A Spirited Perfect Ten

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
So you are saying that Bob Iger deciding to allow a Star Wars trailer to be released the same week as Ultron caused people to not go see the movie and is evidence that his meddling caused Ultron to be "subpar." Do I have that correct?
are you joking or you're usually this dense? :cautious:

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Well, "subpar" is a opinion. Age of Ultron was generally given positive reviews and made a ton of money. I would agree that it wasn't as good as The Avengers which seems to be the consensus (though obviously there are some who would disagree with that even) but that doesn't mean the film wasn't quality in isolation. AoU was a perfectly enjoyable film in its own sake.

Regardless, if you are going to criticize Iger and Company for Age of Ultron -- I'm sure many CEOs would love to have "subpar" films which gross $1.4B -- then you have to praise them for The Avengers. It came out in 2012 under Disney management (they bought Marvel in 2009) and for better or worse revolutionized movie franchises. Not to mention a number of very well regarded Marvel films have been produced under Disney's ownership (Guardians of the Galaxy, The Winter Soldier, Ant-Man, etc.). In fact, the MCU movie that was both the greatest critical and commercial "failure" was The Incredible Hulk, made before Disney took over.

Again, I'll say, if Iger and his ilk "meddling" has lead to the MCU films and The Force Awakens, I can only hope they continue to "meddle" as they have done. Because they've been great.
pretty sure that most of the MCU movies were already written and ready to be filmed by the time Disney bought them.
they just expanded the screening and advertisement power.
I still do not see why you first praise the new movies of MCU then you then try to excuse yourself with the "generally good opinions" and "hey it made 1+ billions!" making money doesnt mean its good technically.
again.. transformers franchise.. fine example of this.

I know I'm a bit behind (slowly catching up) but this makes the most sense out of all posts relating to the Lucas incident in this thread that I've seen yet. He has not been wronged by Disney at all. He made his bed and now he has to lie in it.
Lucas is probably jealous that Disney trashed a lot of the line he expected of episode 7 and then broke all records on disney's hands, including trashing the expanded universe that gave him bootloads of money.


Well-Known Member
are you joking or you're usually this dense? :cautious:

I guess I'm dense. Explain his comments to me.

Ultron came out the same week Disney released the Star Wars trailer with Han Solo. Any momentum Ultron had was almost forgotten because the Star Wars hype machine had begun and there was no turning back. Now I don't know the specifics but I can't see something like that happening without Iger saying yes, but I do feel, and this is my opinion, that it took away from the Avengers 2 opening because people were all aboard the SW's bandwagon.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Where precisely in the script does it call for General Leia to be the same svelte bikini-clad princess we experienced in RotJ? I'm not getting this at all.

Why does it matter if General Leia isn't skinny? What does that have to do with anything?

And yes... it is body shaming. Absolutely. Carrie devotes several minutes of Wishful Drinking to the mythology around that bikini-clad image that fans (mostly males) expect her to adhere to for the rest of her life. Get real. She didn't sign any contract promising to remain skinny in perpetuity. That's the fans' problem. Not hers.

So stop with the "she should have lost weight to prepare for the role" nonsense. You and others are simply ticked off because she no longer looks like she did 40 years ago. :rolleyes:
a million times this!

I didnt know a female general would have to parade in a bikini instead of in a real officer or representative suit.
the claim about her losing weight is ridiculous.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
So..... people are really whining and crying over Disney extending the Osborne Lights?
I was there on the 1st. infact, Im currently writing this from old key west DVC.

DHS was packed and the osborne light area was full. It was beautiful to see that show finally.
So no idea why people would whine about expanding them.
If they are going to go, and its full to the seams, then expand it!
Reminds me of the CATS musical final season.



btw, big surprise..
Expensive resorts like the contemporary are seriously dirty and seem to lack cleaning CMS (.. that is a deluxe?)
Old key west looks very good, But I was surprised how good POR looked (riverside) which is a moderate..


Well-Known Member
So you think Age of Ultron lost money for Disney?
I never made any such comment or claim, but that Age of Ultron disappointed some at Disney shows the extreme nature of the strategy. A film being one of the top ten highest grossing films and being a disappointment is insane.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
So is today the last official day of the current version of Soarin?
I hope so, while the ride was good.. the screens were very dirty... and you could see the panels of the screens.

also,some of the tunnels to the "hangars" were open, leaving everything visible on the ceiling (pipes, cables..etc..)
not to mention that during december 31, they opened many pathways, including one near backstrage to soaring for Fastpass.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
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Im currently debating the same. as I see many members talking to noone and I'm scratching my head.


Well-Known Member
I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content" I will not click on "show ignored content"
Come on... touch it... You know you want to.


Well-Known Member
pretty sure that most of the MCU movies were already written and ready to be filmed by the time Disney bought them.

