Premium Member
I'm all for creative people producing quality works and for the pencil pushers to back off and let them do their job*. That said, Lucas long ago went off the deep end in terms of being able to produce quality films. He surely has vision but he's gotten to a point where he has been doing (far) more harm to Star Wars than good. So, sure, I'd like to have a "creative person" in charge of making movies; but I wouldn't want Lucas to be in charge of them at this point in his life, not if I was hoping for a quality film.
*To be honest, I completely believe that Iger and other Disney higher ups don't really interfere with the studios much at all. I think Feige for Marvel, Kennedy for Lucasfilm and Lasseter for Pixar/Disney Animation pretty much have free reign to execute their creative visions.
You really think that merchandise juggernaut of the last 5 months was the execution and brainchild of k Kennedy?