I don't see what the big deal is about Disney fans becoming Star Wars fans. Is it really any different than a trusted friend convincing you to watch a film?
Many folks trust Disney to deliver entertainment to them, and now Disney is producing SW and Marvel content.
Are Disney fans supposed to just ignore it?
No, WDW1974 has a weird blind spot where he thinks there are legions of people who will hype up anything from the Disney company
just because it comes from Disney. He's convinced that there are boatloads of such people who where apathetic towards, ignorant of or even disliked stuff like Marvel or Star Wars and then
instantly started following/liking/promoting those things simply because it was now Disney in charge of them.
Now, I'm not going to say that
no such people exist -- it's a large world and there's certainly some crazy folks, so there probably are a few dozen extreme Disney fanatics who will obsessively like anything the company puts out simply because it is Disney. And these are folks who might have previously hated Marvel or Star Wars.
But again, we are talking about such a ridiculously small number of people out of the million and millions of folks who legitimately love these films that it just seems silly to even mention or dwell on it as anything of consequence. A ton of people liked Star Wars before, a ton like it now, probably more than before -- is any increase in numbers due to some blind loyalty towards Disney or is it due to marketing/hype/cultural awareness/etc? I mean, people like popular things and when something captures the public's consciousness, it's likely to pick up more fans. That's what we are seeing here, not zombie-like praise for something purely because it is made by Disney.
The irony is that you saw a ton more "I'm afraid that Disney will screw up Marvel [or Star Wars]" types comments out there when Disney took over than you saw Disney loyalists instantly flipping to hyping said products. If anything, Disney had to win people over who were skeptical or concerned about their ownership of the IPs. To their credit, they've done that with both their MCU films and now with SW Episode VII