotta love what I am hearing about the Kidzone replacement. Lots of high quality family attractions (multiple) be coming and they sound way kewl.

Yes, an attraction on Marvel Superhero island will be seeing major changes. No, Disney isn't getting the Hulk moved to EPCOT (sorry fanbois).

No, Star Trek isn't coming to UNI right now and, quite possibly, ever.

Does it bother me that WDW fanbois are largely so ignorant that they can't see what is really important and focus on waterfalls at the Poly and the truly odd and out of place Hub that is being created at the MK? Nah, I gave up on the fan community many years ago. They just want Disney to notice them and give them free stuff and lend them some degree of cred in the community.

#firewillowbay #disneycensors

I agree with your assessment of Universal Creative. For me, it goes beyond their obsession with using screens and they seem to view it as a shortcut. Gringotts has a handful of pretty scenes and effects, but those screens distract you so much from them! Like, next time you ride gringotts, don't even bother putting the goggles on. Instead, just look at everything except the screen. You will see how they do the realistic waterfall, the random "other cart" sound effect after the drop and many other things. If they would have toned down the screens and just went for a beautiful screen/dark ride hybrid like Spiderman, I would have liked the ride.


Well-Known Member
Why would they touch the Hulk? Its insanely popular. Its my favorite steel roller coaster. Up there with Alpengeist and Apollo's Chariot at BGW.

God i miss riding rollercoasters.

How long has it been since you've made it up here to Ohio to ride? If you're an Alpengeist fan, you really need to give Kings Island's Banshee a whirl. Holy smokes. Diamondback is also a very similar ride to Apollo, although the Hammerhead element just takes up track where more airtime could have been inserted. Not unlike Magnum's pretzel.


Well-Known Member
This post sounds so strangely familiar. Just a coincidence I am sure. ;)

Or do you know the writer personally because it sure seems that way? So how do you know he's being silent? Just because you haven't read about it? How do you know he's a billionaire? Did he steal your bong at a frat party at Yale? Beat you on the horsies in the pool in that rich kid sport , water polo? Hit your 98 Fiat with his new Ferrari and run?

What exactly were his allegations because I missed them? How did he libel anyone? And how do you know Disney threatened him?

You love to run off at the mouth, and much like when you've backed trolls here, you're on the wrong side. No surprise at all.

#firewillowbay #disneycensors #IgerfumblesChina
Unless the discussion is about important matters like smoke stacks or decent coffee, Mr Iger can do no wrong...

Mike S

Well-Known Member
I agree with your assessment of Universal Creative. For me, it goes beyond their obsession with using screens and they seem to view it as a shortcut. Gringotts has a handful of pretty scenes and effects, but those screens distract you so much from them! Like, next time you ride gringotts, don't even bother putting the goggles on. Instead, just look at everything except the screen. You will see how they do the realistic waterfall, the random "other cart" sound effect after the drop and many other things. If they would have toned down the screens and just went for a beautiful screen/dark ride hybrid like Spiderman, I would have liked the ride.
Um, isn't that exactly what they did? But they threw in the coaster elements as well?


Well-Known Member
while it looks really good, I still do not see much "expansion" here.
Also, will there be Planes related stuff?
the whole theme reminds me of the second planes movie.
You could argue that it's an expansion to the Grizzly Peak area into the Condor Flats area, but a true park expansion, it is not.


Well-Known Member
More bizarre issues trying to get on this site. Hey, Zenia, if you want me, you know exactly where I am and how to reach me.

A tidbit that all the Apple dweebs here will love, but expect an announcement of the Apple Store at TSFKaDD imminently.. VERY soon.

Also, expect Volcano Bay to debut within two years at UNI. Centerpiece ride will be way kewl, and the Tiki theming might get @EPCOT Explorer in a bathing suit, although I doubt it. The rest of the park will be more along the line of what Disney and SEAS offer at their water parks.
Is Volcano Bay your new nickname for Iger's wife?


Well-Known Member
Are you using Mac or PC? I dont think you're a "cult of Jobs" person. Ive done my best to lock down everything without using a couple of commercially available firewalls and a proxy service.

You might want to talk to tech support (like @Lee) and see if theres anything "interesting" suddenly on your computer. I'm not thinking it would be mouse related, as they already know you. Alas China may be very interested.
Or the NSA...


Well-Known Member
While this is good news, I am fearing the worst for E.T. Not only a great ride, but hands-down one of the best themed queues in Central Fla.

Just a shot in the dark...Spidey into an Avengers ride.

I'd love this for a KidZone revamp/expansion:

E.T. gets a massive upgrade
  • Spaceship ride vehicles brought back to allow everyone an opportunity to ride
  • Revamped AAs and finale
  • Immersive queue
  • Better facade
  • Entrance relocated to Hollywood next to Allah
KidZone Pizza rethemed to Chum Bucket or Weenie Hut Jrs.

Animal Actors, Fievel, Barney, Curious George, Nuthouse all leveled

Universal buys out Busch/Seaworld, gets the US rights to Sesame Street

New attractions
  • SpongeBob: E-ticket Splash Battle/water ride, Chum Bucket, Weenie Hut Jrs, Jellyfish flat ride
  • TMNT: stunt show, pizza parlor
  • Sesame Street: trackless dark ride, M&Gs, Hooper's Store
  • Curious George: M&Gs, Casey Jr. esque train ride or Treasure Hunters esque car ride
  • Dora: mini-chairswings (32" height requirement), M&Gs
  • Woody Woodpecker: stage show & M&Gs
  • Scooby-Doo family coaster (38"-42" height requirement)
That sort of KidZone would be on par with what MK currently offers at Fantasyland... at least, teens and adults can have some fun in this one (SpongeBob E-ticket, TMNT stunt show, Scooby Doo coaster, possibly Sesame Street trackless dark ride).

I'm interested to hear what IPs are in these kewl new attractions for KidZone


Well-Known Member
Since colleges and universities rarely fire anybody, we should really call it #nonrenewwillowbay.

Of course if she actually was qualified to be a director with tenure included she would be protected. I maintain there is a quid pro quo agreement, perhaps not on paper, but in networking opportunities. USC must believe she can help students get internships, employment, and provide speakers in the field if she is in this position. This, my friends is a conflict of interest. Unfortunately it happens all over. Business leaders are put on boards so that they open "partnerships" which benefit the college and its students.

And @ford91exploder is correct in that most colleges are faculty governed. It is a requirement of accreditation that the college be governed by several entities with each having representation at the decision making table. Trustees, faculty, staff and administration, classified employees all should have input into decisions. The accrediting bodies seek to find examples where this happens. USC won't lose accreditation nor the department but it might come up when they are reviewed. Faculty councils are like a pack of wolves. I have seen faculty members tear each other and administrative staff to shreds with their rhetoric. When they are protected with tenure it gets even more dramatic.

edit: #nonrenewwillowbay

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