That's an interesting claim. Can you support it? Because Disney took over Marvel in 2009, which was pretty early in the MCU's existence. Most of the Phase 1 films where in some level of development at that point and there was always a plan to build to The Avengers from the start of the MCU. But basically all of the Phase 2 films were developed and produced under Disney's auspices. In fact,Marvel Studios has a rep for a very fast production time from earliest drafts to release with films going from blue sky to hitting theaters often in 3 years or less.

Shane Black was hired in early 2011 to write and direct Iron Man 3 and it came out in 2013. Don Payne was hired to write the script for Thor: The Dark World in 2011 and the move came out in late 2013. The Winter Soldier does seem to have been in development relatively early, as Markus and McFeely were already on board to write a script by 2011 for the 2014 but still seemed to have been fully developed under Disney. The first drafts of the Guardians of the Galaxy script were only made in 2011 and it was reportedly re-writter in 2012 by James Gunn and the move came out in 2014. And, of course, Ant-Man's script was famously reworked after Edgar Wright left production a bit over a year before the films release and Adam McKay and Paul Rudd modified it.

My point being, even if some early blue sky ideas where out there for film topics, this stuff was actually fleshed out and made under Disney's ownership and they could, if they were inclined, have "mettled" quite a bit. And yet we've been getting solid films again and again.

they just expanded the screening and advertisement power.

And have made damn good movies.

I still do not see why you first praise the new movies of MCU then you then try to excuse yourself with the "generally good opinions" and "hey it made 1+ billions!" making money doesnt mean its good technically.
again.. transformers franchise.. fine example of this.

The Transformers movies are wildly panned by critics and the viewing public alike. That's a terrible counter point to the MCU films which have all scored well on composite critical sites (e.g. Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic). That's not fanboys hyping them, but actual professional movie reviewers. The MCU have been nothing like the Transformers films in terms of reception.

There's no perfect objective measure to determine a film's quality. There can always be arguments over how "good" a movie is. However, it would be tough to make a case that the MCU films have not consistently gotten generally positive reception by pretty much everyone -- professional critics, fanboys, casual moviegoers, etc. The box office receipts are reflective of this positive reception, as is the strong value the MCU brand has among moviegoers.
Last edited:


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Premium Member
a million times this!

I didnt know a female general would have to parade in a bikini instead of in a real officer or representative suit.
the claim about her losing weight is ridiculous.
Everything I have Googled indicates that both she and Hamill were paid "in the low seven figures range". i.e. - more than a million dollars.

For a million bucks, do her employers not have the right to dictate her look?

I'm probably going to take some heat for this, but I'll say it anyway - men generally age better than women. More importantly, they are allowed to age, more so than their female counterparts.

I for one, do not want to see a fat Princess Leia. Not even in her current role of a General.

For a million dollar paycheque, I'd happily join a gym, drop some weight, dye my hair, and get a decent hairstyle.

Plus, she gets to be a part of what will surely be the highest earning movie (for now, if not forever), you'd think she'd want to look her best!


Well-Known Member
Everything I have Googled indicates that both she and Hamill were paid "in the low seven figures range". i.e. - more than a million dollars.

For a million bucks, do her employers not have the right to dictate her look?

I'm probably going to take some heat for this, but I'll say it anyway - men generally age better than women. More importantly, they are allowed to age, more so than their female counterparts.

I for one, do not want to see a fat Princess Leia. Not even in her current role of a General.

For a million dollar paycheque, I'd happily join a gym, drop some weight, dye my hair, and get a decent hairstyle.

Plus, she gets to be a part of what will surely be the highest earning movie (for now, if not forever), you'd think she'd want to look her best!

I'm the worlds greatest secret agent and I'd totally go home with her right now. I'm assuming that's what she meant when she asked me to "feed her dog"


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Premium Member
I'm the worlds greatest secret agent and I'd totally go home with her right now. I'm assuming that's what she meant when she asked me to "feed her dog"
For the record, while she was told to lose 35 lbs, Hamill was ordered to lose 50!
Ford has kept himself in decent enough shape (a younger wife and an active career will do that) was issued no such edict.

I know it's a secret and all, but who is the world's greatest secret agent?


Well-Known Member
I was there on the 1st. infact, Im currently writing this from old key west DVC.

DHS was packed and the osborne light area was full. It was beautiful to see that show finally.
So no idea why people would whine about expanding them.
If they are going to go, and its full to the seams, then expand it!
Reminds me of the CATS musical final season.

View attachment 125156

View attachment 125157

btw, big surprise..
Expensive resorts like the contemporary are seriously dirty and seem to lack cleaning CMS (***.. that is a deluxe?)
Old key west looks very good, But I was surprised how good POR looked (riverside) which is a moderate..
Shhhh. Don't tell anyone else about Port Orleans River

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