Don't encourage the class clown of MAGIC Land. Please ...
Has there ever been any indication that I need encouraging? I thought about accusing you of using your power on magic to silence me and remove my posts, but lately, I'm trying to be more circumspect.
On a serious note, I'm with you all the way on this one. Burying that news piece isn't right. I'm old enough that I have a couple of friends who work/used to work for newspapers and I've told them about it. For you youngsters out there, a newspaper is typically actual paper with an ink that rubs off after contact with anything. This ink is the source of your elder's wisdom since we've absorbed 17 metric tonnes of it through our skin.
I don't blog, read blogs, or tweets for the most part, so I'm not any help at all with the new media. When I say for the most part, what I mean is that about twice a year I log into twitter just so I can read 100 posts or so from that fake EPCOT Centre account all at once. Though I've been accused, I can honestly say I'm not that dude.
I know you don't want us to know what you do and want your privacy and I want to make clear to everyone I have no idea what you do, but I would guess you're in media (not much of a guess based on some of the clues you've dropped). For a while I thought it was TV, but now I think you're a writer (to be clear, all random hand waving on my part with only the evidence available in these here threads). Anyway, I think when something like this Willow Bay, Bob Iger, Huff Po, popularity of Disney characters with the mainland Chinese, 800 million missing dollars things pops up you should start a separate thread for four reasons. 1) It is worthy of its own thread , 2) I think the discussion would be more on point and those that also work in the business or spend a lot of time tweeting and the like could comment on things like the Mr. Bricker Huff Po discussion. In here, you've got long running conversations about the Hub, is slave Leia going to be part of any SW expansion, cheese steaks, should deodorant be worn on a theme park day, etc. You should link to the new thread in here. For me, threads like that would be interesting reads even if I never commented and I bet you'd still get plenty of comments to keep the thread on the front page for a while. It might even morph into a whole blogger, Disney media thing on its own. 3) You spend a lot of time thinking about this stuff and work in the media industry (maybe, I want to be clear to everyone out there this is just conjecture). 4) Properly titled, threads on topics like these could really be effective and turn heads. Right now, folks at Disney if they are concerned about magic activity on this topic at all might be thinking, "well this is confined to all the weirdos who look in Garnock's (once again, I want to be clear I am guessing at your name, but I bet I'm right on this one) thread", whereas an appropriate thread with a salacious title that made it quite clear what the topic was could really grab some bigwig by the proverbial balls, plus even get a few new eyeballs on this here site.
He IS good his stuff is better by far than the stuff by the departed Mr Thick.
I'm not trying to get free Disney vacations, so I'm not working from some idiotic premise like EPCOT is in the best shape it has ever been in and is the premier vacation destination in the world right now.